Dream Scheme creates Interactive Primary PowerPoints to really bring learning to life! All proceeds from these resources are currently being used to support the welfare of dogs in Spain. Follow us on Instagram for regular updates!
Dream Scheme creates Interactive Primary PowerPoints to really bring learning to life! All proceeds from these resources are currently being used to support the welfare of dogs in Spain. Follow us on Instagram for regular updates!
This free lesson bundle is part of a 10 lesson unit on Non-Chronological Reports and includes a fully interactive PowerPoint, lesson scheme of work and resources. During this lesson, children will be introduced to the features of non-chronological report writing and will spend time exploring example texts whilst identifying and recording examples of the different features.
Click here to download the complete unit!
Lesson 1: To identify features of non-chronological reports
Total Number of Slides: 10
Lesson Plan Included? Yes
Activities Included? Yes
This eye-catching poster and word mat contains a simple list of adjectives which can be used to support pupils as they practice describing everyday objects.
This ‘Powerful Verbs’ word mat and poster can be used to aid learning within different genres of writing. This handy list can be cut out and stuck into pupils’ books or laminated and stored within the classroom to be used when needed.
This bundle includes 5 complete lesson plans, resources and an interactive PowerPoint to support the learning of Biographies and Autobiographies. This week, children will focus mainly on biographies. They will learn to read and identify the features of a biographical text before applying these when asked to write a biography about another member of the class during lesson 5! SPAG/GPS covered this week: prefixes, suffixes and sentence types (simple, compound and complex).
Download Week 2 here!
Lesson 1: To read, compare and identify the features of a biography
Lesson 2: To rewrite a biography extract using dialogue
Lesson 3: To investigate suffixes
Lesson 4: To investigate sentence structure in formal writing
Lesson 5: To write a biography
Total Number of Slides: 32
Lesson Plans Included? Yes
Resources Included? Yes
This fronted adverbials word mat and poster can be used to aid learning within different genres of writing. This list can be cut out and stuck into pupil’s books or laminated and stored within the classroom to be used when needed.
These resources have been created to support the teaching and learning of explanation texts relating to the Year 3 National Curriculum. Resources include an exemplar text and a supporting success criteria for pupils to refer to when applying these main features to their own writing.
Presenation to support these resources - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-3-non-fiction-instructions-and-explanations-12177900
These ‘Awesome Adjectives’ word mats and poster can be used to aid learning within different genres of writing. This handy list can be cut out and stuck into children’s books or laminated and stored within the classroom to be used when needed.
No additional resources needed.
This bundle includes an interactive PowerPoint and 5 lesson plans relating to Stories With Familiar Settings based on the Year 1 National Curriculum scheme of work. This week, children will listen to and understand the story ‘Knuffle Bunny’ by Mo Willems. In addition to this, they will focus on sentence formation, spellings containing the /l/ phoneme as well as memorising and reciting the alphabet!
Lesson 1: To use adjectives to describe my favourite toy
Lesson 2: To read words using the /l/ phoneme
Lesson 3: To read and understand a story
Lesson 4: To write sentences using capital letters
Lesson 5: To memorise and recite the alphabet
Total Number of Slides: 31
Activity Resources Included? Yes
Detailed Lesson Plan Included? Yes
Each lesson contains a starter activity, displayed success criteria, main teaching and plenary.
Week 2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-1-stories-with-familiar-settings-week-2-of-2-12192577
This simple list of conjunctions can be used to support pupils as they learn to extend sentences using additional clauses to express time, place or cause.
This interactive PowerPoint has been designed to help children understand the differences between Personal, Possessive and Relative Pronouns. They will learn to sort the different types of pronouns and complete practice questions as they begin to develop their understanding. Whiteboards can be used to complete various activities throughout this PowerPoint. Enjoy!
No additional resources needed
This interactive PowerPoint includes 5 whole lessons relating to Recounts based on the Year 5 National Curriculum scheme of work. During week 1 of this unit children will learn to identify the features of a recount text as well as how paragraphs and fronted adverbials are used to create cohesion. These 5 lessons cover Recount Features and Fronted Adverbials in depth and may require extra SPAG/GPS lesson time.
Lesson 1: To read and discuss UFO recounts
Lessons 2 & 3: To understand and identify the features of a recount text
Lesson 4: To use fronted adverbials to plan a diary entry
Lesson 5: To write a UFO diary entry
Total Number of Slides: 44 (including resources/activities)
Worksheets Included? Yes
This worksheet will help pupils to identify pronouns within sentences as well as developing their understanding of relative, possessive and personal pronouns. These differentiated questions can be used in conjunction with the included support sheet or without (should you choose to challenge more able students).
This worksheet can be used in conjunction with the following free PowerPoint:
These word mats and poster can be used to aid learning within grammar lessons. This handy list can be cut out and stuck into children’s books or laminated and stored within the classroom to be used when needed.
Have children enjoy learning the first 100 high frequency words with this striking poster and additional word mats! This useful list can be cut out and stuck into student’s books or laminated and stored within the classroom to be used when needed.
No additional resources needed
This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Creating Images based on the Year 3 National Curriculum scheme of work. During this second week, children will continue to identify and use adjectives, nouns and verbs as well as begin to explore adverbs of manner. They will focus on two main poems: ‘The Lone Dog’ by Irene Rutherford McLeod and ‘Slowly’ by James Reeves. Throughout the week they will analyse their structure whilst learning the importance of carefully selecting powerful verbs and adjectives. Pupils will enjoy working together to create new poems (based on these two examples) and will end lessons by giving and receiving positive feedback with other members of the class.
Week 2 of 2.
Lesson 1: To use a dictionary to explore the meaning of unfamiliar words
Lesson 2: To create a character profile
Lesson 3: To write a poem about my character
Lesson 4: To create sentences using adverbs of manner
Lesson 5: To use powerful verbs
Total Number of Slides: 27
Success Criteria Included? Yes
Differentiated Activities and Resources? Yes
Resources Included? Yes
This unit includes 10 complete lesson plans, activities and fully interactive PowerPoints to teach Year 2 children all about Information Texts. Throughout this unit they will begin by learning about cats and dogs by reading the two stories ‘Dogs’ and ‘Matilda’s Cat’ by the award winning author and illustrator Emily Gravett. They work in small groups to answer text-related questions as well as retelling the story of ‘Matilda’s Cat’ as they apply their knowledge of the -ing suffix. During week 2, they will begin to explore the features of information texts using the provided resources. They will research, plan and write their own information pages which they will then self assess at the end of the week.
Download Lesson 1 for free here
Lesson 1: To create dogs with opposite characteristics
Lesson 2: To answer comprehension questions about dogs
Lesson 3: To correctly spell words using the -ing suffix
Lesson 4: To retell a short story
Lesson 5: To describe an animal using expanded noun phrases
Lesson 6: To explore the features of a nonfiction text
Lesson 7: To research and plan an information text
Lesson 8: To correctly use new and familiar punctuation marks
Lesson 9: To begin writing an information text
Lesson 10: To edit and improve my information text
Total Number of Slides: 52
Lesson Plans Included? Yes
Activities Included? Yes
#No additional resources needed.
Click here to download lesson 1 for FREE.
This unit includes 10 lessons plans, activities and 2 fully interactive PowerPoints to teach Year 6 children all about instruction and explanation texts. They will begin by reading, exploring and identifying the different features of each type of text before using their knowledge to plan and write their own using the identified features.
SPAG/GPS covered: Bullet Points, Colons, Semi-colons and Parentheses (Brackets, Commas and Dashes).
Lesson 1: To identify the features of an explanation text
Lesson 2: To write an instruction text using bullet points and colons
Lesson 3: To read and answer questions about a text
Lesson 4: To plan an instruction text
Lesson 5: To write an instruction text
Lesson 6: To use brackets, commas and dashes to indicate parentheses
Lesson 7: To write and perform an informal explanation
Lesson 8: To research and plan an explanation text
Lesson 9: To write an explanation text
Lesson 10: To prepare and present my explanation text
Total Number of Slides: 54
Lesson Plans Included? Yes
Activities and Resources Included? Yes
No additional resources #StressFreeTeaching
This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to The Jungle Book based on the Year 5 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit you will find lessons linked to different extracts which can be sourced using the provided links. Week 1 of 3.
Lesson 1: To discuss extracts from Mowgli’s Brothers
Lesson 2: To correctly punctuate dialogue
Lesson 3: To read and retrieve information from a text
Lesson 4: To role-play a scene with a partner
Lesson 5: To include punctuated dialogue in a conflict story
This ‘Adverbs of Probability’ word mat has been created to support and develop children’s understanding of these adverbs. This handy list can be cut out and stuck into pupils’ books or laminated and stored within the classroom to be used when needed.
No additional resources needed #stressfreeteaching
This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Aesop’s Fables based on the Year 4 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit you will find lessons linked to different fables which can be sourced from any Aesop’s Fables books for children. Week 1 of 3.
Lesson 1: To perform a fable
Lesson 2: To orally rehearse a dialogue between two characters
Lesson 3: To write a dialogue using the correct punctuation marks
Lesson 4: To read and discuss a fable
Lesson 5: To write jokes using correctly punctuated dialogue
Total Number of Slides: 33