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Henry VII: The Yorkshire & Cornish Rebellions

Henry VII: The Yorkshire & Cornish Rebellions

PowerPoint & two worksheets that examine the threat posed by the Yorkshire & Cornish tax rebellions to King Henry VII. Activities include Comprehension activity on the relative causes, threat, Government response and outcome of the rebellions in order to complete a table. Source analysis of Perkin Warbeck’s explanation of the causes of the Cornish Rebellion to evaluate reliability. Discussion / debate on the most threatening rebellion Henry VII faced based around a line of continuum that covers all the rebellions Henry faced. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y106 The Early & Mid Tudors. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
German Nationalism: 1850s Austrian Decline

German Nationalism: 1850s Austrian Decline

PowerPoint & two worksheets that examine the causes of the decline of Austrian power in the 1850s. The Austrian economy, the legacy of the 1848 Revolts, the Crimean War, the Second War of Italian Unification and cultural differences with much of the German Confederation are all considered. Activities include Analysis of a letter from Bismarck to consider the nature Austro-Prussian relations. Linking activity to connect the problems Austria faced in this period with Austria’s policies and the consequences of those policies. Sorting activity on facts to determine whether they apply to Austria or Prussia. Ranking activity on how beneficial Austria’s problems were to Prussia. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism 1789-1919. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
German Nationalism: The Frankfurt Parliament

German Nationalism: The Frankfurt Parliament

PowerPoint & two worksheets that examine the role of the Frankfurt Parliament and its ultimate failure during the 1848 Revolts in the German Confederation. Issues that are covered are its political and social makeup, its attitude to the industrial code, the problem of Schleswig Holstein, the Grossdeutscheland / Klinedeutschland debate, the debate over whether a united Germany should be a republic or constitutional monarchy and the attitude of King Frederick William IV to the Frankfurt Parliament. Activities include Chronology exercise to establish a timeline of key events concerning the establishment and existence of the Frankfurt Parliament. Analysis of data concerning the membership of the Frankfurt Parliament to draw conclusions about how representative it was. Decision making exercise to encourage debate on the key issues the Frankfurt Parliament needed to address. Matching task to link the issue faced with the Frankfurt Parliament’s policy with the consequence of that policy. Sorting activity on whether reasons for the failure of the Frankfurt Parliament were its own fault or not. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism 1789-1919. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
German Nationalism: Prussia and 1848

German Nationalism: Prussia and 1848

PowerPoint & worksheet that examines the events of the 1848 Revolts in Prussia. Content includes Frederick William IV’s policies prior to 1848, the rioting in March 1848 and Frederick William’s resulting concessions, the counter-revolution in October 1848 and the resulting Prussian constitution issued by the monarch. Activities include Comprehension and highlighting activity on the extent the actions of King Frederick William IV of Prussia reveal him to a liberal monarch or a conservative autocrat. Analysis of three sources from Frederick William IV to explain his changing attitudes to the 1848 Revolts in Prussia. Sorting activity to decide whether Frederick William’s constitution was liberal in nature or not. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism 1789-1919. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
German Nationalism: The Failure of 1848

German Nationalism: The Failure of 1848

PowerPoint & two worksheets that examine the reasons for the failure of the 1848 Revolts in the German Confederation. Issues under consideration include socio-economic and political divisions between the revolutionaries, the strength of the conservatives, lack of widespread support, weak leadership & the role of disease epidemics. Activities include Analysis of extracts written by historians to identify factors that explain the reasons for the failure of the 1848 Revolts and evidence to support those factors. Ranking task on the most important factor in the failure of 1848 to encourage debate. Comparison activity on the respective roles of Austria and Prussia in 1848/49 to determine who played the key role in ending the revolts in the German Confederation. Evidence based plenary discussion to support or challaneg AJP Taylor’s view of the revolts as a failure. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism 1789-1919. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
German Nationalism: The Holy Roman Empire in 1789

German Nationalism: The Holy Roman Empire in 1789

PowerPoint & worksheet that examines the extent of political, cultural & economic unity in the Holy Roman Empire in 1789. Activities include -Analysis of a map of the Holy Roman Empire in 1789. Comprehension activity on the extent of unity / division in the Holy Roman Empire in 1789, sorting the evidence into three overarching themes; economic, political & cultural. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
Medieval World: Magna Carta

Medieval World: Magna Carta

PowerPoint that considers why Magna Carta matters both in medieval England but also today. The lesson focuses on the key terms of the document, King John and Pope Innocent III’s reaction, King Henry III and Magna Carta and the document’s lasting legacy. Activities include Teacher introduction on the background to Magna Carta’s sealing supported by information on the PowerPoint. Starter activity in which pupils consider a selection of clauses from the document and discuss which is the most significant and which three clauses remain part of UK law today. Source analysis activity on whether clause 39 protected the liberty of everyone. Source analysis activity on why a letter from Pope Innocent III meant Magna Carta did not solve the problem of ‘Bad’ King John. Reading and comprehension exercise on changing events in England to answer a question on why Magna Carta succeeded in 1216 having failed in 1215. Source analysis exercise on why Magna Carta still matters today by looking at Universal Declaration of Human Rights, President Roosevelt’s speech, the Fifth Amendment, Nelson Mandela’s speech and a Suffragette cartoon amongst other sources. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Medieval World. Lesson Length: 1 hour depending on pace.
Women and the Vote: Emily Davison

Women and the Vote: Emily Davison

PowerPoint, source pack and worksheet that consider whether or not suffragette Emily Davison intended to kill herself at the Epsom Derby and the importance of her actions to the wider campaign for votes for women. Activities include Starter activity in which pupils discuss the meaning of the word martyr. Teacher introduction on who Emily Davison was supported by information on the PowerPoint including a video of the incident at the Derby which caused her death. Main activity in which pupils analyse a variety of sources and fill in a table to determine whether Davison was intent on martyring herself or whether what happened was an accident. Plenary conclusion discussion on why Davison’s death was important for the suffragette campaign and whether her intentions matter? Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class. Lesson Length: 1 hour depending on pace.
German Nationalism: Napoleon & Germany

German Nationalism: Napoleon & Germany

PowerPoint & 3 worksheets on the impact of Napoleon Bonaparte on the development of German Nationalism at the start of the 19th Century. Activities include A chronology task ordering events related to Napoleon & Germany Comprehension activity on the extent Napoleon was beneficial or detrimental to the development of Germany Source analysis exercise on King Friedrich William III of Prussia’s letter to his people Sorting activity on the importance of the Wars of Liberation to the development of German Nationalism Discussion activity on Napoleon’s management of German nationalism. Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism. Lesson Length: 1hr x 2 depending on pace.
USA - A Divided Union: Watergate

USA - A Divided Union: Watergate

PowerPoint and four worksheets that examines the causes and consequences of Watergate. Material covered includes Richard Nixon’s personality, the key events of the scandal and the roles of Nixon, CREEP, the Plumbers, FBI informant Deepthroat, the Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, James McCord, White House lawyer John Dean, Federal Prosecutor Archibald Cox, Congress, President Gerald Ford and President Jimmy Carter. The consequences of Watergate for American politics, journalism and Nixon himself including key laws passed by Congress in the wake of Watergate. Activities include Source analysis activity to establish Nixon’s personality. Reading and comprehension activity to identify any actions by Nixon or his supporters that were illegal or might make him unpopular with the American public during Watergate. Matching activity to connect key groups and individuals with their role in the scandal. Pupils to label a visual web of the scandal to show how the key figures were connected to each other. A linking activity to match the new laws passed by Congress in the wake of Watergate with their purpose. Pupils to use their knowledge of the scandal to judge who emerged from Watergate as winners of losers and complete a table of supporting evidence. Ranking activity on who was most responsible for the end of Nixon’s presidency with several sources to stimulate discussion. Optional 8 mark question on the effects of Watergate that could be set for homework. Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 1 Depth Study 7 A Divided Union: civil rights in the USA, 1945-74. Lesson Length: 2hrs depending on pace.
Medieval World: Richard the Lionheart

Medieval World: Richard the Lionheart

PowerPoint and worksheet that considers whether King Richard I deserves his reputation as a ‘Lionheart’. The lesson focuses on the events of Richard’s life including his rebellions against his father, his conduct and achievements during the Third Crusade, his capture and imprisonment in Germany and his return to England and death in France. Activities include Starter activity in which pupils define what characteristics someone with the name Lionheart might have. Reading and comprehension exercise on the life of Richard. Pupils create a spider diagram on Richard’s actions during his lifetime before colour coding them according to whether they fit Richard’s reputation as a ‘Lionheart’ or not. Source analysis exercise on whether Richard’s treatment of prisoners while on crusade and his efforts to finance the crusade fits his reputation as a ‘Lionheart’. Source analysis exercise to judge the utility of the romantic poem Coeur de Lion to a historian investigating Richard’s reputation as a ‘Lionheart’. Having added the extra information to their spider diagrams pupils write a conclusion on whether Richard deserves his nickname. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Medieval World. Lesson Length: 1 hour depending on pace.
Medieval World: Robin Hood

Medieval World: Robin Hood

PowerPoint and worksheet that consider whether Robin Hood was a real historical figure. The lesson focuses on what elements of the legend of Robin Hood have a basis in history and also whether the Robin Hood story conformed to, or challenged, medieval society. Activities include Starter activity in which pupils complete a spider diagram on what elements of the Robin Hood legend they already know about. A main activity in which pupils read the legend of Robin Hood and highlight any real historical events, figures or locations contained within the story that they are aware of. Pre-existing knowledge of King Richard, King John and the Crusades is helpful for this activity. Pupils consider a timeline showing what evidence for Robin Hood’s existence is available from the reigns of various medieval monarchs to judge when and if he really existed. Sorting activity in which pupils decide whether elements of the Robin Hood legend conformed or threatened medieval society. Conclusion in which pupils discuss why historians might still find the legend of Robin Hood useful in helping them study the past despite the limited evidence he existed. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Medieval World. Lesson Length: 1 hour depending on pace.
Medieval World: The Persecution of Jews

Medieval World: The Persecution of Jews

PowerPoint and two worksheets that consider why Jewish people were persecuted in Medieval England. The lesson focuses on the persecution of Jews in England between their arrival with William the Conqueror and their expulsion in 1290 with specific examples including the murder of William of Norwich, the massacre of the Jews of York in 1190 and the treatment of Jewish coin cutters by the authorities. The lesson also considers the economic, cultural and religious causes of Jewish persecution. Activities include Starter activity in which pupils discuss the strength of the evidence that William of Norwich was murdered by Jews in 1144. Reading and comprehension exercise in which pupils identify/highlight the different ways Jews were discriminated against from a passage of text. These examples are then added to a spider-diagram. Activity in which pupils complete a table of cultural, economic and religious causes for the discrimination shown to Jewish people. Source analysis extension activity on what an anti-semitic illustration from a Norwich tax document tells us about official attitudes to Jewish people. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Medieval World. Lesson Length: 1 hour depending on pace.
The Tudors: Henry VIII's Advisors

The Tudors: Henry VIII's Advisors

PowerPoint and two worksheets that considers what it was like to work for King Henry VIII. The lesson focuses on the careers and fates of Cardinal Wolsey, Thomas More and Thomas Cromwell. Activities include Starter activity in which students analyse a source by the Venetian Ambassador about the relationship between King Henry VIII and Wolsey to consider what it tells us about Henry VIII as a king. Reading and comprehension activity on Wolsey, More and Cromwell. Pupils complete a comparative table on their attributes as Henry’s servants, their achievements, the reasons for their fall from power and whether they deserved their fate. Source evaluation of the scaffold speeches of More and Cromwell to judge the reliability of their words in context. Plenary / extension exercise in which students discuss why so many people aspired to work for Henry VIII given the risks. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Tudors. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
Medieval World: King Arthur

Medieval World: King Arthur

PowerPoint and three worksheets that consider whether King Arthur was a real historical figure. The lesson focuses on the utility of three key pieces of evidence in proving King Arthur’s historical existence. Activities include Starter activity in which pupils consider why English monarchs tried to impress foreign visitors by showing them the Winchester Round Table. Main activity requires pupils to fill in a grid on how useful the Round Table, Glastonbury Graves and Artognou Stone are as evidence that King Arthur existed. Pupils rank the evidence according to their relative utility. Pupils add the three pieces of evidence to the correct location on a partially completed timeline of King Arthur sources which already includes Gildas, Bede, etc. Sorting activity of the surviving evidence of King Arthur’s existence into primary and secondary sources. Conclusion in which pupils write their own justified judgment on whether King Arthur really existed. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Medieval World. Lesson Length: 1 hour depending on pace.
The Tudors: Mary I's Problems

The Tudors: Mary I's Problems

PowerPoint and worksheet that considers the problems faced by Queen Mary I and how she dealt with them. Activities include Starter activity in which students discuss why religion, gender and legitimacy all posed problems for Mary Tudor. Decision making exercise in which pupils take the role of Mary and consider how she should tackle problems like the Lady Jane Grey Plot, whether to marry, Wyatt’s Revolt, whether to join King Philip II’s war with France, and who her successor should be. Pupils complete a table to justify their decisions. Plenary source analysis exercise. Students analyse the advice offered by her relative Emperor Charles V at the start of Mary’s reign and judge whether she followed it. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Tudors. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
Medieval World: The Feudal System

Medieval World: The Feudal System

PowerPoint and two worksheets that focuses on the purpose of the Feudal System in England during the reign of William the Conqueror and who benefited from it and who did not. Activities include Reading and comprehension activity in which pupils read a passage on the Feudal System and identify evidence in the text to support a series of statements. Labeling exercise of a diagram of the Feudal System using the previous passage for support. Activity in which students link various groups in Anglo-Norman society with what they gained from the Feudal System and with what it required of them. Ranking task to consider which group or individual benefited the most / least from the Feudal System. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Medieval World. Lesson Length: 1 hour depending on pace.
Jack the Ripper: The Suspects

Jack the Ripper: The Suspects

PowerPoint & 2 worksheets that examine the key evidence for and against a number of prime suspects in the Whitechapel murders carried out by Jack the Ripper in 1888. The suspects covered are John Pizer, Montague John Druitt, Aaron Kosminski, Francis Tumblety, James Maybrick, George Chapman, Carl Feigenbaum, Michael Ostrog and Prince Albert Victor. It also raises the underlying prejudice that drove many of the accusations. Activities include Starter activity to analyse two very different sketches of the killer published in the Illustrated London News. Pupils to read mini-biographies on the suspects and use the information to complete a comparative table on key information about the suspects such as their location in 1888, their mental health, their nationality, whether they had a history of violence against women, whether they were known to have killed before or after 1888, etc. To spark discussion, pupils to score the suspects out of 10 according to how likely they were to have been guilty. Extension activity to identify the homophobia, xenophobia and Anti-Semitism that was an underlying feature of many of the accusations. Conclusion on whether any of the suspects were likely Jack given the evidence. This could lead onto an essay on the issue. Designed for the teaching of Key Stage 3 History. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
Jack the Ripper: The Consequences

Jack the Ripper: The Consequences

PowerPoint, source pack & worksheet that examines the consequences of the Whitechapel murders and considers how the crimes should be remembered today. The lesson considers attitudes to women, crime, housing and poverty both in late Victorian England and today through the interpretations of George Bernard Shaw and historian Haillie Rubenhold. Activities include -Starter activity which tests the prior learning of factual information about victims, suspects and the environment of Whitechapel. Comparison of two versions of a memorial to Catherine Eddowes to consider why her plaque may have been redesigned. The main activity is a source analysis exercise to test George Bernard Shaw’s view that the Whitechapel Murders provoked positive change in the East End in the period that followed the murders. Plenary discussion on how the Whitechapel Murders should be remembered today with stimulus material of some controversial street art and the views of historian Hallie Rubenhold and Ripperologist Mickey Mayhew. Designed for the teaching of Key Stage 3 History. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
King Henry VIII vs Suleiman the Magnificent

King Henry VIII vs Suleiman the Magnificent

PowerPoint & two worksheets that compares the reigns of King Henry VIII and his contemporary Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire. This lesson is a great way to continue to teach the Tudors at Key stage 3 but also to diversify the history curriculum. Activities include Starter activity to identify which quote is not about Henry VIII (a positive amongst negative judgments). A gap fill covering key areas of Henry’s reign that have likely been considered in earlier lessons to establish a baseline for the comparison. A comprehension activity to identify evidence of Suleiman’s foreign relations, his religious policies, his treatment of wives, family members and advisers, his management of finance, and whether his policies benefited the people of his empire. Have completed a comparison table pupils judge whether Henry and Suleiman were similar or different in their polices, actions and achievements. Source analysis and accompanying questions on which monarch best lives up to Erasmus’ judgment on ideal kingship. Extension task on whether a comparison of the Monarch’s achievements using a 16th century map as stimulus might not be fair. Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Tudors. Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.