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Edexcel GCSE French HL (2024) Module 1 Conversation questions, prompts and model answers
A set of questions on Module 1 for the conversation part of the new GCSE Edexcel French exam.
For each question there is a set of prompts (with language which extends beyond the textbook) and a model answer to help pupils to construct their own responses.
The questions covered are as follows (slightly different from those suggested in the textbook):
Qu’est-ce que tu fais en ligne?
Quels sont les avantages et les dangers d’Internet?
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes comme musique?
Est-ce que tu joues d’un instrument de musique?
Qu’est-ce que tu vas regarder ce soir à la télé?
Parle-moi d’une visite récente au cinéma
Est-ce que tu es sportif/sportive?
Qu’est-ce que tu as fait récemment pour rester actif/active?
Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire à l’avenir avec tes amis ou ta famille?

"La Haine" model essay- Conflits (AQA)
Model essay in response to the question: Analysez les moyens par lesquels Kassovitz présente le thème du conflit dans le film. Comment jugez-vous son traitement de ce thème ? (AQA). An English translation is included at the end of the essay.

"La Haine" Model essay- Représentation de la banlieue (AQA)
Model essay for the question “Analysez la représentation de la banlieue et des banlieusards dans ce film et combien cette représentation est réaliste” (AQA GCE syllabus). Colour coded to exemplify, point, evidence, evaluation. Translation into English provided.

"La Haine" Model essay- Exclusion sociale
Model response to the question: Dans quelle mesure Kassovitz a-t-il réussi à dépeindre l’exclusion sociale? (AQA GCSE). Colour-coded to illustrate: point, exemplification, evaluation. English translation provided.

Huis Clos IB HL model extract presentation
This is a model presentation for pupils studying the HL IB course based on an extract from Huis Clos (at the point where Estelle confesses to having killed her child). Both the extract and the model answer are included, as well as some other questions that could be based on the extract.

Dynamo 3 Rouge Module 2 Revision Knowledge organisers & translation practice
This powerpoint resource sythesises the key vocabulary, tenses and opinions encountered in Module 4 along with Textivate links for independent learning. This is followed by 2 pages of translation exercises with answers which demonstrate how the key knowledge can be used to create extended sentences for effective written & spoken responses.

Dynamo 3 Rouge Module 4 Revision Knowledge organisers & translation practice
This powerpoint resource sythesises the key vocabulary, tenses and opinions encountered in Module 4 along with Textivate links for independent learning. This is followed by 2 pages of translation exercises with answers which demonstrate how the key knowledge can be used to create extended sentences for effective written & spoken responses.

Dynamo 3 Rouge Improving writing technique
I prepared this resource to help my Year 9 class to prepare for their end of year writing exam which involved 2 extended responses to questions based on the new Edexcel GCSE spec- an 18 marker and a 22 marker. The powerpoint enables them to become more familiar with the Edexcel mark schemes and increases their awareness of what is required to attain the top bands for Response as well as Language. It focuses on 2 exemplar questions based on Modules 2 and 4. Model answers are provided for pupils to analyse and emulate.

Huis Clos Study Booklet for pupils & teachers
This is a 25 page booklet of questions & gap-fill summaries taking pupils systematically through the play. It assesses both comprehension and interpretation and deals with the philosophical elements. Page references are for the Livre de Poche edition but this can be used with any other edition. There is a pupil version and teacher version with comprehensive answers. Pupils could use it for independent study or revision. It is suitable for the IB HL literary element.

Studio 3 Rouge Module 4 Bundle
Bundle of resources to support the teaching of Studio 3 Rouge Module 4, including all grammar covered. See individual resources for more detailed descriptions. All powerpoints come with answers and can be used by pupils for self-study. Also ideal for digital approach as powerpoints can be uploaded to digital classrooms/ notebooks for pupils to access.

Studio 3 Rouge Module 3 Bundle
Powerpoints to support the teaching of Studio 3 Rouge Module 3. The powerpoints provide scaffolding for and extension beyond the textbook activities and provide grammar explanations & consolidation of the key tenses and structures introduced, especially the imperfect & quand/future/future & the use of 3 tenses.

Dynamo 3 Rouge Module 2 Projets d'avenir Bundle
A set of powerpoint resources to supplement the textbook resources for each unit of Dynamo 3 Rouge Module 2. There are a range of extra exercises and activities to promote progress in all the skills through both scaffolding and extension.Each powerpoint is self-contained with all the answers. The answers can be removed to provide a pupil version that can be printed as a booklet or uploaded for use on digital devices.