The Island – Survival Diary Lesson
Action-packed desert island survival lesson.
Full lesson Power Point is recommended for two lessons and includes:
* Attractive title pages throughout
* Word list starter activity
* Scenario page
* Lesson Objectives
* Discussion prompts
* Writing prompts
* Map drawing activity
Excellent value, engaging lesson that students of all ages will enjoy!
For more great resources and full lessons visit my shop page here:
(Credits: copyright free images used.)
Visually attractive, observation graded good and outstanding, full lesson on poetic terms using the short poem ‘The Eagle’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Ideal for weaker KS3 classes or later KS2.
Full Power Point and all resources included. Lesson features:
• Visually engaging lesson starter and extension.
• Graded lesson outcomes with the main objective being to learn poetic devices to further the understanding of a poem.
• A poetic terms match-up activity featuring seven poetic devices – similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration, vivid colour, the senses and imagery. This can be done on paper or made into a kinaesthetic task. (Resource included at the back of the Power Point.)
• Poetic terms answer page.
• Visual and simple explanation pages of similes, metaphors and alliteration with a short true or false task.
• Link to video clip of a reading of ‘The Eagle’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson.
• Colour coded identification of poetic devices task – students are asked to stick the poem in their books (resource provided) and colour code the given devices.
• Colour coded answer page.
• Short plenary activity where students are prompted to write a brief comment about the poem or offer a more detailed response for more able students.
You may also be interested in this complete lesson:
Now includes two preview screenshots.
* Thanks for the feedback. I have now included a higher range of differentiation for more able students.*
(To the best of my knowledge, all images are royalty free.)
The Hitchhiker by Roald Dahl - Fiction
Complete lessons or lessons, on the excellent short story by Roald Dahl!
Complete and attractive lesson pack includes:
• Engaging starters
• Lesson objectives
��� Full story and discussion prompts throughout (pdf of the complete story included)
• Card sort and text search activity
• Agree or disagree discussion prompt activity
• Key quote analysis discussion
• Main question and WAGOLL
• The Hitchhiker quiz
Resources included at the back of the power point and as a separate resource for ease of use.
An engaging lesson to use time and time again.
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits: outstanding images by Osian Grifford,, font by, Roald Dahl PDF:
Roald Dahl - The Way up to Heaven
Complete lessons or lessons, on the excellent short story by Roald Dahl!
Complete and attractive lesson pack includes:
• Engaging starters
• Lesson objectives
• Full story and discussion prompts throughout (pdf of the complete story included)
• Key quote analysis discussion
• Main question
• The Way up to Heaven quiz
An engaging lesson to use time and time again. Highly recommended.
Guess the country quiz!
Round 1 – name the country from the flag – 30 flags with answers.
Round 2 – remember the country from round 1 and try to guess and order the population size. 3 sets of 5 puzzles with answers.
See my home page for more great lessons, bundles and resources:
Paris – Descriptive Writing
A sophisticated descriptive writing lesson based on images from Paris, a video clip of Paris and quotes from Ernest Hemingway’s masterpiece, A Moveable Feast.
Great engaging lesson!
For the New York version of this lesson type see here:
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Credits: all images copyright free, available from Wikipedia and,,, .)
The Spooky Resource Collection
A collection of inspirational 'spooky' complete lessons and resources.
See the links for further details.
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits:, copyright free image:
The Hound of the Baskerville's Extract Lesson
Hound of the Baskerville extract analysis/close reading lesson ideal as a one-off lesson or a link to gothic literature.
Lesson includes:
* Title page
* Starter
* Lesson objectives (with surprise face in background, linking to close reading)
* Link to video clip
* Extract prompt (extract included)
* Highlight key words
* PEE grid (resource included)
* Review post-it-note plenary
All resources included at the back of the Power Point.
For more great resources and full lessons visit my shop page here:
(Credits, images copyright free and scenes from Youtube, copyright free text exact from Sherlock Holmes, Hound of the Baskervilles.)
The Zombie Apocalypse
Cities lie abandoned. The streets are no longer safe as the K11 virus has spread and infected large numbers of the population. You and a small group of survivors have made it out of the city and have taken refuge in an abandoned farmhouse. You have to hold out against the ‘zombie-like’ hordes for 7 days until help arrives. Will you survive?
Lesson includes:
• Attractive title pages.
• Zombie Apocalypse word search starter.
• Attractive scenario pages.
• Lesson objective page.
• Planning sheet resources. This is structured so that students are encouraged to increase the tension as the ‘waves’ of zombie attacks increase daily.
• Key word bingo plenary activity, including 30 individual bingo cards and caller card.
• Prompts and slide prompt for lesson 2
Zombie apocalypse 2 is available here:
**Now available in a dystopian and horror bundle*:
For other engaging resources, including full lessons, visit my shop page here:
(Credits: royalty free images – zombie images pixabay, scenery from Geography UK. Bingo cards from
The Chocolate Bar Design Lesson
Fun lesson where students get to design their own chocolate bar! Guaranteed to enthuse!
Fun name the bar starter activity, links to video clips, discussion points and the design sheet.
All resources included.
For other engaging resources, including full lessons, visit my shop page here:
Visually attractive Christmas descriptive writing lesson complete with all resources needed for a fun engaging lesson.
Power point includes:
* Active snow scene gif title page.
* Lesson starter – post-it note activity.
* Complete lesson objectives and outcomes (WALT and WILF) - with the focus on higher attaining students to use descriptive language for effect and figurative language techniques.
* A quick warm-up exercise where students finish off Christmas sentence in descriptive language (see image on the Power Point to support ideas.)
* A recap of five language technique prompt.
* Short writing activity prompt asking students to describe their perfect Christmas scene.
* A review page encouraging some students to read out their written descriptions.
* Fantastic “The Perfect Christmas Bingo” plenary activity with teacher’s caller's card and 30
* All resources included at the end of the Power Point.
If you enjoyed this resource, you will enjoy the Christmas Murder Mystery:
(Snow image by Frank Norman, Flickr, Tree by Minden ami Karacsony, outdoors scene bingo cards created from
Excellent and engaging bingo style literacy game. Students simply write True or False on their 5x5 true or false cards and mark them off if the displayed literacy clue is true or false. Subject areas include: capital letters, punctuation, their, there and they're; was and were; and spellings. Power Point game suitable for key stages 2 and 3, printable true or false cards included and further instructions on how to play inside. Great for spelling and SPAG.
For more great resources and lessons see here:
(Copyright free images. Frog image from pixabay, public domain:
Funny Captions and Word Quizzes Starter Pack
Funny Captions
Create an immediate and engaged audience with these funny caption and conversations starters! Seven power point pages of tried and tested fun to get even the most difficult student on board. Each page has four images to help students unlock their creative and witty side. Creates an immediate buzz in the classroom.
Word Quizzes Collection
A 51 page word quiz collection, hours of starter material!
For more great resources and lesson, visit my shop page here:
(Copyright free images used to the best of my knowlege.)
A Christmas Murder Mystery - Complete Lesson
On Christmas Eve a train gets stranded in a snowdrift in the middle of nowhere. A group of passengers decide to leave the carriage and take refuge in a nearby hotel, only to discover in the morning, trapped and cut off from the outside world, that one of them has been murdered…
Visually attractive Christmas murder mystery story lesson complete with all resources needed for a fun engaging lesson.
Power point includes:
* Title page.
* Complete lesson objectives and outcomes (WALT and WILF) - with the focus on higher attaining students to use descriptive language for effect and to build up tension and drama within the story.
* Lesson starter – winter weather anagrams.
* Story scenario – dramatic scenario (as above)
* Copy and complete first paragraph starter prompt – used in order help students start the story effectively (also given as a handout resource.)
* Mini word bank.
* Mini-prompt paragraphs two and images to help students write.
* Fantastic “murder mystery bingo” plenary activity with teacher’s callers card and 30 unique bingo cards (with instructions on how to best play the game included.)
* All resources included at the end of the Power Point.
If you liked this resource, you will also enjoy – A Spooky Christmas Story:
(Royalty free images included and bingo cards created from
A3 Newspaper template comprising of a front page, two middle pages and a back page (simply print off the four A4 sheets and stick to an A3 sheet and copy 2:2). The resource is intended to be folded in half to act as a mini-newspaper with various activities.
Front page: space for headline, two written spaces and an image space with 'A picture of the incident' underneath.
First page: music review and film review spaces and a comic strip space.
Second page: horoscopes, blank word search template and advert space.
Back page: sports news section - title, two written spaces and two image spaces.
You may also be interested in this complete and engaging lesson:
The Magic Lamp – Creative Writing
A fun creative writing lesson based around a magic lamp situation.
Students are given an exciting scenario with a magic lamp and can continue the story based upon their own ideas.
Lesson objectives, writing tips, video clip writing tip resource, planning sheet and descriptive bingo lesson plenary all included!!
For more great resources and lessons visit my shop here:
(Credits: copyright free images and
A bumper 68 page quiz pack, featuring riddles, logo quiz, catchphrases and more. Hours of fun for just £2.00!
For more great resources, see my page here:
Hound of the Baskerville extract analysis/close reading lesson ideal as a one-off lesson or a link to gothic literature.
Lesson includes:
* Title page
* Starter
* Lesson objectives (with surprise face in background, linking to close reading)
* Link to video clip
* Extract prompt (extract included)
* Highlight key words
* PEE grid (resource included)
* Review post-it-note plenary
This lesson is available in a double pack with Dracula for £4.50 here:
All resources included at the back of the Power Point.
For more great resources and full lessons visit my shop page here:
(Credits, images copyright free and scenes from Youtube, copyright free text exact from Sherlock Holmes, Hound of the Baskervilles.)
On Christmas Eve a train gets stranded in a snowdrift in the middle of nowhere. A group of passengers decide to leave the carriage and take refuge in a nearby hotel, only to discover in the morning, trapped and cut off from the outside world, that one of them has been murdered…
Visually attractive Christmas murder mystery story lesson complete with all resources needed for a fun engaging lesson.
Power point includes:
* Title page.
* Complete lesson objectives and outcomes (WALT and WILF) - with the focus on higher attaining students to use descriptive language for effect and to build up tension and drama within the story.
* Lesson starter – winter weather anagrams.
* Story scenario – dramatic scenario (as above)
* Copy and complete first paragraph starter prompt – used in order help students start the story effectively (also given as a handout resource.)
* Mini word bank.
* Mini-prompt paragraphs two and images to help students write.
* Fantastic “murder mystery bingo” plenary activity with teacher’s callers card and 30 unique bingo cards (with instructions on how to best play the game included.)
* All resources included at the end of the Power Point.
If you liked this resource, you will also enjoy – A Spooky Christmas Story:
(Royalty free images included and bingo cards created from
The Halloween Murder Mystery – Creative Writing Story
A fantastically engaging lesson with arresting imagery. Students write a Halloween murder mystery story following a set scenario.
The scenario:
On a stormy Halloween night, you and your friends set off to attend a ‘spooky’ Halloween fancy dress party.
You make your way through the storm in good spirits and arrive at the house on the hill where the party is taking place.
Inside the house, the party is in full swing and you are happy to take shelter from the storm and join in the fun! Until…
You realise someone has been murdered…
But who and why?
And will you make it out alive?
Highly attractive Power Point includes:
* Full lesson scenario
* Starter task
* Lesson objectives
* Planning sheet
* Writing and discussion prompts
* Interactive murder mystery bingo with callers card and 30 individual bingo cards (from
Also included: things to include in descriptive writing, writing checklist and word banks!
All the material for an excellent, one-off lesson or lessons.
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Copyright free images from, and wallpapervotex.)