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The comparative and superlative in French- la forme comparative et le superlatif
A worksheet requiring students to put items of a sentence in the correct order, to translate from French to English, to notice gender and number agreements and to translate into French. Relates to the topic of leisure activities.
Feedback form for preparation for mock exams -pair/ group assessment
An opportunity for students to assess/ reflect on their/ others’ contribution to pair/group work and their review of it.
Exercises on the topic of la technologie
The exercises are based on a text about someone’s use of devices, social networks etc…
This document has been checked by a French native speaker.
The perfect tense vs the pluperfect tense in Spanish
Two no fuss time saving worksheets with exercises in both tenses and then an exercise where students are supposed to choose which of the two tenses they should use. There are references to La Casa de Bernarda Alba and Ocho Apellidos Vascos.
Places around town Spanish- En mi barrio: hay/ no hay tiene
Very easy listening/ reading exercise on places around town in Spanish suitable for Key Stage 3 for lower sets. Can be set as cover work or online work. Some adaptations would make it more challenging.
Writing or translation exercises could also easily follow.
Three authentic French songs suitable for Year 7 (listening activities to prove they understand )
Three songs where gap filling and reordering is required. (Topics of family and home)
Study of a French bande dessinée Titeuf by Zep
This worksheet is to be used after reading a few comic books of the Titeuf Series, The idea is that students spot some common recurrent topics and themes and add to the list.
À la cantine - to be used in conjunction with textbook Studio 1
A document for students to do independent listening if they have access to the video or in class if not. Explores the topic of canteen food in France.
A template to write to French exchange students - School correspondence
If your school is lucky enough to have French penfriends and you are looking for a basic template to start students off to write to the French students, this is it… adaptable as in a word document. Just something to get you started on familiar KS3 topics (self, school, hobbies, describing your local area). Can also be used in a less authentic way for writing practice.
La Criada and Magdalena in La Casa de Bernarda Alba
A study of quotes from both characters and what others say about them
La Poncia and María Josefa from La Casa de Bernarda Alba
Study of two characters- What they say about others, what others say about them. Quotes included.
Basic French to start writing to students for correspondence suitable for Yr 7 and 8
Are you setting up a KS3 email/ video exchange with a school in France?
This is a template to help you guide your students to do so.
It has been checked by a native speaker. Feel free to adapt.
Project on means of transport- French
Vocabulary in French (and checked by a native speaker) so that students can make recommendations to potential French-speaking tourists.
Revision of intensifiers.
Topic of transport - Jazz up a dull topic by looking at means of transport around the world- French
Means of transport around the world- Quiz- Answers on slide show.
Around the world in 80 days - Spanish project
An end of topic (holidays, transport) project with clear suggestions.
la paga (pocket money) + hobbies and sports Spanish KS4
A simple sentence builder about these topics. Will save you time putting one together.
Un match de foot - talking about a football match in the past tense KS3
Based on a resource in the textbook Voilà 2. this PowerPoint offers further practice on manipulating the perfect tense in French. It will need updating in terms of players to modernise it over the years, but the French Perfect tense will stay the French Perfect tense.
Intouchables - a questionnaire in English to give students BEFORE they watch the film
The film undoubtedly explores and challenges pre-conceived ideas. This questionnaire could be given to students before they watch the film and then again after to check whether their attitude has changed.
Travel questions in Spanish- Basic interactions Bingo
A basic bingo game for a class of 24 students. The idea is that you read some English equivalent e.g. At what time? When? the train? Leaves? Is it? Direct? etc… Students cross off the Spanish. The extension work is for them to make up as many questions as possible using one card/ two cards etc… Could be split and used as noughts and crosses. Could be easily adapted to a snake and ladder game etc…
Differences between food in Britain and in Spain - Spanish
The document starts with a series of chunks to easily compare, followed by some information in text form.