AQA 9-1 - AQA Geography Revision Guides/Poster
Bundle includes:
- Unit 1 - Physical Geography Revision Guide
- Unit 2- Human Geography Revision Guide.
- ‘What will I study in GCSE Geography?’ Poster
AQA 9-1 Coasts Revision Sheet
Coasts Revision Sheet can be printed doubled sided on either A4 or A3. This sheet is aimed at pupils who prefer more structured revision or lower ability students who need more support. Sheet numbered 1 - 12 as used in conjunction with revision clocks. Students to pick which sheet they’d prefer allowing for self differentiation.
KS3 Latitude and Longitude Worksheet
Latitude and Longitude worksheet asking to students to label the main lines of latitude and longitude across the globe. Sheet also contains extension questions which increase in difficulty.
AQA 9-1 Rivers Revision Sheets
Rivers double sided revision sheet can be printed on either A4 or A3. This sheet is aimed at pupils who prefer more structured revision or lower ability students who need more support. The sheets cover 12 different sections within the ‘River Landscapes’ section of UK Physical Landscapes. Sections covered include:
Long Profile
Lateral and Vertical Erosion
Types of Erosion
Ox-Bow Lakes
Causes of River Flooding
Key Terms
AQA 9-1 Geography PLC's - Unit 1
This is a revision companion guide linked with the ‘CGP GCSE AQA Geography 9-1 Course’ book. The booklet contains personal learning checklists, keywords and exam practice questions. It also contains suggestions for revision techniques and ‘top tips’ for the exam.
This booklet is for Unit 1 (Physical Paper). It contains the themes of:
- Section A - The Challenge of Natural Hazards
- Section B - The Living World (not cold environments)
- Section C - Physical Landscapes in the UK (not glaciated landscapes)
However the booklet can be easily adapted to add in/take out sections.
The booklet also links in with GCSE Pod with suggested videos and video playlists.
Pupils find this guide extremely useful to help structure their revision and help give them a starting point. It’s also good for them to have something to work through ticking off as they go tracking their own progress. It really helped with motivation for outside of school revision. See Unit 2 (Human Paper) Booklet as well!
AQA 9-1 Living World (Tropical Rainforest) Revision Sheets
Living World (Tropical Rainforest) double sided revision sheet can be printed doubled sided on either A4 or A3. This sheet is aimed at pupils who prefer more structured revision or lower ability students who need more support. The sheets cover 11 different sections covering the Tropical Rainforest Section of Living World. Sections covered include:
Animal Adaptations
Plant Adaptations
Value of the Rainforest
Deforestation (Causes)
Deforestation (Impacts)
Sustainable Management
Key Terms
AQA 9-1 Changing Economic World - Part 1 Revision Sheet
Changing Economic World – Part 1 double sided revision sheet. I would recommend printing it doubled sided on A3 but can also be printed A4. This sheet is aimed at pupils who prefer more structured revision. The sheet covers 11 different sections within the first part of the Changing Economic World spec. As it’s a large unit I couldn’t fit all the content onto one doubled sided sheet – please see my Changing Economic World – Part 2 sheet which cover the rest of the content.
Sections covered include:
Development Indicators
Categorizing Countries
Population Structure (Pyramids)
Key Terms
Causes of Uneven Development
Reducing the Development Gap
Consequences of Uneven Development
Advantages/Disadvantages of Tourism – Jamaica
Exam Qu’s
AQA 9-1 - Physical Geography Revision Sheets
Bundle contains 5 double sided revision sheets covering the topics of Natural Hazards, Tropical Rainforests, Deserts, Coasts and Rivers.
IGCSE Geography - Editable Learning Checklists (All Themes)
IGCSE Geography Personal Learning Checklists (PLC’S) for all themes within the syllabus.
Theme 1 – Population and Settlement
Theme 2 – The Natural Environment
• Tectonics (Earthquakes and Volcanoes)
• Coasts
• Rivers
• Weather
• Climate and Vegetation (Deserts and Rainforests)
Theme 3 – Economic Development
• Development
• Agriculture
• Industry
• Tourism
• Energy and Water
Outlines all content covered within the course to ensure pupils can prioritize their revision and rank their understanding. PLC’s are editable so case studies can be changed with ease.
KS3 Rapid Urbanisation (Build a Shanty Town)
Outstanding creative lesson in which students create/construct their own shanty town dwelling. Lessons focus on recapping the issues within shanty towns and ways in which governments can help/hinder conditions. Lesson Covers:
- Push and Pull factors for Rural to Urban Migration.
- Common features of a shanty town ‘house’ (covered before students ‘build’ their own)
- Human and Physical factors that can impact standard of living (chance cards)
- Levelled questioning based in Blooms Taxonomy
- Comparisons to own lifestyle focusing on empathy.
Students need a ‘starter kit’ to create help create their house e.g. cardboard, cartoons, plastics bags, yogurt pots etc. You will also need waste materials for the tip.
AQA 9-1 Physical Fieldwork Write Up (Rivers)
Outstanding Lesson on Physical Fieldwork Write Up . A selection of 3 differentiated booklets (Bronze, Sliver and Gold) used to answer the hypothesis: ‘How does a meandering section of a river compare to a straight section?’. Booklets used over a full hour and contain various activities such as: Literacy Links, Reasons for Location Selection (Health and Safety) Graphing Cross Sections, Labelling Cross Sections and a Structure Strip (for a 6 mark exam question).
Further activities where carried out measuring velocity etc. however were discussed in a different lesson.
NOTE: Location of our fieldwork was Gordale Scar. There’s a small section on why we selected this site. You could easily change this to your location or change to a general ‘What makes a good fieldwork site?’.
AQA 9-1 Living World (Deserts) Revision Sheet
Living World (Deserts) double sided revision sheet. I recommend printing doubled sided in A3 but can be printed A4 as well. This sheet is aimed at pupils who prefer more structured revision or lower ability students who need more support. The sheets cover 12 different sections covering the Deserts Section of Living World.
Sections covered include:
Desert Formation
Plant Adaptations
Animal Adaptations
Human and Physical Causes
Reducing Desertification
Opportunities and Challenges
Exam Qu’s
Key Terms
AQA 9-1 Geography PLC's - Unit 2
This is a revision companion guide linked with the ‘CGP GSCE AQA Geography 9-1 Course’ book. The booklet contains checklists, keywords and exam practice questions. It also contains suggestions for revision techniques and ‘top tips’ for the exam.
This booklet is for Unit 2 (Human Paper). It contains the themes of:
- Section A - Urban Issues and Challenges
- Section B - The Changing Economic World
- Section C - Resources Management & Energy (NOT Food and Water)
However the booklet can be easily adapted to add in/take out sections.
Unfortunately no links with GCSEPod as most of the Unit 1 topics are ‘in progress’.
Pupils find this guide extremely useful to help structure their revision and help give them a starting point. It’s also good for them to have something to work through ticking off as they go tracking their own progress. It really helped with motivation for outside of school revision. See Unit 1 (Physical Paper) Booklet as well!
IGCSE Geography - Case Study Revision Booklet (All Themes)
IGCSE Geography Case Study Booklet for all 3 themes. Each case study has a detailed overview sheet including points/evidence for pupils to be able to successfully complete 7 mark essay style questions. There are also examples of potential 7 mark questions pupils may be asked with each case study.
Theme 1 - Population and Settlement
Niger - A country with a high rate of natural population growth
Japan - A country with a low rate of population growth/high dependent population
Australia - A country which is under-populated
Bangladesh - A country which is over-populated
Brazil - A densely/ sparsely populated country or area
*Singapore - Population policy also included - not technically a ‘case study’ according to the specification)
Mexico to USA - An international migration
Prague - Settlement and service provision in an area
New York - An urban area or areas
Cape Town - A rapidly growing urban area in a developing country and migration to it
Theme 2 - The Natural Environment
Sahara - An area of hot desert
Amazon - An area of tropical rainforest
Tohoku - An Earthquake
Mt Merapi - A Volcano
Indus Drainage Basin - The opportunities presented by a river or rivers, the associated hazards and their management
Holderness Coast - The opportunities presented by a river or rivers, the associated hazards and their management
Theme 3 - Economic Development
Brazil - A farm or agricultural system
South Sudan - A country or region suffering from food shortages
Shell, Nigeria - A transnational corporation and its global links
Jinan, China - An industrial zone or factory
Jamaica - An area where tourism is important
Energy + Water
China - Energy supply in a country or area
South Africa - Water supply in a country or area
**Economic Development
Sahara - An area where economic development is taking place and causing the environment to be at risk - Not included as linked with Climate Desert Case Study **
AQA 9-1 Typhoon Haiyan Case Study Summary
Double-sided work sheet summarising the Primary/Secondary Effects and Short/Long-Term Responses to Typhoon Haiyan. Sheets has ‘mini’ sections including a word fill introduction, mix and match effects activity, a focus on a NGO’s response (Oxfam) and then categorising responses. The last activity is a 9 mark exam question. Hope it helps! Please have a look at my other revision resources.
KS3 Map Symbol Worksheet
Map symbol story worksheet in which pupils use an OS map key to help decode a letter. Pupils then create their own story using a minimum of 10 symbols.
AQA 9-1 Coasts Structure Strips
Fully Differentiated Structure Strips for a range of exam questions within the Coasts Unit. Questions include:
- The Formation of a Wave Cut Platform (4 marks)
- Transportation and Depositional Landforms (6 marks)
- How effective is hard engineering in reducing cliff collapse? (9 marks)
Each question contains 3 sheets (gold, sliver and bronze) to allow for easy differentiation with varying help within the strip down the side of page. Pupils have responded very well to these especially when reflecting on assessments. Also really useful for revision!
AQA 9-1 Hazards Revision Sheet
Hazards Revision Sheet can be printed doubled sided on either A4 or A3. Sheet focuses on the impacts, management and response to earthquakes rather then volcanoes. This sheet is aimed at pupils who prefer more structured revision or lower ability students who need more support. Sheet numbered 1 - 12 as used in conjunction with revision clocks. Students to pick which sheet they’d prefer allowing for self differentiation.
IGCSE Geography - Case Study Revision (Theme 2)
IGCSE Geography Case Study Booklet for Theme 2 - The Natural Environment.
Revision booklet include detailed case studies for the following:
Tohoku - An earthquake
Mt Merapi - A volcano
Indus Drainage Basin - The opportunities presented by a river or rivers, the associated hazards and their management
Holderness- The opportunities presented by an area or areas or coastline, the associated hazards and their management
Amazon - An area of tropical rainforest
Sahara - An area of hot desert
No weather case study - 7 mark question in this section tends to be causes of flooding within a drainage basin .