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Subitising to 6 Christmas trees
To use to subitise
Encourage children to circle how they see the number and write the sum
For example I see 6 baubles, 3 there and 3 there so the children records the sum 3+3=6

Gingerbread Man Subitising to 5
baking trays containing Gingerbread men to subitise and match the correct numeral.

sh, th, ng, nk printable activities
10 pages
Read and match
practice the formation
Writing simple words
Cut out items linked to the sound

CVC gingerbread map writing
Follow the gingerbread mans footprints and write what animals he saw on his run.

Star loose part fine motor activites
2 pages of stars with white circles to add pompoms or other loose parts.

Santa's CVC word Hats - Read and add the correct pompom picture
8 CVC santa hats, add the correct pompoms.

Christmas eyfs bundle
subitising christnas trees
read and stick cvc - santas sack
cvc writing crowns
cvc writing stars
cvc snowmen and trees
cvc santas hat read and add the pompom picture
star and angel fine motor patterns
loose part star fine motor

CVC van read and match activity
Phase 2 and early phase 3 words
Vans to laminate and cut up - children can match the driver with the load picture.