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We work alongside thousands of different community groups, from schools to libraries, to support them to bring learning to life. Here you will find FREE worksheets and workshops you can run with your students. Check out our website for more information about our School & Community offering.




We work alongside thousands of different community groups, from schools to libraries, to support them to bring learning to life. Here you will find FREE worksheets and workshops you can run with your students. Check out our website for more information about our School & Community offering.
Free creative writing activity - In what order?

Free creative writing activity - In what order?

This story-writing activity sheet supports students to think about the order of events and their significance when writing and constructing stories. Perfect to use when running a project about story writing. This resource is great for use by parents for home-schooling too. A great way to help your child thinK about the order of events for their latest story project. What does the activity include? • Picture prompts showing 3 different events that are happening in a story. • Students to think about what each of these events might be and to write them down. • They are then encouraged to think about re-ordering the events to see what impact or change this might have on the outcome of the story. • Finally students are asked to design the next scene of the story themselves. This resource can be printed out and used as a worksheet or simply used on screen as a guide for the activities. Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to our website to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.
Free_ Telling the time_Learning clock template

Free_ Telling the time_Learning clock template

Are you teaching time to your students? This free worksheet is a fun crafty activity to run with your class to help with their understanding of time. Perfect to use at the start of the topic so they have their own individual clock to help understand the topic. This hands-on activity is a great way for children to understand the concepts of hours and minutes on a clock. This resource is also great for use by parents for home-schooling. A fun and engaging way to get your child practising their understanding of time and clocks. What does this activity include? • 1 X Learning clock template • Building instructions Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to our website to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.
Free_Limericks_activity sheet

Free_Limericks_activity sheet

This free activity sheet is a great resource to use when teaching poetry to your class and introduces them to limericks. Children have to complete limericks with missing lines and then go on to do some rhyming practice. Finally, it’s their turn to have a go at writing a limerick of their very own! This resource is also great for use by parents for home-schooling. A fun and engaging way to introduce your child to the topic of limericks! What does this activity include? • Introduction to the characteristics of limericks • Example limerick from Edward Lear’s A Book of Nonsense • Complete the missing lines from limericks • Rhyming practice – Write as many words as possible that rhyme with the chosen words • Write your own limerick Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to our website to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.
Free characterisation activity sheet

Free characterisation activity sheet

This activity sheet supports students to create characters when story writing. Perfect to use when running as project about story writing and characterisation. This resource is great for use by parents for home-schooling too. A great way to help make a child’s story more engaging to the reader. What does this free activity sheet include? • An example character profile • A complete your own character profile template including (Name, appearance, location, likes & dislikes, hobbies and personality.) • Word bank to support students with character descriptions. This resource can be printed out and used as a worksheet or simply used on screen as a guide for the activities. Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to our website to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.
What makes you, you?

What makes you, you?

FREE worksheet inspired by Disney and Pixar’s Soul Encourage your class to reflect on what makes you, you? Take a look at all of the individual bits of you that together make you brilliant.
The maths in Music

The maths in Music

FREE worksheet inspired by Disney and Pixar’s Soul Do your students know that there’s a lot of maths in music? Delve into this activity where we practise our fractions using a music sheet. Encourage your children to discover their passions with our free educational activity sheets inspired by Disney and Pixar’s Soul.
A note from my future self

A note from my future self

FREE worksheet inspired by Disney and Pixar’s Soul Get your students to write a postcard that has come from yourself from one year in the future – look ahead and tell yourself what you have achieved. Encourage your children to discover their passions with our free educational activity sheets inspired by Disney & Pixar’s Soul.
Become a film critic

Become a film critic

FREE worksheet inspired by Disney and Pixar’s Soul Do your pupil’s fancy themselves as a bit of a film critic? Now’s the chance as they write a professional and compelling film review.
Discover the rhythm of your imagination

Discover the rhythm of your imagination

FREE Workshop resources inspired by Disney & Pixar’s Soul In this workshop ‘Discover the Rhythm of your Imagination’, we encourage children to explore the characteristics of music and think about the emotions music evokes! Your students will then go on to unleash their imagination to bring out the inner lyricist within them! We have created two versions of the workshop resources to tailor to differing age or ability groups. We recommended downloading both packs so that you are able to judge the ability of your own class and decide upon the appropriate activity for them.
Free_Maths in maps_Activity sheet

Free_Maths in maps_Activity sheet

This free ‘Maths in maps’ activity sheet is a great activity to run with your class to help practise their understanding of coordinates and direction. Children head to ‘Discovery town’ where they have to help provide directions around a map using coordinates. Children then go on to create their own map of a place familiar to them. This resource is also great for use by parents for home-schooling. A fun and engaging way to get your child practising their coordinates skills. WHat does this activity include? • Map of ‘Discovery town’ with questions they need to solve to successfully navigate around town. • Blank coordinate grid for children to make a map of their own Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to www.explorelearning.co.uk to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.
Free_Celebrating differences_activity sheet

Free_Celebrating differences_activity sheet

This free activity sheet is all about celebrating differences. Children reflect on what makes them unique, their hobbies and interests. A great whole school exercise that could link into a wider project on diversity and identity. This resource is also great for use by parents for home-schooling. A fun and engaging way to introduce your child to the topic of identity and celebrating differences in people. What does the activity include? • Activity 1 What makes you, you? - Draw a picture of yourself and answer what kind of person you are. What are 3 favourite things about yourself? • Activity 2 Celebrating differences – Children answer a series of questions with one word • Activity 3 The people around me – Children reflect on their family and friends around them celebrating their differences. Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to www.explorelearning.co.uk to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.
Free 2D & 3D Shapes activity sheets

Free 2D & 3D Shapes activity sheets

A great hands-on activity for students to practise their 2D & 3D shapes knowledge. Perfect to be used as an extension task, end of topic recap or set as a homework activity too. This resource is also ideal for use by parents for home schooling too. What does this worksheet involve? • Children recap names of 2D & 3D shapes • Recreate 2D & 3D Shapes in physical form using objects Spaghetti & Marshmallows (or similar e.g., Blue-Tac) • Practise their knowledge of key terms such as edges and vertices. This resource can be printed out and used as a worksheet or simply used on screen as a guide for the activities. Looking for more? Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to our website to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.
Discover coding

Discover coding

Check out this short workshop video where we introduce the amazing world of coding. This resource is also great for use by parents for homeschooling. If your child loves games and is fascinated by all things coding, why not have a go at this workshop together. What does the workshop involve? Our data scientist Emily introduces what coding is, what it’s used for and talks about all the job opportunities children could get through coding. Children will be shown how to write code to create a dance party. They will learn to control which characters are used, which music plays and how and when the characters move all by writing code. Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to our website to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.
Free_Make your own story dice_Creative writing activity

Free_Make your own story dice_Creative writing activity

A fun craft activity getting children to build and make story dice to help them think of topics and ideas when writing stories. Sometimes it’s hard for pupils to come up with ideas in creative writing lessons, and they find it a challenge to put pen to paper. These story dice are a great way to remove the barrier of idea creation, and children can put together some interesting topic ideas. Perfect to use when delivering creative writing lessons. This resource is great for use by parents for home-schooling too. A great way to help your child think of topics for a creative writing project at home. What does this activity include? 3 Story cube templates including images to help children come up with ideas for their creative writing project. Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to our website to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.
Free_Make your own piggy bank_Activity sheet

Free_Make your own piggy bank_Activity sheet

A fun craft activity getting children to build and make their own piggy bank. Perfect to use when talking about the subject of money and saving. This resource is great for use by parents for home-schooling too. A great way to help your child think about saving money in a creative way, as well as introducing them to the idea of 3D shape nets. What does this activity sheet include? 3D cube net template and instructions for creating a piggy bank. Saving goal and money slot printed on the design Activity encouraging children to keep a record of the money that goes into the piggy bank to help practice their addition skills. Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to our website to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.
Free_Make your own newspaper_Activity pack

Free_Make your own newspaper_Activity pack

Are you teaching your class about newspapers? Are you looking for an activity to share with your class over the School Holidays? Then this ‘Explorer Newspaper’ activity pack is the perfect resource for you. Packed with fun activities for children to complete and build their very own newspaper issue! This resource is also great for use by parents for home-schooling. 10 different activities make up this free activity pack, spanning topics from Interviewing to debating. What do children cover in the pack? • Activity 1 - Design their own cover page to stand out from the crowd! • Activity 2- ‘The star interview’ putting their interviewing skills to the test. • Activity 3 - ‘The comic book adventure’ complete their very own comic strip to entertain their readers. • Activity 4 – ‘The big debate’ Making for and against statements on the topic or ‘Are screens good or bad for us?’ • Activity 5 - ‘Around the world’ Share facts about a selection of countries from around the world with their readers. • Activity 6 – ‘Agony aunt’ Create their own agony aunt column giving advice to readers. • Activity 7 – ‘Design your own football kit’ To celebrate the upcoming 2022 FIFA women’s world cup. • Activity 8 – ‘Recipe master’ Children share a recipe for their favourite food or a dish they have cooked recently. • Activity 9 - ‘Games corner’ Sudoku, crossword and word wheel challenges to put their brains to the test. • Activity 10 – ‘Your home activities’ Sharing stories and pictures about what their family have been up to recently and what they loved the most. Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to our website to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.
Free creating settings in storywriting activity sheet

Free creating settings in storywriting activity sheet

This activity sheet supports students to create settings when writing a story. Perfect to use when running as project about story writing. This resource is great for use by parents for home-schooling too. A great way to help make a child’s story more engaging for the reader. What does this activity include? Example setting description with matching picture. Contrasting pictures as inspiration for children to write their own description ( Icy landscape, Landfill site) Finally children create their own setting using a picture, drawing or magazine cutting for inspiration. Children describe the setting and include the 5 senses in their description. This resource can be printed and used as a worksheet, or shared digitally and used as a guide. Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to our website to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.
Free dilemmas in story-writing activity

Free dilemmas in story-writing activity

This activity sheet supports students to think about dilemmas that could appear when writing a story. Perfect to use when running a project about story writing. This resource is great for use by parents for home-schooling too. A great way to help make a child’s story more engaging to the reader. What does this free activity include? • Picture prompts of different dilemmas (eg. Deforestation, pollution) • Word bank to support students with descriptive language. This resource can be printed out and used as a worksheet or simply used on screen as a guide for the activities. Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to our website to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.
Free Symmetrical tiles activity sheet

Free Symmetrical tiles activity sheet

This free worksheet is a fun crafty maths activity to run with your class to practice their understanding of symmetry. Perfect to use at the end of a topic looking at symmetry or as an extension or homework task. This resource is also great for use by parents for home-schooling. A fun and engaging way to get your child practising their understanding of symmetry. What does the activity include? • Symmetrical tiles activity where students need to design some special tiles for a customer’s kitchen, but all the designs must be symmetrical. • Extra task where they have to identify tessellating patterns. This activity sheet can be printed or used as a digital resource for reference purposes. Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to our website to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.
Free_Phonics challenge_Activity sheets

Free_Phonics challenge_Activity sheets

This free ‘Phonics challenge’ is a great home learning task for your class to practise their phonics skills. Children join Laura the Explorer on her African adventure, where they solve problems using their phonics knowledge. This resource is also great for use by parents for home-schooling. A fun and engaging way to get your child practising their phonics skills. What does this activity include? • Sound hunt activity – Children search their home for objects that begin with the same sound. • Missing letters – Some of the animals have lost the letters in their names, can you help fill in the blanks? • Real vs Nonsense – Can you help Laura cross the bridge on her adventure by sorting out real words from nonsense words. • Arranging sentences – Finally children have to rearrange words into the correct sentence, making sure they include capital letters and full stops at the end. Do check out our other fun resources available on our TES shop or head to www.explorelearning.co.uk to find out more about our mission to nurture fearless learners.