Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
Full lessons for chemistry C1a for key stage 3 year 7 students. Answers included for all tasks in slide form for self-assessment.
Suggested Order:
Particle model
States of matter
Melting and freezing
Boiling and condensing
Evaporation and sublimation
Gas pressure
End of topic revision
Full lessons for biology B1c for key stage 3 year 7 students. Answers included for all tasks in slide form for self-assessment.
Suggested Order:
-Reproductive Systems
-Fertilisation and Implantation
-Development of a Fetus
-The Menstrual Cycle
-Flowers and Pollination
-Fertilisation and Germination
-Seed Dispersal
-Revision Lesson
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete revision lesson for Biology B1c (Reproduction). This lesson covers the major topics from this unit and can be used to revise for end of topic tests or to address knowledge gaps identified in the end of topic assessments.
In this lesson students will revise:
Key points from B1a (Cells) and B1b (Body Systems)
Adolescence and puberty
Male and female reproductive systems
Fertilisation, implantation and development of a fetus
The menstrual cycle
Flowers and pollination
Fertilisation, germination and seed dispersal
All tasks an optional self-assessment slide where needed. This presentation is fully editable.
Lesson bundle
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on seed dispersal. In this lesson students will learn how to describe how seed dispersal happens in plants and how to explain wind dispersal, explosive dispersal, water dispersal and animal dispersal.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading task
-Keywords task (vocabulary: dispersal, internal, external and nutrients)
-Task boxes
-Handout worksheet
-True or false task
-Put the steps of external animal dispersal in order
-Discussion task
-All tasks, including the worksheet have an optional self-assessment slide. This presentation is fully editable.
-Next lesson (topic revision)
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on fertilisation and germination. In this lesson students will learn how to describe how fertilisation happens in plants, explain how fruits and seeds are formed after fertilisation and explain what seeds need for growth.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task (recall from previous lessons)
-Group reading task
-Keywords task (vocabulary: fertilisation, germination, starch, fruit and seeds)
-Task boxes
-Handout worksheet
-True or false task
-Ordering the steps of germination
-All tasks, including the worksheet have an optional self-assessment slide. This presentation is fully editable.
-Next lesson Seed Dispersal
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on flowers and pollination. In this lesson students will learn how to name the main structures of a flower, describe how flowering plants reproduce and explain the difference between wind-pollinated and insect-pollinated plants.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task (recall from previous units)
-Group reading task
-Discussion exercise
-Keywords task (vocabulary: pollination, cross-pollination, self-pollination, pollen and ovules)
-Order the steps of the menstrual cycle
-Draw and label the diagram (insect vs wind pollination)
-Sorting task (wind vs insect pollination
-Multiple choice task (recall from this lesson)
-All tasks, including the worksheet have an optional self-assessment slide. This presentation is fully editable.
Next lesson Fertilisation and Germination
Full lessons for biology B1b for key stage 3 year 7 students. Answers included for all tasks in slide form for self-assessment.
Suggested Order:
Levels of Organisation
Gas Exchange
End of Topic Revision Lesson
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete revision lesson for Biology B1b (Structure and Function of Body Systems). This lesson covers the major topics from this unit and can be used to revise for end of topic tests or to address knowledge gaps identified in the end of topic assessments.
In this lesson students will revise:
Key points from B1a (Cells)
The levels of organisation in multicellular organisms
Gas exchange
Breathing in and out
The role of the skeleton
The role of joints in movement
The role of muscles in movement
All tasks, including the worksheet, have an optional self-assessment slide where needed. This presentation is fully editable.
Return to the start of the topic
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on levels of organisation. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task (recall organisation)
-Group reading
-Keywords task
-Task boxes
-Note taking slide
-Handout sheet
-Ordering the steps task
-Next lesson topic revision
All tasks, including the worksheet have an optional self-assessment slide. This presentation is fully editable.
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on movement of joints. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task (recall from previous topics)
-Group reading task
-Keywords task
-Task boxes
-Discussion task
-Practical task (optional)
-Numeracy task (alternative to the practical)
-Note taking task
-Next lesson Muscles
All tasks have an optional self-assessment slide. This presentation is fully editable.
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on the skeleton. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading task (literacy)
-Keywords activity
-Task boxes
-Handout sheet task (fact file)
-Matching task
-Bonus: mixed recall questions covering all biology topics so far
-Next lesson Joints
All tasks, including the worksheet have an optional self-assessment slide. This presentation is fully editable.
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on breathing. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading task (literacy)
-Keywords activity
-Task boxes
-Handout sheet task
-Discussion activity
-Note taking slide
-Next lesson is the Skeleton
All tasks, including the worksheet have an optional self-assessment slide. This presentation is fully editable.
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on levels of gas exchange. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task (recall from previous topic)
-Group reading task (literacy)
-Keywords activity
-Task boxes
-Handout sheet task
-Sorting task
-Guided note taking activity
-Discussion exercise
-Next lesson Breathing
All tasks, including the worksheet have an optional self-assessment slide. This presentation is fully editable.
Full lessons for biology B1a for key stage 3 year 7 students. Answers included for all tasks in slide form for self-assessment.
Suggested Order:
Observing cells
Plant and Animal Cells
Specialised Cells
Movement of Substances
Unicellular Organisms
End of Topic Revision
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete revision lesson for Biology B1a (Cells). This lesson covers the major topics from this unit and can be used to revise for end of topic tests or to address knowledge gaps identified in the end of topic assessments.
In this lesson students will revise:
-How to use a microscope to observe cells
-How to calculate magnification
-Parts of the cell and their function
-The difference between plant and animal cells
-Examples of specialised cells
-Unicellular organisms
-The presentation includes a free bonus resource specifically for revising the onion cells practical
-All tasks, including the worksheet have an optional self-assessment slide where needed. This presentation is fully editable.
-Return to the start of the topic:
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on unicellular organisms. In this lesson students will learn how to explain what a unicellular organism is, describe the structure of an amoeba and explain how euglena has features of both plant and animal cells.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading task (literacy)
-Keywords activity (vocabulary: unicellular, multicellular, photosynthesis, flagellum and fission)
-Task boxes
-Handout sheet task
-Draw and label
-Putting the steps in order to describe a process
-All tasks, including the worksheet have an optional self-assessment slide where needed. This presentation is fully editable.
-Next lesson revision cells topic
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on the movement of substances by diffusion. In this lesson students will learn how to describe what diffusion is and to give some examples of substances which diffuse in and out of cells.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading task (literacy)
-Keywords activity (vocabulary: glucose, oxygen, respiration, diffusion and concentration)
-Task boxes
-Handout sheet task
-Draw and label
-Putting the steps in order to describe a process
-All tasks, including the worksheet have an optional self-assessment slide where needed. This presentation is fully editable.
-Next lesson Unicellular Organisms
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on specialised cells. In this lesson students will learn how to explain why we need specialised cells and to describe examples of specialised plant and animal cells.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task (recall from previous lesson)
-Group reading task (literacy)
-Keywords activity (vocabulary: specialised cell, neuron, haemoglobin, cell surface area and chloroplasts)
-Task boxes
-Handout sheet task (fact file completion)
-Draw and label
-All tasks, including the worksheet have an optional self-assessment slide where needed.
-Next lesson Movement of Substances
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on plant and animal cells. In this lesson students will learn how to describe the parts of a cell and what they do and to explain the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task (recall from previous lesson)
-Group reading task (literacy)
-Keywords activity (vocabulary: nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, mitochondria, cell wall, vacuole and chloroplasts)
-Task boxes
-Handout sheet task
-Discussion task
-Numeracy task
-All tasks, including the worksheet have an optional self-assessment slide where needed. This presentation is fully editable.
-Next lesson Specialised Cells
These study notes are excellent for revision, independent projects and catch-up study. Our full lessons can be found here: .
Suitable for remote online distance learning. Slides are written to be self-explanatory so are also suitable for home study.
Powerpoint presentations and accompanying worksheets covering bioenergetics and homeostasis (AQA GCSE Biology Grade 9-1) for teaching and revision.
Suggested Order:
Competition and Adaptation
Abiotic and Biotic Factors
Food Chains and Trophic Levels
Environmental Change
The Water Cycle
The Carbon Cycle
Decay and Biogas
Biodiversity and Waste Management
Global Warming
Deforestation and Land Use
Pyramids of Biomass and Biomass Transfer
Food Security and Farming