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Key stage 2 teacher
Multiplication assessment task

Multiplication assessment task

1*- 2 digit numbers X2 (26 questions) 2*- 1 digit x 2 digit & 1 digit x 3 digit (26 questions) 3***- 3 digit x 3 digit & 2 digit x 2 digit (26 questions) Editable challenges suitable for KS2/KS3
Year 4 mathematics assessment grid

Year 4 mathematics assessment grid

These are based on the new national curriculum key performance indicators & national curriculum descriptors. They enable the child to take ownership over their learning. I have all year groups available- including assessment materials for reading and writing.
Whole school maths assessment grids for the children's books FS 1 2 3 4 5 & YR 6.

Whole school maths assessment grids for the children's books FS 1 2 3 4 5 & YR 6.

1 A4 page per year group. I have used the key performance indicators and national curriculum descriptors to make these. £5 for a whole school set or I have listed them per year group for £1 each. I have also made a whole school set of English assessment grids (please see my other resources). The children can colour in the target box once you have signed it which enables them to take ownership of their learning.
UKS2 Roman Numerals Maths Planning, differentiated challenges, resources and flashcards

UKS2 Roman Numerals Maths Planning, differentiated challenges, resources and flashcards

5 lessons of differentiated planning covering Roman numerals which I planned for my year 5 class. It could easily be adapted to suit a year 4 or 6 class. Tasks include filling in differentiated Roman numeral 100 squares which could be used as Snakes and ladders board games. There are differentiated matching cards and challenges involving converting celebrities birthdays to Roman numerals (Ed Sheeran XVII. II. MCMXCI 17.02.1991). The children are also given the opportunity to add numerals, read and write them within a range of challenges. They are also encouraged to remember catchy mnemonics to remember the order easily. £2 for a weeks worth of detailed planning and resources!!!
Place Value Year 5 lessons. Partitioning, writing numbers as words, footballers salaries, active

Place Value Year 5 lessons. Partitioning, writing numbers as words, footballers salaries, active

2 Place value lessons I have linked the first lesson to my 'North America' topic but this could be taught even if this is not your topic. The children are required to write the populations of different towns/villages/cities and states in words. This task is differentiated by 4. The children are then required to consolidate their learning by writing footballers salaries as words. (Differentiated by 3). They will then learn to partition numbers by using chalk on the playground and large foam dice. The differentiated challenges and detailed plans are included.