Le collège- School- Saying when you have lessons, what you do between lessons
This resource is based on the Studio 1 chapter on school. It starts with a couple of sentence builders using “on” and “je” It revises the time in French and is adapted to the lesson times in my school but can obviously be changed. Includes some l’/ le/la/les gap fill exercise and some multiple choice exercise based on the sentence builder.
Suitable for Year 7 or as a revision tool in Year 8.
Materials for a French CV and application letter. CV et lettre de motivation
There are three documents: 1 is a vocabulary gathering exercise to make students think of what they could include, for example biographical details using the perfect tense, 2 is an actual CV where British qualifications have been explained for a French audience, 3 is an example of an application letter for a summer job.
This more suitable at KS4 and 5 but could be adapted for a younger age group.
It could also be set as an exercise to do someone else’s CV e.g a famous person, a historical character, a character from a film or a novel etc…
Three essays on the topic of hypocrisy in Boule de Suif by Maupassant
Three different approaches to tackle that topic in essay form
English as a Foreign Language C1 Level- Personality "Who are you really?" Questions on a TED talk
Some discussion questions re personality. Less boring than the usual "describe yourself"
French - Buying clothes - acheter des vêtements KS3 sentence builder
This is a PowerPoint that includes asking for clothes and a few accessories using “the”/ “a” and “some”/ “this”, “that”, “these” and “those”. It also includes details about the clothes such as sleeveless or in a light or dark shade and in a certain material. It has practical tips about sizing in France, some gap-filling exercises, some translation exercises, a snake and ladder game and some reading and writing exercises. It is suitable to set for online learning
GCSE Spanish tests parcel on topics of personal qualities, films, leisure, holidays, future plans
Tests on whole chunks of impressive phrases using various tenses. Very useful throughout a GCSE course or for revision. Also includes a gap filling song worksheet on the topic of jobs
A learning mat for those who have just begun English as a Foreign Language
This can be used as a place mat or a poster in class or an individual worksheet or a PowerPoint which can be adapted to suit needs.
Dominoes for Italian learners of English (beginners) based on 28 infinitive verbs
Pupils are divided into groups of up to four students. They play dominoes matching the English verb with its Italian meaning. For beginners. Can also be used for more intermediate learners to test them on different tenses.
A first English lesson for Italian learners of EFL
This presentation can be adapted and shows students that they already know more than they think. It begins with some familiar vocabulary, placed in context and ends with teaching students how to go through a first encounter with someone
Thunks MFL -Stimulating conversation and encouraging thinking skills. French & Spanish examples
These various prompts can be used as starters or whilst covering certain topics. Ideal at AS/ A Level but also appropriate for GCSE.
The A Level Spanish speaking test
A PowerPoint with guidance to students as to how to tackle the stimulus card. Has references to AQA examples.
¿Qué haces para estar en forma? Health topic Spanish GCSE
A step by step approach to give this question the best possible answer. Mostly refers to food and refers to equivalent chapter in the Edexcel Spanish textbook. Applies to all exam boards, though.
Los cuatros elementos - Spanish idioms based on the four elements
A PowerPoint aimed at Spanish GCSE students/ AS students/ A Level students to teach them idioms based on the elements e.g. “Poner la mano en el fuego por alguien”
Very much linked to culture and enriching both your spoken and written work.
Worksheets on Los indignados movement
For A Level Spanish students
El movimiento de los indignados
Information and fill the blanks types of exercises.
¡Qué difícil es hablar el español! Comparing Spanish and different lexical use around the world
A gap filling exercise taken from the famous video ¡Qué difícil es hablar el español! The aim is to raise students’ awareness that there can be confusions. Further aim: to bring their attention to the wealth of Spanish-speaking cultures
The use of "Se" in various contexts in Spanish
A revision lesson after doing object pronouns/ indirect object pronouns and the passive. Numerous examples provided.
Job interviews French - entretiens d'embauche - L'emploi
Ideally this PowerPoint would be used with the extract of the 2011 film Intouchables by Olivier Nakache and Éric Tolédano with François Cluzet and Omar Sy. Very early on in the film there is a job interview scene where Driss and other candidates come for a job interview at Philippe’s home.
The PowerPoint looks at the vocabulary used to talk about one’s qualifications and relevant hobbies.
It can be used without watching the film too.
Part of it deals with gender agreement and the pronunciation of the sound r in French.
Topic of social issues - l'immigration GCSE/ AS
Three texts about the journeys of three different immigrants followed by quiz e.g. find the person who… and find the French for. Good for the revision of the perfect tense in French, verbs to talk about travel, transports and of course feelings/ emotions.
Adjective revision plus Spanish idioms using comparisons
This PowerPoint walks students through the meaning of some adjectives and attracts their attention to gender agreement.
It then explains how to form the comparative both in English and Spanish. Using a number of English idioms, it then leads students to learn a few Spanish idioms using “más… que” eg más alto que un pino.
La technologie - French sentence builder on uses of technology (teaches pour + infinitive)
A Powerpoint starting with a sentence builder, some listening exercises, some fill the gap exercises, supported writing and reading activities (the reading activities use characters from the film Intouchables but it is not necessary to have seen the film to do the tasks)
This can also be used for online teaching.