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Adverbials - Presentation & Exercises
Grammar teaching presentation and grammar exercises.
The cat themed teaching presentation includes 22 slides.
Revise verbs and then look at:
Fronted adverbials
How to punctuate fronted adverbials
How to use more than one adverbial in a sentence
Clear examples are provided throughout.
We then provide grammar exercises for children to:
Identify adverbials in a passage
Add adverbials to a sentence
Each collection of exercises is made up of three sets. Set A is the easiest or most accessible, Set C is the hardest or uses more complex language.
This resource is aimed at UKS2. Use the presentation to introduce or revise a grammatical concept as a stand-alone lesson or add on the accompanying exercises for children to practise and apply their knowledge.
Devices to build cohesion - Presentation & Exercises
Grammar teaching presentation and grammar exercises.
The teaching presentation includes 22 slides that cover:
Devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs.
Subordinating Conjunctions
Adverbials (including place, number, time)
Topic Sentences
Each cohesive device is introduced, clearly explained, and an example is provided. The class is asked some simple questions to check understanding.
We then provide grammar exercises for children to:
Practise using conjunctions correctly
Practise using cohesive devices within a paragraph
Each collection of exercises is made up of three sets. Set A is the easiest or most accessible, Set C is the hardest or uses more complex language.
This resource is aimed at UKS2. Use the presentation to introduce or revise a grammatical concept as a stand-alone lesson or add on the accompanying exercises for children to practise and apply their knowledge.
Year 3/4 Fiction 3: Myths and Legends
Children explore a variety of myths and enjoy the mythical creatures introduced in Can You Catch A Mermaid?, The Seal Children and Beowulf.
They learn these tales and use them as stimuli for creating their own myths and legends. They use the texts as models to help develop their understanding of detailed description in writing and correct grammar.
Suitable for Year 3 and 4.
Year 3/4 Fiction 5: Adventure stories
Using The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith, children look for examples of adverbs and adverbial phrases. They memorise a section of dialogue and use it as a basis for their own writing. In the second week the focus is on complex and compound sentences as children write an animal adventure story.
Year 3/4 Fiction 3: Myths and legends
Become familiar with a range of Greek Myths, The Orchard Book of Greek Myths by Geraldine McCraughrean, Greek Myths by Marcia Williams. Use them to study powerful verbs, verb tenses, use of first and third person, paragraphs and ways of showing dialogue. Children draw story maps to learn a Greek Myth off by heart and to retell another myth in written form.
Year 3 Fiction 1: Stories by the same author (Michael Foreman)
Using the delightful illustrations and books of Michael Foreman (Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish and I'll Take You to Mrs Cole), children have many opportunities to practice simple, compound and complex sentences with powerful verbs. They then create their own stories based around I'll Take You to Mrs Cole, by Nigel Gray and Michael Foreman.
Year 2 Fiction 5: Quest stories
Children read a range of quest stories, exploring structure and language choice. They explore 4 types of sentence and experiment with tense. Children write their own extended stories, concluding by performing their writing to a younger child. This plan uses the books Lost and Found and The Way Back Home, both by Oliver Jeffers and We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. It also uses Hamilton Group Reader The Quest.
Year 2 Fiction 3: Traditional tales from other cultures
Read and compare Hansel and Gretel by Anthony Browne, and Baba Yaga and the Stolen Baby by Alison Lurie, Francis Lincoln, and Baba Yaga by Tony Bradman using drama and story maps. Discuss joining sentences using or, and or but. Children write witch stories using story pegs to plan. Introduce some 'story language' and encourage interesting endings. Hamilton Group Reader, Why Not Me?, is used to build confidence in reading aloud.
Year 2 Fiction 1: Stories in familiar settings
Explore familiar settings through Margaret Mahy's story A Lion in the Meadow, You Choose by Nick Sharratt and There’s No Such Thing as a Dragon by Jack Kent. Children generate ideas and plan a story about an animal that lives in their house under the stairs. There is a focus on using simple punctuation and story problems and solutions.
Year 1 Fiction 5: Fairy stories
Use three traditional tales to study characters and settings, sequence events, tell oral stories and plan new versions of old favourites. Use story maps to retell tales. Children write a story based on a traditional tale using adjectives and compound sentences. The plan uses Snow White in New York by Fiona French. Hamilton Group Reader Billy Dogs Gruff is used to build confidence in reading aloud.
Year 1 Fiction 3: Stories with repeating patterns and counting stories
Read a story with repeating patterns, Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain, by Verna Aardema. Retell the story using flow charts, write describing words and punctuate sentences. Read two counting stories Handa’s Hen by Eileen Browne and We All Went on Safari by Laurie Krebs, before guiding children to write their own. The Hamilton Group Reader, Boris and Sid go on a tram, is used to develop confidence in reading aloud.
Year 1 - Fiction 1: Stories with familiar settings
Use the story of Knuffle Bunny, by Mo Willems, to inspire children to write a story about their favourite soft toy. Practise forming upper and lower case letters. Use capital letters for names and to start sentences. Investigate words ending in 'le' and words containing /oy/.
Conflicting viewpoints about deforestation
There are two sides to every argument! In this session children take on roles on opposing sides of the deforestation argument. Children create simple freeze frames and sketches to put points across.
Causes of deforestation, organising our research
In this session children find out how to create key word notes and organise their information in folders with contents pages. Children continue to use non fiction book features and the internet to locate information effectively.
Rainforests - Reports Weeks 1 - 4
Explore report writing (and some explanation writing) through the fantastic book The Vanishing Forest by Richard Platt.
Identify the causes of deforestation and look at both sides of the question. Research the importance of the rainforest and write a report.
Rainforest Review
This session brings together all the parts of the rainforest creativity theme. From music created with made instruments, dance and the wearing of headdresses to the displaying and showing of pots. Celebrate everything that has been achieved.