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Ndebele Beadwork

Ndebele Beadwork

Zooming in on South Africa, children are introduced to the incredible beadwork of the Ndebele people of KwaNdebele. Through web images children explore the history of this craft and investigate its key visual elements.
Adinkra Cloth

Adinkra Cloth

Moving to West Africa, children explore how history of Asante people has been represented through the craft of block printing Adinkra cloths. Children use web research to find out about history, techniques and processes involved.
Afewerk Tekle

Afewerk Tekle

It’s time to come up to date and look at work of a modern Ethiopian painter: Afewerk Tekle. Children use websites to find out how his work has been influenced by the tradition of icon painting.
African Elections

African Elections

Africa is a large continent with over 50 countries – usually there is an election going on somewhere! Children research a current/recent election in Africa and/or the election of Barack Obama as President of USA. Discuss the significance of Obama’s election. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
School Structure

School Structure

Compare your school with your link school (or use a Ghanaian school). The UNICEF book 'A school like mine' is used as a starting point to look at similarities and differences. Children prepare a website describing their school or the UK education system. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Cholera Case Study

Cholera Case Study

Through following a case study in Benue State, Nigeria, children learn about cholera. They plan and write a script for a video campaign to highlight and educate people about cholera, finally taking turns to use a camera to film their short cholera campaign videos. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Mountains to Seas

Mountains to Seas

Using an exciting presentation, children look at a variety of images from across Africa, the largest landmass on the planet. They begin a research project to find out more about a particular type of landscape, possibly linking this to their chosen country. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Researching Roman mosaics

Researching Roman mosaics

Children research the internet and non-fiction texts and look for information about Roman mosaics. They talk about the images that Romans used in creating these, and then use a software package to create their own mosaics. Some chn do further research. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Yr 3/4 NF Unit 3A1-2B Information: Inventions

Yr 3/4 NF Unit 3A1-2B Information: Inventions

Explore how to find and present information about inventors and inventions. Give a talk as part of a group. Watch and listen to inventors explaining their ideas online. Make notes and contribute to a creative class book about inventors.