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EDEXCEL AS/AL Psychology: Spearman's Rho

EDEXCEL AS/AL Psychology: Spearman's Rho

Short notes outlining the calculation process of Spearman’s Rho - made specifically for the EDEXCEL AS biological psychology unit, but can be used for other exam boards. Feel free to edit, remove or add anything you wish, but please do not reupload.
EDEXCEL AS/AL Psychology: Correlation

EDEXCEL AS/AL Psychology: Correlation

Short notes outlining correlation, including its strengths and weaknesses - made specifically for the EDEXCEL AS biological psychology unit, but can be used for other exam boards. Feel free to edit, remove or add anything you wish, but please do not reupload.
EDEXCEL AS/AL: COG PSYCH - Mann U and Wilcoxon

EDEXCEL AS/AL: COG PSYCH - Mann U and Wilcoxon

Short notes outlining the calculation process of Mann U and Wilcoxon - made specifically for the EDEXCEL AS/AL cognitive psychology unit, but can be used for other exam boards. Feel free to edit, remove or add anything you wish, but please do not reupload.
EDEXCEL AS/AL BIO PSYCH: Hormones and Aggression  - Study Notes

EDEXCEL AS/AL BIO PSYCH: Hormones and Aggression - Study Notes

Very informative notes discussing hormones and aggression for biological psychology (as per the EDEXCEL AS/AL specification). There are 3 pages covering the endocrine system, testosterone (+ its role in ageing), research supporting hormones as an explanation, causes and consequences of high testosterone, cortisol and aggression, and evaluating hormones as an explanation of aggression. Also includes some short exam questions. I myself am a student, and I created this resource using information from a combination of resources I was given by and made by my teachers, the textbook (Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book), and my own extensive research. Feel free to edit, add, and remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload.
EDEXCEL AS Cognitive and Social Psychology - Summary Revision Mindmaps

EDEXCEL AS Cognitive and Social Psychology - Summary Revision Mindmaps

Short revision slides covering the multi-store model, working memory model, social impact theory, realistic conflict theory, and social identity theory (as per the Edexcel AL specification). Evaluations for these are included. The evaluations use SCOUT: supporting evidence, challenges, other explanations, usefulness, and testability. I myself am a student, and I created this resource using information from a combination of resources I was given by my teachers, the textbook (Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book), and my own extensive research. Feel free to edit, add, and remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload. Thank you.
EDEXCEL AL Clinical Psychology 'Treating Depression' Slides

EDEXCEL AL Clinical Psychology 'Treating Depression' Slides

Very detailed, informative slides discussing all that students need to know for the ‘treating depression’ aspect of clinical psychology (as per the Edexcel AL specification). I myself am a student, and I created this resource using information from a combination of resources I was given by and made by my teachers, the textbook (Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book), and my own extensive research. There are 6 total slides covering drug therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, and evaluations. Also includes practice exam questions. Feel free to edit, add, and remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload. Thank you.
EDEXCEL AS/AL: BIO PSYCH - Adoption Studies

EDEXCEL AS/AL: BIO PSYCH - Adoption Studies

Very informative notes discussing asoption studies for biological psychology (as per the EDEXCEL AS/AL specification). I myself am a student, and I created this resource using information from a combination of resources I was given by and made by my teachers, the textbook (Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book), and my own extensive research. There are 3 pages covering adoption studies, their evaluation, and Heston (1966) as an example adoption study (+ evaluation). Feel free to edit, add, and remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload.
EDEXCEL AS/AL: COG PSYCH - Reconstructive Memory Theory Notes

EDEXCEL AS/AL: COG PSYCH - Reconstructive Memory Theory Notes

Very informative notes discussing Reconstructive Memory Theory (Bartlett, 1932) for cognitive psychology (as per the Edexcel AL specification). I myself am a student, and I created this resource using information from a combination of resources I was given by and made by my teachers, the textbook (Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book), and my own extensive research. There are 3 pages covering schema theory, the war of the ghosts experiment, and evaluation. Feel free to edit, add, and remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload.
EDEXCEL AS/AL BIO. PSYCH: CNS, Neurons, and Drugs - Study Notes

EDEXCEL AS/AL BIO. PSYCH: CNS, Neurons, and Drugs - Study Notes

Very detailed, informative notes discussing all students need to know about the central nervous system, neurons, and recreational drugs for biological psychology (as per the Edexcel AS/AL specification). I myself am a student, and I created this resource using information from a combination of resources I was given by and made by my teachers, the textbook (Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book), and my own extensive research. There are 5 pages covering the CNS, structure and role of the neuron, synaptic transmission (+ evaluation), neurotransmitters (+ excitation and inhibition), the effect of recreational drugs (on the CNS transmission process: + mode of action, reward pathways, dopamine system, individual differences, and how these processes can lead to addiction). Feel free to edit, add, and remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload. Thank you.
EDEXCEL AL Clinical Psychology 'Explaining Depression' Slides

EDEXCEL AL Clinical Psychology 'Explaining Depression' Slides

Very detailed, informative slides discussing all that students need to know for the ‘explaining depression’ aspect of clinical psychology (as per the Edexcel AL specification). I myself am a student, and I created this resource using information from a combination of resources I was given by and made by my teachers, the textbook (Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book), and my own extensive research. There are 9 total slides covering the features and symptoms, monoamine hypothesis, cognitive explanation, and evaluation for everything where it’s needed. Also includes practice exam questions. Feel free to edit, add, and remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload. Thank you.
EDEXCEL AL Clinical Psychology - Carlsson et al. (1999) Study Notes

EDEXCEL AL Clinical Psychology - Carlsson et al. (1999) Study Notes

Very detailed, informative notes discussing all that students need to know about the Carlsson et al. (1999) study for clinical psychology (as per the Edexcel AL specification). I myself am a student, and I created this resource using information from a combination of resources I was given by and made by my teachers, the textbook (Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book), and my own extensive research. There are 5 pages covering background information, aims, procedure/literature review, results, conclusions, evaluation, and a summary. Feel free to edit, add, and remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload. Thank you.
EDEXCEL AL Clinical Psychology - Williams et al. (2013) Study Notes

EDEXCEL AL Clinical Psychology - Williams et al. (2013) Study Notes

Very detailed, informative notes discussing all that students need to know about the Williams et al. (2013) study for clinical psychology (as per the Edexcel AL specification). I myself am a student, and I created this resource using information from a combination of resources I was given by and made by my teachers, the textbook (Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book), and my own extensive research. There are 3 pages covering aims, procedure, results, conclusions, and evaluation. Also includes practice exam questions. Feel free to edit, add, and remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload. Thank you.
EDEXCEL AS/AL: COG PSYCH - Episodic and Semantic Memory Notes

EDEXCEL AS/AL: COG PSYCH - Episodic and Semantic Memory Notes

Very detailed, informative notes discussing episodic and semantic memories (Tulving, 1972) for cognitive psychology (as per the EDEXCEL AS/AL specification). I myself am a student, and I created this resource using information from a combination of resources I was given by and made by my teachers, the textbook (Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book), and my own extensive research. There are 2 pages covering the nature of S&E memory, types of long-term memory, and evaluation. Feel free to edit, add, and remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload.
EDEXCEL AS/AL: COG PSYCH - Individual Differences and Developmental Psych

EDEXCEL AS/AL: COG PSYCH - Individual Differences and Developmental Psych

Very informative notes discussing individual differences and developmental psychology for cognitive psychology (as per the EDEXCEL AS/AL specification). I myself am a student, and I created this resource using information from a combination of resources I was given by and made by my teachers, the textbook Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book), and my own extensive research. There are 3 pages covering episodic memory, dyslexia, Alzheimer’s, and research into dyslexia and Alzheimer’s. Feel free to edit, add, and remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload.
EDEXCEL AS/AL COG PSYCH: - Multi-Store Model

EDEXCEL AS/AL COG PSYCH: - Multi-Store Model

Very informative notes discussing the MSM (Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968) for cognitive psychology (as per the EDEXCEL AS/AL specification). I myself am a student, and I created this resource using information from a combination of resources I was given by and made by my teachers, the textbook (Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book), and my own extensive research. There are 5 pages covering features, memory stores, and evaluation. Feel free to edit, add, and remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload.
EDEXCEL AL Clinical Psychology - Rosenhan (1973) Study Notes

EDEXCEL AL Clinical Psychology - Rosenhan (1973) Study Notes

Very detailed, informative notes discussing all that students need to know about the Rosenhan (1973) study for clinical psychology (as per the Edexcel AL specification). I myself am a student, and I created this resource using information from a combination of resources I was given by and made by my teachers, the textbook (Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book), and my own extensive research. There are 3 pages covering aims, procedure (inc. follow-up study), results, conclusions, and evaluation. Feel free to edit, add, and remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload. Thank you.
EDEXCEL AL Clinical Psychology Research Methods Slides

EDEXCEL AL Clinical Psychology Research Methods Slides

Very detailed, informative slides discussing all that students need to know for the research methods aspect of clinical psychology (as per the Edexcel AL specification). I myself am a student, and I created this source using information from a combination of resources I was given by and made by my teachers, the textbook (Edexcel AS/A Level Psychology Student Book), and my own extensive research. There are 19 total slides covering case studies, interviews, longitudinal studies, cross-sectional studies, meta-analyses, cross-cultural methods, HCPC guidelines, primary and secondary data, Lavarenne et al. (2013), Vallentine et al. (2010), Grounded Theory, and evaluation for everything where it’s needed. Also includes practice exam questions. Feel free to edit, add, and remove anything you wish, but please do not reupload. PS: I would strongly encourage having another close look at the slide on grounded theory to ensure everything is relevant to and sufficient for the spec. Thank you.