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IB Psychology | A-Level AQA Psychology | A-Level AQA Sociology | BTEC Health and Social Care | KS3 RE (Buddhism) | EPQ




IB Psychology | A-Level AQA Psychology | A-Level AQA Sociology | BTEC Health and Social Care | KS3 RE (Buddhism) | EPQ
WHOLE COURSE AQA Psychology revision mats & Issues and Debates synoptic

WHOLE COURSE AQA Psychology revision mats & Issues and Debates synoptic

23 Revision Mats included. 1x Social Influence 1x Memory 1x Attachment 2x Approaches 1x Psychopathology 3x Research Methods 1x biopsychology 2x comparison tables 6x IAD 2x Gender (optional topic) 1x Aggression (optional topic) 2x Schizophrenia (optional topic) 2x Relationships (optional topic) Slide size is set to A3. easy to amend and ideal for revision. Also includes Issues and Debates synoptic activity.
L2 BTEC Tech Health & Social Care  - C1 LA. B (Life Events) 2017

L2 BTEC Tech Health & Social Care - C1 LA. B (Life Events) 2017

Includes 3 powerpoints for all of LA.B content. Appropriate and factual videos for most areas. Several real-life scenarios worksheets and activities to complete. 4 PC lesson research projects. Homework suggestions. LA.B case studies included and coursework preparation tasks. Component 1 bundle available LA.A and LA.B - check my shop for a reduced price when buying both learning aims.
Psychology newsletter / Wider reading / Extra Supra curricular / Transition / Open Evening

Psychology newsletter / Wider reading / Extra Supra curricular / Transition / Open Evening

A one-off purchase will allow you to download future newsletters for FREE. 21 colour newsletters that can be given to students fortnightly (42 weeks) to widen their perspective and knowledge beyond the specification. Can also be used as transition reading, at open evenings or to develop subject knowledge. Each newsletter includes: Insight into a field/area of psychology. Exploration of known and not-so-known psychologists beyond the specification. A different cognitive bias or psychological complex Research focus. Also includes: 7 guided reading templates with questions to encourage critical thinking, evaluation and analysis. Sources and suggested answers are in the notes. One purchase will allow you to access any updates for FREE in the future.
L2 BTEC Tech Health & Social Care - C3 - Exam (WHOLE UNIT) 2017

L2 BTEC Tech Health & Social Care - C3 - Exam (WHOLE UNIT) 2017

Includes LA.A, LA.B, LA.C and exam support Contains 5 powerpoints which cover all content from LA.A, LA.B and LA.C. Each lessons includes independent tasks, relevant videos and are accessible for non-specialists. All lesson worksheets are on the powerpoint to be printed off. Also includes an exam structure walkthrough, revision mats and knowledge organiser.
Psychology Christmas lesson / escape room / colouring / exam questions

Psychology Christmas lesson / escape room / colouring / exam questions

Christmas lesson activity pack which includes: 3 pages of colouring images which link to the AQA specification - student can label, link to the spec and colour in. Themed question and points activity. ‘Who killed Santa’ mini problem-solving game. 40 question Kahoot quiz with Psychology and Christmas questions.
Psycholgy Memory - MSM / WMM / Cognitive Interview / LTM

Psycholgy Memory - MSM / WMM / Cognitive Interview / LTM

Lessons include resources to be printed on the slides, detailed notes for the teacher, videos and experiments to take part in. Includes: Intro to memory. Multi-store model and its features including coding, capacity and duration. Types of LTM. Working Memory Model x2 Cognitive Interview Exam technique and revision lesson.
AQA Psychology Schizophrenia Option - FULL TOPIC [2015]

AQA Psychology Schizophrenia Option - FULL TOPIC [2015]

Includes 7 lessons with videos and detailed notes on the majority of slides and structured tasks to help them write 16M essays. Variety of AO3 activities included and a revision workbook. Exam link - relevant exam questions shared throughout. SMSC link - reference to Art throughout. Revision lesson which focuses on essay structure and AO3. Exemplar essays included. Workbook included
AQA Psychology - Biopsychology - FULL TOPIC - Year 1/2

AQA Psychology - Biopsychology - FULL TOPIC - Year 1/2

Contains lessons for Biopsychology AS and A-Level content, including a refresher activity for AS content if you’ve taught it separately. Hands-on activities included. Workbook included Appropriate videos and modern-day references. Links and additional information in the notes. Independent activities included. Exam question and structure focus.
AQA Psychology Attachment [FULL TOPIC] 2015

AQA Psychology Attachment [FULL TOPIC] 2015

Includes 11 lessons with videos and detailed notes on the majority of slides and structured tasks to help them write 16M essays. Context added to help students. All slides follow the same format and are dyslexia friendly. Some research methods emdedded within - Features the ‘egg project’ and certificate. Exam link - relevant exam questions shared throughout.