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Scheme of work KS4 Spanish AQA new GCSE 8692

Scheme of work KS4 Spanish AQA new GCSE 8692

Hello Langauge feeders, Today I am bringingt o you the new SoW for KS3 Spanish based on the new GCSE and the additional cultural needs required. This are adaptable to the needs of your school and includes for each lesson ( driving question in TL, objective, sugested DNA to reinforce retrieval practice, grammatical points, vocabulary points and phonics ). Each unit contains tha plan for, theory lessons, practice lessons, covers all tasks and skills of the GCSE. Hope you find this useful for the next academic year, if so don’t forget you feedback and follow us on our social media to support us grow. FeedLanguage team
Scheme of work KS4 French AQA new GCSE 8652

Scheme of work KS4 French AQA new GCSE 8652

Hello Langauge feeders, Today I am bringingt o you the new SoW for KS3 French based on the new GCSE and the additional cultural needs required. This are adaptable to the needs of your school and includes for each lesson ( driving question in TL, objective, sugested DNA to reinforce retrieval practice, grammatical points, vocabulary points and phonics ). Each unit contains tha plan for all theory lessons, practice lessons, covers all tasks of the GCSE and alls kills. Hope you find this useful for the next academic year, if so don’t forget you feedback and follow us on our social media to support us grow. FeedLanguage team
Scheme of work KS3 Spanish AQA new GCSE 8692

Scheme of work KS3 Spanish AQA new GCSE 8692

Hello Langauge feeders, Today I am bringingt o you the new SoW for KS3 Spanish based on the new GCSE and the additional cultural needs required. This are adaptable to the needs of your school and includes for each lesson ( driving question in TL, objective, sugested DNA to reinforce retrieval practice, grammatical points, vocabulary points and phonics ). Each unit contains, theory lessons, practice lessons, covers all tasks of the GCSE. In Y7 they cover: • Introducing oneself. • Family and friends. • Free time. • My house. • My city. • French celebrities. In Y8 they cover: • Eating and drinking • Healthy living • Body and illnesses • Travel and tourism • Festivals • Places of interest In Y9 they cover: • Education • World of work • Technology • Environmental and social issues • Differences between UK and Spain • Film project Hope you find this useful for the next academic year, if so don’t forget you feedback and follow us on our social media to support us grow. FeedLanguage team
MFL Book scrutiny template

MFL Book scrutiny template

Hello Language feeders! Today I bring a word document as a template for your book scrutiny in the MFL department. It is adaptable and complete in termf of what would OFSTED what to see in an MFL book. Simple and easy to fill in! Hope you like it, if so don’t forget to leave your feedback and follow us on our social media to support our growth. FeedLanguage team
Scheme of work KS3 French AQA new GCSE 8652

Scheme of work KS3 French AQA new GCSE 8652

Hello Langauge feeders, Today I am bringingt o you the new SoW for KS3 French based on the new GCSE and the additional cultural needs required. This are adaptable to the needs of your school and includes for each lesson ( driving question in TL, objective, sugested DNA to reinforce retrieval practice, grammatical points, vocabulary points and phonics ). Each unit contains, theory lessons, practice lessons, covers all tasks of the GCSE. In Y7 they cover: • Introducing oneself. • Family and friends. • Free time. • My house. • My city. • French celebrities. In Y8 they cover: • Eating and drinking • Healthy living • Body and illnesses • Travel and tourism • Festivals • Places of interest In Y9 they cover: • Education • World of work • Technology • Environmental and social issues • Differences between UK and Spain • Film project Hope you find this useful for the next academic year, if so don’t forget you feedback and follow us on our social media to support us grow. FeedLanguage team
Lesson 1 : Presentaciónes/ greetings (Spanish)

Lesson 1 : Presentaciónes/ greetings (Spanish)

Hello Language feeders, Here I leave you my first class, where we will have, greetings, asking for the name and how we feel and ending with a simple conversation. In this download we include: The class in Ppt version, with extension and reinforcement to differentiate levels. Support for students with special educational needs. Template for homework. Templates of each of the activities as support for students who need it. File of the complete vocabulary of the class, if it is for support or because the student has missed our class. I hope with all my heart that you like the resource. If so, do not forget to give us feedback to support us to continue creating. You can also go through our social networks where you can be up to date every time we create something new. Feed Language @feedlanguage Hola Language feeders, Aqui os dejo mi primera clase, donde tenermos, saludos, preguntar por el nombre y como nos sentimos y finalizar con una conversacion simple. En esta descarga incluimos: La clase en version Ppt , con extension y refuerzo para diferenciar niveles. Apoyo para alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales. Plantilla para los deberes. Plantillas de cada una de las actividades como apoyo a los alumnos que lo necesiten. Ficha del vocabulario completo de la clase, sien sea para poyo o por que el alumno ha faltado a nuestra clase. Espero de todo corazon que os guste el recurso. Si es asi no olvideis darnos feedback para poyarnos a seguir creando. Tambien podeis pasaros por nuestras redes sociales donde podreis estar al dia cada vez que creemos algo nuevo. Feed Language @feedlanguage
Excellent  40, 90 and 150 writing templates + Spanish Model answers

Excellent 40, 90 and 150 writing templates + Spanish Model answers

Hello Language Feeders, Today I bring you some wonderful templates for 40, 90 and 150 words. With these templates you will be able to improve the organization of the ideas in your students’ paragraphs and make sure that they add a couple of grammatical structures that, without a doubt, will make them get a better grade. In this download, you will get: Color templates of 40, 90 and 150 words . Black and white templates of 40, 90 and 150 words. Model answers in template and paragraph, based on real GCSE questions of 40, 90 and 150 words in Spanish. I hope with all my heart that you like the resource. If so, do not forget to give us feedback to support us to continue creating. You can also go through our social networks where you can be up to date every time we create something new. Feed Language @feedlanguage Hola Language Feeders, Hoy os traigo unas maravillosas plantillas para 40, 90 y 150 palabras. Con estas plantillas podréis mejorar la organización de las ideas en los párrafos de vuestros alumnos y aseguraros de que añaden un par de estructuras gramaticales que, sin duda, hará que consigan una mejor nota. En esta descarga obtendrás: Plantillas a color de 40, 90 y 150 palabras . Plantillas en blanco y negro de 40, 90 y 150 palabras. Respuestas modelo en plantilla y párrafo, basado en preguntas de GCSE reales de 40, 90 y 150 palabras en español. Espero de todo corazon que os guste el recurso. Si es asi no olvideis darnos feedback para poyarnos a seguir creando. Tambien podeis pasaros por nuestras redes sociales donde podreis estar al dia cada vez que creemos algo nuevo. Feed Language @feedlanguage
Crea tu propia Paella (create your own paella)

Crea tu propia Paella (create your own paella)

Hello languagefeeders, my school has recently invited Y5s for a taster session before they come to us, as Y7s. taking into the account the new GCSE focus on cultural events, I created this lesson to revise numbers, colors and food to create a Paella. This download includes the Ppt lesson with DNA and plenary, vocabulary pack, a worksheet and a little diploma. Hope you like it and remember to follow us in @feedlanguage in any social media to stay updated with the next publications. any feedback to support the growth of our page would be truly appreciated. Thanks, Feed Language team
Lesson 4  Mi mochila /My Bag (Spanish)

Lesson 4 Mi mochila /My Bag (Spanish)

Hello Language feeders, Here you have class number 4, my backpack. In this class we will work on “I have” and “I don’t have” with the objects in the backpack and the pencil case. In addition, we will explain and work on noun-adjective agreement. There are activities to work the 4 skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) in fun and motivating activities that will keep your students wanting to participate throughout the class. In this download we include: The class in Ppt version, with extension and reinforcement to differentiate levels. Template for homework. Templates of each of the activities as support for students who need it. File of the complete vocabulary of the class, if it is for support or because the student has missed our class. I hope with all my heart that you like the resource. If so, do not forget to give us feedback to support us to continue creating. If you want to see the style of the classes before downloading, you can see class number 1 that is free for everyone. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12749214 You can also go through our social networks where you can be up to date every time we create something new. Feed Language @feedlanguage Hola Language feeders, Aquí tenéis la clase número 4, mi mochila. En esta clase trabajaremos el “tengo” y el “no tengo” con los objetos en la mochila y el estuche. además, esplicaremos y trabajaremos la concordancia sustantivo-adjetivo. Hay actividades para trabajar las 4 habilidades ( speaking, listening, reading y writing) en actividades divertidas y motivadoras que mantendran a tus alumnos queriendo participar durante toda la clase. En esta descarga incluimos: La clase en version Ppt , con extension y refuerzo para diferenciar niveles. Apoyo para alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales. Plantilla para los deberes. Plantillas de cada una de las actividades como apoyo a los alumnos que lo necesiten. Ficha del vocabulario completo de la clase, sien sea para poyo o por que el alumno ha faltado a nuestra clase. Espero de todo corazon que os guste el recurso. Si es asi no olvideis darnos feedback para poyarnos a seguir creando. Si quereis ver el estilo de las clases antes de descargaros, esta podeis ver la clase número 1 que es gratis para todo el mundo. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12749214 Tambien podeis pasaros por nuestras redes sociales donde podreis estar al dia cada vez que creemos algo nuevo. Feed Language @feedlanguage
Lesson 1 : Les présentations/ greetings (French)

Lesson 1 : Les présentations/ greetings (French)

Hello Language feeders, Here I leave you my first class, where we will have, greetings, asking for the name and how we feel and ending with a simple conversation. In this download we include: The class in Ppt version, with extension and reinforcement to differentiate levels. Support for students with special educational needs. Template for homework. Templates of each of the activities as support for students who need it. File of the complete vocabulary of the class, if it is for support or because the student has missed our class. I hope with all my heart that you like the resource. If so, do not forget to give us feedback to support us to continue creating. You can also go through our social networks where you can be up to date every time we create something new. Feed Language @feedlanguage Bonjour Language Feeders, Ici, je vous laisse mon premier cours, où nous aurons des salutations, en demandant le nom et ce que nous ressentons et en terminant par une simple conversation. Dans ce téléchargement, nous incluons : La classe en version Ppt, avec extension et renforcement pour différencier les niveaux. Accompagnement des élèves à besoins éducatifs particuliers. Modèle pour les devoirs. Des modèles de chacune des activités comme support pour les élèves qui en ont besoin. Fichier du vocabulaire complet de la classe, si c’est pour un soutien ou parce que l’élève a manqué notre cours. J’espère de tout mon cœur que vous aimez la ressource. Si c’est le cas, n’oubliez pas de nous faire part de vos commentaires pour nous aider à continuer à créer. Vous pouvez également passer par nos réseaux sociaux où vous pouvez être à jour chaque fois que nous créons quelque chose de nouveau. Feed Language @feedlanguage
Lesson 2 L'alphabet ( The alphabet in French)

Lesson 2 L'alphabet ( The alphabet in French)

Hello Language feeders, In this download you will get the class on the alphabet. perfectly differentiated with activities for students of all levels and reinforcement sheets when necessary. The download includes: Ppt class. Printable homework. Homework answers. Alphabet worksheet. Card game “Je suis …Je Cherche…” SEND support We will soon upload the next “Lesson 3: Phonèmes (Phonics in French)” to continue with this lesson. If you are not sure, pop into our free “Lesson 1: Les présentations (greetings in Spanish)” to check on our teaching style. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/lesson-1-les-pr-sentations-greetings-french-12752240 This class has been created with great care, so now you know, if you liked it, share the link and the page with your fellow teachers. Follow us on social networks to be aware of each new publication and thanks for the support. @feedlanguage Feed Language Bonjour Language Feeders, Dans ce téléchargement, vous obtiendrez la classe sur l’alphabet. parfaitement différencié avec des activités pour les élèves de tous niveaux et des fiches de renforcement si nécessaire. Le téléchargement comprend : Pptclass. Devoirs imprimables. Réponses aux devoirs. Feuille de calcul alphabétique. Jeu de cartes « Je suis…Je Cherche… » ENVOYER prise en charge Nous mettrons bientôt en ligne la prochaine « Leçon 3 : Phonèmes » pour continuer cette leçon. Si vous n’êtes pas sûr, rendez-vous dans notre “Leçon 1 : Les présentations (salutations en espagnol)” gratuite pour vérifier notre style d’enseignement. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/lesson-1-les-pr-sentations-greetings-french-12752240 Ce cours a été créé avec beaucoup de soin, alors maintenant vous savez, si vous l’avez aimé, partagez le lien et la page avec vos collègues enseignants. Suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux pour être au courant de chaque nouvelle publication et merci pour le soutien. @feedlanguage Feed Language
Excellent 40, 90 and 150 writing templates + French Model answers

Excellent 40, 90 and 150 writing templates + French Model answers

Hello Language Feeders, Today I bring you some wonderful templates for 40, 90 and 150 words. With these templates you will be able to improve the organization of the ideas in your students’ paragraphs and make sure that they add a couple of grammatical structures that, without a doubt, will make them get a better grade. In this download, you will get: Color templates of 40, 90 and 150 words . Black and white templates of 40, 90 and 150 words. Model answers in template and paragraph, based on real GCSE questions of 40, 90 and 150 words in Spanish. I hope with all my heart that you like the resource. If so, do not forget to give us feedback to support us to continue creating. You can also go through our social networks where you can be up to date every time we create something new. Feed Language @feedlanguage Bonjour Language Feeders, Aujourd’hui, je vous apporte de merveilleux modèles pour 40, 90 et 150 mots. Avec ces modèles, vous pourrez améliorer l’organisation des idées dans les paragraphes de vos élèves et vous assurer qu’ils ajoutent quelques structures grammaticales qui, sans aucun doute, leur permettront d’obtenir une meilleure note. Dans ce téléchargement, vous obtiendrez : Modèles de couleur de 40, 90 et 150 mots . Modèles en noir et blanc de 40, 90 et 150 mots. Modèles de réponses dans un modèle et un paragraphe, basés sur de vraies questions GCSE de 40, 90 et 150 mots en espagnol. J’espère de tout mon cœur que vous aimez la ressource. Si c’est le cas, n’oubliez pas de nous faire part de vos commentaires pour nous aider à continuer à créer. Vous pouvez également passer par nos réseaux sociaux où vous pouvez être à jour chaque fois que nous créons quelque chose de nouveau. Feed Language @feedlanguage
Crées ta propre crêpe ( create your own crepe)

Crées ta propre crêpe ( create your own crepe)

Hello languagefeeders, my school has recently invited Y5s for a taster session before they come to us, as Y7s. taking into the account the new GCSE focus on cultural events, I created this lesson to revise numbers, colors and food to create a crêpe. This download includes the Ppt lesson with DNA and plenary, vocabulary pack, a worksheet and a little diploma. Hope you like it and remember to follow us in @feedlanguage in any social media to stay updated with the next publications. any feedback to support the growth of our page would be truly appreciated. Thanks, Feed Language team
MFL Open evening set of games (Spanish and French) adaptable to other languages

MFL Open evening set of games (Spanish and French) adaptable to other languages

Hello Language feeders, Here you have the best set of activities we have ever put together for open evening for languages. very enjoyable games that kept our pupils and parents interested for hours, and made them leave our room wanting to join us. the download includes, activities, solutions, labels, certificates, instructions , presentation of the new GCSE SoW, motivational invitation’s letters for student to help in the event and many more. Hope you enjoy them as much as we did, Feed language team
Lesson 2: El Abecedario (The alphabet in Spanish)

Lesson 2: El Abecedario (The alphabet in Spanish)

Hello Language feeders, In this download you will get the class on the alphabet. perfectly differentiated with activities for students of all levels and reinforcement sheets when necessary. The download includes: Ppt class. Printable homework. Homework answers. Alphabet worksheet. Card game “Soy …Busco…” SEND support We will soon upload the next “Lesson 3: los fonemas (Phonics in Spanish)” to continue with this lesson. If you are not sure, pop into our free “Lesson 1: Las presentaciones (greetings in Spanish)” to check on our teaching style. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/lesson-1-presentaci-nes-greetings-spanish-12749214 This class has been created with great care, so now you know, if you liked it, share the link and the page with your fellow teachers. Follow us on social networks to be aware of each new publication and thanks for the support. @feedlanguage Feed Language Hola Language feeders, En esta descarga obtendreis la clase sobre el abecedario. perfectamente diferenciada con actividades para lumnos de todos los niveles y hojas de refuerzo cuando necesario. La descarga incluye: Clase Ppt. Deberes imprimibles. Solucion de los deberes. Hoja de trabajo del abecedario. Juego de cartas “soy busco” Ayuda para alumnos con NEE Esta clase ha sido creada con mucho cariño, así que ya sabes, si te ha gustado comparte el enlace y la página con tus colegas profes. Muy pronto subiremos la siguiente “Lección 3: los fonemas” para continuar con esta lección. Si no está seguro, ingrese a nuestra “Lección 1: Las presentaciones (saludos en español)” gratuita para verificar nuestro estilo de enseñanza. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/lesson-1-presentaci-nes-greetings-spanish-12749214 Siguenos por las redes sociales para estar al tanto de cada nueva publicacion y gracias por el apoyo. @feedlanguage Feed Language
MFL literacy codes marking/assessment/feedback

MFL literacy codes marking/assessment/feedback

Hi Language feeders, I have just created the MFL literacy codes for my department to use during marking. These will be printed and shared with students to help them work through feedback in a more independent way. I have also added a model answer to each Literacy codes for the students to easier identify how to correct or improve their written work both in Spanish and French. Feedbacks and sharing will help us grow as a team! hope you like the resource, Feed Language team.
Post cards rewards Spanish and French

Post cards rewards Spanish and French

Hello Language feeders, I created the first pack of post cards in TL to rewards our students in the room. 6 different designs to print and use in the lessons, adaptable if needed. Enjoy! and if you did please leave us some feed back and follow us on social media for more updates and support. FeedLanguage team
Las asignaturas Sudoku ( subjects Spanish) Challenge activity

Las asignaturas Sudoku ( subjects Spanish) Challenge activity

Hi Language Feeders, Here you have a very interesting activity to work the vocabulary while you motivate the students to go one step further. It is a Sudoky (like the one with numbers) but with words. I have created them in three levels, to cover all the needs of the classroom. In my case I have all the topics printed on envelopes and when a student finishes an activity and needs something else to do, I let them choose which game they want to complete and this sudoku is one of them. I hope with all my heart that you like it, if so, do not forget to leave me a review and go through my social networks. Feed Language @Feedlanguage Hola Language Feeders, Aquí teneis una actividad muy interesante para trabajar el vocabulario mientras que motivais a los alumnos a ir un paso máas allá. Se trata de un Sudoky (como el de los números) pero con palabras. Los he creado en tres niveles, para cubrir todas las necesidades del aula. En mi caso tengo todos los temas impresos en sobres y cuando algún alumno acaba una actividad y necesita algo más que hacer les dejo elegir que juego quieren completar y este sudoku es uno de ellos. Espero de todo corazón que os guste, si es así no olvideis dejarme una reseña y pasaros por mis redes sociales. Feed Language @Feedlanguage
Display / Flash cards Los numeros ( Numbers in Spanish)

Display / Flash cards Los numeros ( Numbers in Spanish)

Hiya! Here you have a display or flashcards of numbers in Spanish from 1 to 31. Themed with the Spanish Flag will decorate your room with a useful resource for your students writing the date, age or as numeral adjectives. Enjoy, and if you liked it don’t forget to give us feed back and pop into our social media to be updated on any new uploads. @feedlaguage Feed Language
Bubble translation Los trabajos (Job descriptions Spanish)

Bubble translation Los trabajos (Job descriptions Spanish)

Hiya! Here you will find a translation task in three different levels of difficulty about the topic of jobs description. All 3 level could be implemented at the same time to make sure all needs in you room are covered. If you like it give us a like to help us create more resources for you! Feed Language