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Geography Guru

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Quality lessons. Quality weekend. As every teacher knows, finding that work life balance is often difficult. Here at Geography Guru, we provide quality tested geography resources at an affordable price. Take the stress out of your teaching and enjoy what many teachers joined the proffesion for, working with young people.




Quality lessons. Quality weekend. As every teacher knows, finding that work life balance is often difficult. Here at Geography Guru, we provide quality tested geography resources at an affordable price. Take the stress out of your teaching and enjoy what many teachers joined the proffesion for, working with young people.
The demographic transition model

The demographic transition model

This 2 HOUR resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. This lesson provides an alternative, fun and interactive explaination of the DTM. The pack contains differentiated worksheets to assist pupils of lower ability. The students are first required to describe changes to the birth and death rates and therefore overall population of the individual stages. Reasons for these changes are then discussed. The powerpoint includes numerous tasks to test students understanding throughout the lesson.
How can tourism reduce the development gap, Reducing the development gap

How can tourism reduce the development gap, Reducing the development gap

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. This 3 HOUR lesson investigates how the growth of tourism in an LIC can help to reduce the development gap. The material focus on both Kenyan safaris and beach resorts. The advantages and disadvantages of tourism are scrutinised. A fun kinesthetic exercise is used to teach pupils about tourism activities in these two different environments. Pupils then learn about potential solutions to the problems tourism brings. They are then tested in an extended exam style question, for which a writing frame is provided. An optional link to a 1 hour investigation into mass tourism in Kenya is also included, to help with pupil understanding.
Population pyramids, Population pyramids & the demographic transition model, Population strucutres

Population pyramids, Population pyramids & the demographic transition model, Population strucutres

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. This TWO HOUR resource investigates how to interpret population pyramids. The lesson utilises interactive activities to develop pupil understanding, and provides worksheets for both higher and lower ability pupils. A card sort task is the main activity, but the lesson also includes two map description tasks for improving skill based answers. The later activities are designed to build on pupils understanding of the demographic transition model.


This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. This session teaches pupils to interpret hydrographs. Students learn how lag times can be calculated from peak discharge and rainfall. The pupils consider how different environments can influence lag times and therefore flood risk. An interactive flood hydrograph is included to test pupils understanding at the end of the session.
UK science and business parks, Cambridge Science Park, UK's post-industrial economy

UK science and business parks, Cambridge Science Park, UK's post-industrial economy

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘Economic futures in the UK module’ The TWO hour resource investigate the UK’s transition to a post-industrial society. The lesson overviews the characteristics of both science and business parks. Pupils will study Cambridge Science Park, looking at its location and features. A research activity is included, along with mapping and group questioning tasks.
Renewable VS Non-renewable energy

Renewable VS Non-renewable energy

This TWO HOUR resource investigates the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy. This pack contains a fun kinaesthetic activity, where pupils are required to engage with their fellow peers to match their card to its definition, picture and classification. The lesson teaches pupils how fossil fuels are formed over millions of years, as well as how they are used. The independent writing task requires half the pupils to create an argument for renewables, while the other half argue against them. This is then presented in a debate style presentation, where the class votes for the most convincing argument. A marking grid and writing fame for less able pupils is provided, along with an information sheet to help pupils construct their arguments.
River processes, Erosion, transportation and deposition

River processes, Erosion, transportation and deposition

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. This lesson investigates the fluvial processes of erosion, transportation and deposition. The teaching and learning pack contains detailed diagrams of the fluvial processes, with some parts of the annotation labels missing. The students must complete these in pairs. A ‘heads n tails’ task is also included to reinforce these processes; which could be completed on the sheet, or as a kinaesthetic ‘snap ‘exercise with smaller groups..
How can AID reduce the development gap, Is all AID effective AID

How can AID reduce the development gap, Is all AID effective AID

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. In this 1-2 HOUR lesson, pupils evaluate the effectiveness of AID provision. The students are familiarised with the different types of AID through a kinesthetic game. Discussion groups are then used to consider both the benefits and problems of different forms of AID. Two examples of intermediate technology are provided, to show how grass roots development AID is a much more effective at reducing the development gap.
Consequences of uneven development,  Global wealth and health inequality, The development gap

Consequences of uneven development, Global wealth and health inequality, The development gap

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. At the start of this lesson powerful cartoon images are used stimulate discussion. An interactive true or false statement exercise is used to overview the extent of the problem. Pupils are taught how to gain full marks on skill based graph questions. Model answers and tips are also provided. A card sort exercise is used to highlight the different health issues experience in HIC’s compared to LIC’s. Finally pupils have a deeper look into malaria as a disease of poverty.
The challenges and opportunities of urban growth in Rio de Janiro

The challenges and opportunities of urban growth in Rio de Janiro

4 Resources
This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The package constitutes part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. The bundle includes a detailed and engaging power point for each of the lessons, as well as supporting videos, activities and worksheets. Instructional footnotes on how to deliver each lesson are provided, as well as factual information to assist staff. This medium term scheme can be delivered in approximately four weeks of teaching, in which most lessons take two hours to deliver. The growth and land use within Rio de Janeiro as a city is over-viewed in a introductuary lesson. The social, economic and environmental opportunities and challenges are then detailed. The package finally teaches pupils: why favelas have grown, the challenges they present and how authorities have attempted to improve them.
Recording weather, Measuring weather, Weather instruments

Recording weather, Measuring weather, Weather instruments

This 2 HOUR lesson investigates the methods used to record weather. Pupils first try to guess the function of various weather instruments. Sunshine recorders are analysed and pupils create their own report from actual sunshine cards. The Beaufort scale is studied through a fun role play exercise. Pressure and wind speed are also covered, as well as the more modern Stevenson weather station. A work booklet is included along with differentiated writing frames for weaker pupils.
Development indicators, The development gap

Development indicators, The development gap

This 1 HOUR resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘The changing economic world’ module. The lesson investigates how countries are classified according to their level of economic development and quality of life. The students are required to use a map to to describe the distribution of high and low income countries. The lesson prompts students to think about why the development gap exists between the worlds richest and poorest nations. The students are taught the development indictors through a fun game and then asked to consider their effectiveness and limitations.
Coastal transportation, Longshore drift, Coastal processes

Coastal transportation, Longshore drift, Coastal processes

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. This 1 HOUR resource teaches pupils the processes of coastal transportation. The lesson investigates how sediment is transported according to size by, traction, saltation, suspension and solution. Longshore drift is also overviewed in a video and interactive slide from which the students can make well annotated diagrams.
Comparing 2010 Haiti (LIC) earthquake to 1995 Kobe (HIC) earthquake (Causes, effects and responses)

Comparing 2010 Haiti (LIC) earthquake to 1995 Kobe (HIC) earthquake (Causes, effects and responses)

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. This 1-2 HOUR lesson teaches pupils the skills needed to compare earthquakes in countries of differing economic development. The lesson looks at the earthquakes causes, as well as their contrasting effects and response. The resource includes information sheets on the two case studies (Haiti and Kobe), as well as a comparison table. An A3 information collection sheet is used to consolidate the case study information. This can also be used alongside documentaries on the two events.
An introduction to ecosystems, Food chains and food webs

An introduction to ecosystems, Food chains and food webs

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The resource teaches students to be able to describe what an ecosystem is. The lesson looks at how energy is transferred through food chains and how small changes to parts of a food web can result in significant changes to the ecosystem. A role play task is used to illustrate these systems and a key word check list provided to guide pupils. Two support videos are included, as well as a link to enable learners to produce their own food webs.
Managing deforestation, The fight against deforestation,  Protecting the rain forests

Managing deforestation, The fight against deforestation, Protecting the rain forests

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. This TWO HOUR resource investigates the methods being used to manage the rain forest sustain ably. The lesson gives an insight into why LIC's feel the need to cut down such large areas of forest. The resource covers a wide range of sustainable management strategies through a mix 'n' match style exercise. There is ecotourism case study information collection activity to allow pupils to build up their case study fact file. An additional task is included that requires pupils to analyse a model answer in order to test their peers understanding of the concept of ecotourism.
Tropical Rainforests

Tropical Rainforests

8 Resources
This package includes all of the teaching and learning resources required to teach this 4-5 WEEK topic. The bundle includes a detailed and engaging power point for each of the lessons, as well as supporting videos, activities and worksheets. Homework tasks and differentiated support is provided for pupils of varying abilities. The package firstly highlights the characteristics of this ecosystem, investigating its location, climate and soil. The layers of the rainforest are studied, as well as numerous plant adaptations. The scheme then looks at deforestation. The causes, effects and management are covered in depth. An assessment and mark scheme is provided to test pupils understanding at the end of the unit.
Desertification, Causes of desertification in the Sahal

Desertification, Causes of desertification in the Sahal

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. This TWO HOUR lesson investigates the causes of desertification. The resource looks at climate change, population growth, removal of fuel wood, over grazing/cultivation and soil erosion. The students engage in a card sort task to categorise the causes, effects and solutions to desertification. A detailed multi-levelled flow diagram task is used to highlight the numerous ways desertification can be exacerbated. Group discussion questions and source analysis are also included in this great teaching and learning package.
River meanders & oxbow lakes, Features of the middle stage

River meanders & oxbow lakes, Features of the middle stage

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson investigates features of the middle stage, with a focus on meanders and ox-bow lakes. The lesson starts by explaining why some parts of a river flow faster than others. The pupils draw a cross section of a river and annotate, to highlight these ideas. The lesson includes class discussion questions to check learning throughout the lesson. A flow diagram is used to teach pupils the sequence, as well as a fun, timed class activity. A writing frame is included to help pupils practice writing an independent exam style answer.
The causes of urbanisation and emergence of mega cities.

The causes of urbanisation and emergence of mega cities.

This resource relates to the AQA specification for GCSE (UK) exams from 2018 onwards. The lesson is part of the ‘Urban issues and challenges’ module. This lesson investigates how rural to urban migration and natural increase lead to population growth in urban areas. Students are taught the push and pull factors that influence individuals to migrate to cities. The three types of mega cities are then considered, and pupils have to match up the location, features and respective examples. A mega-city mapping task is used to show how the distribution of these metropolises has changed over the last 65 years.