This Year 13 lesson on sustainable tourism: myth or reality? (old AQA spec - this is an older resource!), contains a lesson plan complete with resources embedded.
This plan, aimed at Year 7 Geography pupils, covers two lessons and contains memory-based team activities on clouds and cloud formation in the ‘Thinking Through Geography’ story telling style. All resources needed are embedded and authors credited where necessary.
This plan, which should be used as a Year 7 team building activity on congestion chaos, covers two lessons and contains team activities on congestion and a potential bypass for Alton Towers. Activity includes photo interpretation, decision making and finishes with a pollster vote.
This Fully resourced AS scheme of work, Population Change (for the new AQA GCE spec), includes Birmingham fieldwork and Aegis worksheet. Many thanks to Simon Killen of St Mary Redcliffe & Temple School for the contribution of resources for this unit. I hope to have credited any other resources used within the document itself.
This is the 14th annual geographygeek Christmas quiz. It’s designed to bridge the gap between an end of term ‘fun lesson’ and learning. It is used all over the world.
The quiz contains 12 rounds and a bonus round. Each round gives clues from a news story about a specific country. Students have to guess which country the story is from. Once they get the answer correct, they earn a ‘hat’ worth:
5 points if correct after the first clue
4 points if correct after the second clue
3 points if correct after the third clue
2 point if correct after the fourth clue
1 point if correct after the fifth clue
They must then cut out the hats and use them to make a Christmas scene, which they can gain extra points for at the end.
All resources, such as instructions, the PowerPoint, the handouts and the ‘hats’ are provided.