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Geography Guru

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Quality lessons. Quality weekend. As every teacher knows, finding that work life balance is often difficult. Here at Geography Guru, we provide quality tested geography resources at an affordable price. Take the stress out of your teaching and enjoy what many teachers joined the proffesion for, working with young people.




Quality lessons. Quality weekend. As every teacher knows, finding that work life balance is often difficult. Here at Geography Guru, we provide quality tested geography resources at an affordable price. Take the stress out of your teaching and enjoy what many teachers joined the proffesion for, working with young people.
Tropical storm mitigation, Reducing the damage from tropical storms (Predict, protect, prepare)

Tropical storm mitigation, Reducing the damage from tropical storms (Predict, protect, prepare)

This 2-HOUR lesson teaches students how preparation, protection and prediction can lessen the damage and destruction caused by tropical storms. Pupils learn about the effectiveness of forecasting; as well as various precautions that can be taken prior to the storms arrival. Finally building protection methods are over-viewed. The pupils must then create their own educational hurricane brochure. This must inform citizens of how to keep safe during future storms.
Effects of tropical storms, Researching tropcial storms, Nargis VS Karina

Effects of tropical storms, Researching tropcial storms, Nargis VS Karina

This resource investigates the effects of tropical storms. The lesson use pupil led internet research to compare two tropical storms; one in a LIC and one in a HIC. The lesson starts by introducing some of the effects. Here students are encouraged to develop their answers and not just list ideas. Both the Nargis and Katrina are over-viewed briefly. Instructions for the research task are provided, as well as a website links sheet.
The Big Freeze of 2010, UK extreme weather

The Big Freeze of 2010, UK extreme weather

This 2 HOUR lesson investigates the effects of the 2010 big freeze. The resource overviews the causes of the event; as well as how the phenomena impacted on the economy, emergency services, transport and education. The lesson uses a fun role play news report to assess pupil understanding. A case study information and collection sheet is provided, as well as writing frame for weaker pupils.
Climate graphs

Climate graphs

This 1 HOUR lesson teaches pupils to create and interpret climate graphs. Once pupils have completed the task, they are to create a set of questions to test their partners understanding of the graph they have produced. An interactive graph is also included to test class understanding of graph analysis.
Recording weather, Measuring weather, Weather instruments

Recording weather, Measuring weather, Weather instruments

This 2 HOUR lesson investigates the methods used to record weather. Pupils first try to guess the function of various weather instruments. Sunshine recorders are analysed and pupils create their own report from actual sunshine cards. The Beaufort scale is studied through a fun role play exercise. Pressure and wind speed are also covered, as well as the more modern Stevenson weather station. A work booklet is included along with differentiated writing frames for weaker pupils.
Weather systems, What are depressions & anti-cyclones?

Weather systems, What are depressions & anti-cyclones?

In this 3 HOUR, lesson pupils learn the characteristics of both depressions and anti-cyclones. The formation of both these weather systems is covered in depth. A range of activities are included for varying abilities. Writing frames are provided to support and guide lower ability students.
Rainforest homework pack

Rainforest homework pack

This pack includes three sets of practice exam questions, to be set as homework. This pack should be used across a 6 week period to complement the rainforest scheme of work. The mark schemes for these are also included.
Rainforest assessment

Rainforest assessment

This end of unit test assesses pupils understanding of: the distribution and characteristics of tropical rainforest, the causes and effects of deforestation as well as management strategies. A mark scheme is also included.
Rainforest taboo game

Rainforest taboo game

This is to be used as a fun revision resource for the rainforest topic. The class are to describe the word on the board to the student at the front, without using the ‘buzz’ words on the slide.


9 Resources
This package includes all of the teaching and learning resources required to teach this 4-5 WEEK topic. The bundle includes a detailed and engaging power point for each of the lessons, as well as supporting videos, activities and worksheets. Homework tasks and differentiated support is provided for pupils of varying abilities. The package firstly investgates drainage basins and their characteristics. River processes are covers in detail; as well as how these processes create features of the upper, middle and lower stages. Waterfalls, gourges and interlocking spurs, meanders, oxbow lakes, levees and floodplains are the examples included. The scheme then looks into the hydrological cycle in attempt to explain the factors effcting flood risk. Hydrographs are analysed and linked to environmental characteristics. Pupils use a case study to learn the effects of river flooding. The concepts of hard and soft engineering is finally overviewed. Here pupils analysis the effectiveness of managmement stratergies .
Hard and soft engineering strategies (Rivers)

Hard and soft engineering strategies (Rivers)

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. This lesson investigates the difference between hard and soft engineering strategies. The pupils learn examples of each through a fun kinaesthetic market style exercise. Group reflection questions and a ‘find the heads to the tails’ game is used to test pupils understanding of the material covered.


This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. This session teaches pupils to interpret hydrographs. Students learn how lag times can be calculated from peak discharge and rainfall. The pupils consider how different environments can influence lag times and therefore flood risk. An interactive flood hydrograph is included to test pupils understanding at the end of the session.
The hydrological cycle, Causes of river flooding, Factors effecting flood risk

The hydrological cycle, Causes of river flooding, Factors effecting flood risk

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. This TWO HOUR lesson investigates the hydrological cycle. Key terms are taught through a dominoes style game. This can also be done as a whole class activity and timed in a competition style learning exercise. Pupils learn about the factors effecting river discharge and start to consider how this impacts on storm hydrographs.
Formation of levees and floodplains, Features of the lower stage

Formation of levees and floodplains, Features of the lower stage

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. This lesson 2 HOUR lesson looks at how flood plains and levees are formed. The resource includes numerous differentiated worksheets to assist pupils of varying ability in their understanding. A card annotation task is used to explain how levees are produced through successive floods. A paired exercise is then used to develop pupils understanding of river floodplains.
River meanders & oxbow lakes, Features of the middle stage

River meanders & oxbow lakes, Features of the middle stage

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson investigates features of the middle stage, with a focus on meanders and ox-bow lakes. The lesson starts by explaining why some parts of a river flow faster than others. The pupils draw a cross section of a river and annotate, to highlight these ideas. The lesson includes class discussion questions to check learning throughout the lesson. A flow diagram is used to teach pupils the sequence, as well as a fun, timed class activity. A writing frame is included to help pupils practice writing an independent exam style answer.
River characteristics of the upper, middle and lower stage, River long and cross profiles

River characteristics of the upper, middle and lower stage, River long and cross profiles

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. This lesson investigates how both the long and cross profiles of rivers change from the upper, through to the lower course. A bingo style game is used as a starter task to test students’ knowledge of fluvial processes. Students learn to describe key changes in channel width and depth, load size, velocity, valley sides and profile.
River processes, Erosion, transportation and deposition

River processes, Erosion, transportation and deposition

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. This lesson investigates the fluvial processes of erosion, transportation and deposition. The teaching and learning pack contains detailed diagrams of the fluvial processes, with some parts of the annotation labels missing. The students must complete these in pairs. A ‘heads n tails’ task is also included to reinforce these processes; which could be completed on the sheet, or as a kinaesthetic ‘snap ‘exercise with smaller groups..