Number templates linked to the Numberblock characters. Children can practise creating different representations of each number as seen on my Instagram page.
You could use cubes or counters or corks and paint. The children create different ways of representing e.g number 4. They should be encouraged tp describe each pattern. ( two dots at the top and two at the bottom).
A little book to record knowledge of doubles, using ladybirds with different numbers of spots. A space to record their answer on either a plain book or one with mathematical symbols.
This is a fun way to capture mathematical learning.
Print out and fold the paper in half, then in half again. You will now have your own little book.
A little book to support writing about `Pancake Day!’ A lined and blank version. Easy to fold and create your own little book!
Perfect to add to different provision areas of the classroom.
Numberblock Staircase Pattern Mats 4 with colour, two blank to make it more challenging.
Number Skiis
Number Beach Hut
Number Ice Cream
Number Snowman
Use cubes/counters to su pport childrens understanding of the numbers from 1-5. Help them visualise addding one more each time.
Chinese New Year maths track game. Add plastic animals as your players and a dice.
Rosettes to be chopped and added to the table.
Playing this game will support many mathematical skills.
Penguin Awareness Day is Monday 20th January
Use any art materials to add the colour for the land and sea on the earth outline.
You could use sponges or cue tips with paint, water colours, pastels or collage.
The pictures will prompt discussion about where penguins and polar bears live.
Four number mats.
Penguins Numbers 1-6
Penguin Numbers 7-12
Matching numbers represented in different ways. Chop these squares up and children can match them to the correct penguin numeral. Lots of opportunities for problem solving skills.
A counting activity to celebrate love and friendship. Cut the hearts in half and play a matching game.
Numbers to 10 - a range of different representation of numbers.
Feed the penguins. Read a word on each fish and feed it to the correct penguin.
Print off and cut out each picture. Print on card or laminate to make your product last longer. You could add paper clips to the fish and magnets to make this into a game.
12 CVC words
4 CCVC words
16 Digraphs
oo (book)
oo (moon)
Winter snow globes containing a picture in each.
10 CVC words
22 words including the most common digraphs taught across different phonics schemes.
Big Garden Birdwatch 24th - 26th January
10 named birds with a numeral from 1- 10 on each log.
Add a bowl of chopped pipe cleaners to represent worms. Count the correct number of worms to match the numeral on the bird.
Can you feed the reindeers?
Reindeers, numbered 1-9
Sacks of carrots to give the reindeers.
Match the correct amount of carrots to the numbered reindeer.
CVC Christmas Snow Globes.
3 white spaces for children to write each letter to represent the object inside the snow globe.
12 designs (some including the ll for bell, ck for sack).
Christmas crackers with CVC objects on one half of the cracker. Three green buttons to write each letter for the word on the other half.
CCVC and words which contain some digraphs included with a cracker design and no green buttons. These crackers allow children to attempt to write longer words using their phonic knowledge.
12 Christmas themed CVC Words
6 longer words for children to attempt using phonic knowledge.
Subitising cards using bells to 6
Counting bells 7 - 10.
Two blank cards, which I would recommend are laminated. These can be used to record any numbers greater than 10,
Pair these cards with loose bells and add magnets. How many can you pick up?
10 Gingerbread Men. The buttons are created to represent each number, linked the Numicon colours and pattern.
10 Numbered Houses.
Can you put the gingerbread men with the correct house.
Lots of maths activities and mathematical skills can be developed with this resource.