Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
Important: to get the most out of this lesson students need to have already complete the states of matter topic.
Learning Objectives
Explain the difference between reversible and irreversible changes
Describe examples of each type of change
Describe reversible changes in the water cycle
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Group reading (literacy)
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice with scaffolded tasks building to independence.
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced.
Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
EAL adaptations: explicit teaching of vocabulary, word banks and use of visual representation on the slides
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching, cover supervisors and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
We suggest teaching this lesson after Separating Mixtures
Learning Objectives
Identify the solute, solvent and solution
Explain the difference between more and less concentrated solutions
Describe how to separate a mixture of salt and sand using filtration and evaporation
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Group reading (literacy)
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice with scaffolded tasks building to independence.
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced.
Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
EAL adaptations: explicit teaching of vocabulary, word banks and use of visual representation on the slides
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching, cover supervisors and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
Learning Objectives
Explain what can be separated using sieving and filtration
Identify what each technique cannot separate
Describe separating mixtures using evaporation
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice with scaffolded tasks building to independence.
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced.
Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
EAL adaptations: explicit teaching of vocabulary, word banks and use of visual representation on the slides
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching, cover supervisors and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
Learning Objectives
Write results down in a table
Count results using a tally
Draw conclusions from data in tables and graphs
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice with scaffolded tasks building to independence.
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced.
Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
EAL adaptations: explicit teaching of vocabulary, word banks and use of visual representation on the slides
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching, cover supervisors and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
Learning Objectives
Design a simple experiment to test different insulators
Explain why some things need to be kept the same to make it a fair test
Draw some conclusions from example results
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice with scaffolded tasks building to independence.
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Group reading
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced.
Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
EAL adaptations: explicit teaching of vocabulary, word banks and use of visual representation on the slides
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching, cover supervisors and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
Two part concentration calculations presentation with worked examples and accompanying worksheets for teaching and revision. This resource follows the AQA Chemistry GCSE syllabus. Check my shop for other courses and topics:
Content Covered:
Part 1: mass/volume and moles/volume
Part 2: conversion and titration calculations
A bundle of lessons for teaching about materials to key stage 2 primary designed for mixed ability groups. Printed sheets are optional; all core lessons can be downloaded and taught without additional preparation. The lessons are self-explanatory and can be easily delivered by parents to students working remotely. Suitable for supply.
Suggested Order:
Properties of Materials
Conductors and Insulators of Heat
Conductors and Insulators of Electricity
Magnetic Materials
Primary Key Stage 2 - Revision Tools for Properties of Materials. This can be spread out over two lessons. For a single lesson we suggest choosing 2-3 cycles to focus on.
Content Covered
Properties of rocks and soil
Properties of materials
Thermal conductors and insulators
Electrical conductors and insulators
Magnetic Materials
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Group reading to review vocabulary (focusing on words which will come up in multiple science topics like volume and flow)
Rocks (reteach-check-practice cycle 1)
Soil (cycle 2)
Properties of materials (cycle 3)
Conductors and insulators (cycle 4)
Magnetic materials (cycle 5)
Revision practice sheet
English link (find the verbs and adjectives)
Math link (calculations on the topic’s theme)
Opportunities to develop vocabulary, literacy and oracy
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced.
Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence. Challenge questions are included for high ability students.
Return to the start of the topic
Learning Objectives
State which materials are attracted to magnets
Describe how you can test which magnet is the strongest
Predict whether magnetic poles will attract or repel each other
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice with scaffolded tasks building to independence.
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Group reading
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced.
Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
EAL adaptations: explicit teaching of vocabulary, word banks and use of visual representation on the slides
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching, cover supervisors and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
Next Lesson Revision
Learning Objectives
Describe the difference between electrical conductors and insulators
Give some examples of uses for electrical conductors
State some safety rules for using electricity
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice with scaffolded tasks building to independence.
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Group reading
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced.
Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
EAL adaptations: explicit teaching of vocabulary, word banks and use of visual representation on the slides
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
Next Lesson Magnets:
Learning Objectives
Describe the direction of heat transfer.
Explain the difference between good conductors and good insulators.
Give examples of uses for thermal conductors and insulators.
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice with scaffolded tasks building to independence.
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Group reading
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced.
Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
EAL adaptations: explicit teaching of vocabulary, word banks and use of visual representation on the slides
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
Next Lesson Electrical Conductors and Insulators:
Learning Objectives
Describe properties such as hardness, transparency and solubility.
Refresh permeability and melting points in the context of properties of materials.
Suggest which materials are best for different uses based on their properties.
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning and independent practice with scaffolded tasks building to independence.
Self-assessment answer slides
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Group reading
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced.
Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
EAL adaptations: explicit teaching of vocabulary, word banks and use of visual representation on the slides
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. This presentation is fully editable.
Next Lesson Conductors and Insulators of Heat:
A bundle of lessons for teaching about states of matter to key stage 2 primary designed for mixed ability groups. Printed sheets are optional; all core lessons can be downloaded and taught without additional preparation. The lessons are self-explanatory and can be easily delivered by parents to students working remotely. Suitable for supply.
Suggested Order:
Solids, liquids and gases
Changing state
Changing temperature
The water cycle
Primary Key Stage 2 - Revision Tools for States of Matter.
Content Covered
Solids, liquids and gases
State changes (freezing, melting, condensing and boiling / evaporation)
The effect of temperature on state of matter
Evaporation and the water cycle
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Group reading to review vocabulary (focusing on words which will come up in multiple science topics like volume and flow)
Solids, liquids and gases (reteach-check-practice cycle 1)
States of matter (cycle 2)
The water cycle (cycle 3)
Revision practice sheet
Revision challenge sheet
English link (find the verbs and adjectives)
Math link (calculations on the topic’s theme)
Opportunities to develop vocabulary, literacy and oracy
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence. Challenge questions are included for high ability students.
Return to the start of the topic:
Primary Key Stage 2 - Revision Tools for Evolution and Inheritance.
Content Covered
Food chains and webs
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Group reading to review vocabulary (focusing on words which will come up in multiple science topics like produce and offspring)
Food chains and webs (reteach-check-practice cycle 1)
Variation, inheritance and adaptation (cycle 2)
Evolution and fossils (cycle 3)
Revision practice sheet
English link (find the pronouns, creative writing, group reading)
Math link (calculations on the topic’s theme)
Opportunities to develop vocabulary, literacy and oracy
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence. Challenge questions are included for high ability students.
Return to the start of the topic:
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ full lesson on Digestive Enzymes. In this lesson pupils will state what an enzyme is, describe the role of enzymes in digestion and name the parts of the body involved in digestion and describe what they do. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords (vocabulary: nutrient, carbohydrate, protein and lipid)
-Comprehension questions
-Task boxes
-Handout sheet task
-Group reading and discussion exercise
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
-Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
–Also Included: Bonus Lesson Amylase Enzymes Required Practical Revision
-Next lesson Lungs
-A supplementary resource designed to support self-directed learning, homework and independent projects is available here
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ full lesson on Cell Organisation. In this lesson pupils will explain how cells are organised into tissues and describe tissues, organs and organ systems. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords (vocabulary: tissue, organ, organ system, glands and epithelial tissue)
-Task boxes
-Discussion exercise
-Handout sheet task
-Comprehension questions
-Order the steps
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
-Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
-Next lesson Enzymes
–A supplementary resource designed to support self-directed learning, homework and independent projects is available here
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ short lesson on Blood. In this lesson pupils will name the four main components of blood, describe the different types of specialised cells found in blood and how they are adapted to their function. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Group reading (literacy)
-Task boxes
-Comprehension questions
-Note taking exercise
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
-Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
-Next lesson Cardiovascular Disease
-A supplementary resource designed to support self-directed learning, homework and independent projects is available here
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ full lesson on Transpiration and Translocation. In this lesson pupils will describe the process of transpiration and explain how the xylem and phloem are adapted to their function. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Group reading (literacy)
-Handout sheet task
-Task boxes
-Comprehension questions
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
-Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
-Next lesson Transpiration Rate
-A supplementary resource designed to support self-directed learning, homework and independent projects is available here
Primary Key Stage 2 - Revision Tools for The Human Body. The content can be split over two lessons. For a single lesson we suggest selecting two or three teach-check-practice cycles to focus on.
Content Covered
The human life cycle (starter)
Body processes
Skeleton, muscles and joints
Healthy living
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Group reading to review vocabulary (focusing on words which will come up in multiple science topics like develop, function and remove)
Human Body Organs (reteach-check-practice cycle 1)
Movement (cycle 2)
Teeth (cycle 3)
Circulation (cycle 4)
Digestive System (cycle 5)
Healthy living (cycle 6)
Revision practice sheet
Revision challenge sheet
English link (find the adjectives, creative writing, group reading)
Math link (calculations on the topic’s theme)
Opportunities to develop vocabulary, literacy and oracy
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence. Challenge questions are included for high ability students.
Return to the start of the topic: