A student-friendly checklist that is not overwhelming. This was created for Unit 6 Investigative Project Assignments A, B and C/D. These are preliminary checklists to get students started and on the right track.
Checklist for P, M and D criteria for assignment A and just P criteria for assignments B and C/D.
I have also made 2 short summary videos which may be helpful for students or new teachers; one is an intro to what Unit 6 is about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gVKhB_3jiM and the other is aimed at students and explains how to get started with the literature review in assignment A. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r-dWTxqI9M
Audit and action plan template also included, along with a suggested structure for the project proposal.
Attached is a full introductory lesson created for the new BTEC Unit 7: Contemporary Scientific Issues.
It is activity based, with instructions and answers, a recent case study to get students started, points for discussion, a video on the case study, explanation of terms ethical, environmental, social and economic along with reliability and validity. Gets students thinking about reliability of sources, bias, etc.
Homeworks during the first few months of teaching (and tutorial sessions, if you have these) could include watching documentaries on scientific issues to broaden student’s knowledge of contemporary issues in general. You may wish to select these yourself (from Netflix, Youtube etc.) or ask the students to find 1 each for homework and bring to next lesson (to minimise your workload!) then you can decide which to watch as a class and use as a point for discussion etc.
Link to video introducing Unit 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMFkvxYIVfU
Sample results for practical-based assignments A, B and C for Unit 2 Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques.
Includes results for calibration of 3 pieces of equipment, 2x titrations (one using indicator, one using a pH probe) and colorimetry for assignment A.
For assignment B includes results for calibration of a glass and digital thermometer in hot and cold water and cooling of both stearic acid and paraffin wax.
supporting videos for assignments:
plotting and annotating pH curve: https://youtu.be/mgNhkUipZw0
Plotting and annotating colorimetry curve:
Writing chemical foon a computer:
plotting cooling curves: https://youtu.be/92zysOBqKP8
Finding and referencing a literature value:
Drawing a tangent to a curve:
Includes amino acid and plant chromatography for assignment C.
Note amino acid was paper chromatography and basil was used for the plant chromatography, which was thin layer chromatography.
Solvents used for chromatography were as follows: For the amino acid chromatography we used a mixture of solvents in the following ratio: butanol, water and ethanoic acid in 4:2:1, respectively.
For the plant chromatography we used a mixture of solvents again, in the following ratio: cyclohexane, acetone and petroleum ether in 5:3:2.
Laboratory design activity that could be used for an after school STEM club, mini science project, summer project or even a class task. Aimed at school level but can be as simple or challenging as you would like to make it :)
A supporting PowerPoint is attached with ideas for student instructions ie group tasks visiting laboratories, what to focus on/take notes + photos of. This can be quite hands on and you can let students measure things and do conversions, creating keys and grids in their own laboratory design plans, if you have the facility to do so.
A student workbook for the A2 component (organic chem) of Unit 5 Chemistry on year 2 of the BTEC Level 3 applied science course
complete set of answers soon to follow
A PowerPoint lesson for Unit 4 assignment B preparation of an organic liquid. Includes lesson plan, helpful videos, pre-practical questions and starter activity worksheets (with teacher answers). I was observed in this lesson and obtained good feedback.
Includes a worksheet to assist with ideas and a starting point for research tasks/discussion around P4.
Other details: While students are refluxing for 30min, you could get them to look up literature values for the boiling point of the ester (so they know the temperature it should come out at during distillation) and research factors that affect purity and the effect that impurities will have on the boiling point. What are possible impurities and where may they come from etc.
If you have efficient, confident students, this full lesson with the 3 stage practical including activities will take 3 hours. If your students are less confident, I recommend 4 hours.
**note - **recommended videos included are from the RSC
written lesson plan is mine, however the template is from ‘teacher toolkit’ :)
Student (and teacher!) friendly assignment checklists for the first 2 assignments of Unit 18 (Industrial Chemical Reactions) in the Level 3 Applied Science.
I have created these using my own interpretations of the brief and teacher guidance.
Useful for teacher as can help speed up the marking process.
The first assignment’s lessons planned out and timing of delivery of the other two.
Written in a SOW format. Could be used as lesson plans (depending what you and your centre require). :-)
Designed for Unit 2 Practical Scientific Procedures & Techiques L3 Applied Science.
Lesson activity for part of Assignment A teaching and completed ‘5 min lesson plan’
Credit to ‘teacher toolkit’ for the format of the lesson plan.
I created YouTube videos with instructions and activities in, a demo of the practical and results that students can use to analyse. I also explain and guide them through the calculations:
Risk assessment: what and how to and guides students through how to write their own and what to include https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XRQfdqygTk&t=10s
Practical: includes explanation, demo, activities throughout - how to write up and structure a lab report and how to tabulate results and do the first lot of calculations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NqUFSO5Ck0&t=199s
Method attached
I created and wrote this booklet and delivered a session (lasts around 45min-1 hour depending which yoga sequences and meditation you choose to do) to a cohort of stressed out trainee teachers and staff just before the Christmas break. The session was well received and had excellent feedback with several people saying they found it really helpful.
The booklet starts with assessing your level of stress, looking at how you spend your week (divided into 30min sections) - this is a good opportunity to discuss and be able to visualise work-life balance.
The booklet then takes you through many ideas for stress management techniques, with a couple of mini activities including a page introducing the concept of a gratitude journal and a ‘meditation challenge’.
At the end are some books, apps, journal articles and contacts in case people wish to find out more.
Attached is a full lesson 5 page worksheet containing a detailed step-by-step method (including how to use the UV-vis), introduction including theory on Beer’s Law, space for students to tabulate and record their results, questions around the topic, answers and sample results. There are a couple of photographs (taken by me when I was trialling this) to help students visualise how things should look when they are carrying out the method.
This can take around 1 hour - 2.5 hour lesson depending on equipment availability and how you wish to deliver it. :-)
Please leave a review!
A resource created to assist teachers and students with delivery of the A2 OCR Chemistry PAGs.
A PowerPoint to help you structure the beginning of the PAG lesson on 10.2 thiosulfate and acid. Can easily be amended and used as a template if preferred. Alternatively, this could be given to students as a guideline to assist them with their planning and calculations.
Example results and graph for thiosulfate (part 1) included, showing the first order relationship.
Possible extension opportunities include monitoring how temperature affects the rate of reaction - an Arrhenius plot could then be done as part of the analysis. Recommended for A-A* students.
Gives students a checklist of what needs to be submitted.
PowerPoint for PAG 9.3 rates attached also. This one includes OCR past paper questions (and answers) at the end as a plenary.
This is a lab book for unit 2 that will help students greatly once assignments are issued. Students can record their results in here during/after the practicals, either handwritten on a printed version or typed on an online copy.
This saves loads of time with planning lessons :-)
I hope that you find it helpful.
These sheets were created for a class that fell behind and were struggling with unit 4.
2 fool-proof sheets for B and C handy for when students need to finish asap
This includes a mini selection of resources including a crossword on learning aim G (fuels), an independent task where students can get on with preparing presentations on the hazards of fuels (has a checklist, 4 choices of what to present on and is differentiated), a results table including structured calculations and report template, a glossary which can be used throughout and added to each time a new key term is introduced and a scientific investigation card sort (which can be used at the beginning as part of the introduction to the unit).
A guide to PAG 9.1 suitable for students and teachers. This assumes a basic understanding of what is going on.
PowerPoint includes the lesson/PAG aims, what you should be recording, how to set up your apparatus (ie fill burette first and keep tap closed), how to calculate volume of oxygen and concentration of hydrogen peroxide.
PowerPoint also shows how your graph should look and what to include with your PAG submission.
The starting exercises at the beginning refer to the A2 textbook and the RSC starter for 10 worksheets which are readily available online: https://edu.rsc.org/resources/kinetics-starters-2-16-18/4010281.article
I created this lesson for the new unit 19 level 3 applied science, assignment B, spectroscopy. This lesson lasts about 1.5 hours including completion of activities and introduces the students to spectroscopy by recapping the electromagnetic spectrum (I have also included some points in the notes section of the powerpoint which you may wish to discuss).
The data sheet I used with my students was the OCR A A Level Chemistry one (just what was handy in the lab) and the PowerPoint refers to worksheet A which is part of their assignment. This can be found on the Pearson website, along with answers.
I have included a link to a video I created introducing IR spectroscopy, aimed at students :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxYTIuKYbvc
Mixed past paper questions on this topic (infra-red, mass spectrometry and elemental analysis) from OCR A which are readily available on past paper finder (still suitable for use for those studying other exam boards). Suitable for AS students.