I have worked in both KS2 and KS1 as class teacher and am also English Leader in KS1. For the last 5 years, I have been teaching in Y2, which gave me plenty of ‘SATs experience’. However, I have been trying to ensure that the skills children need to apply in their SATs are linked to everyday life experiences and have applied them as much as I could to our topics, in order to avoid 'teaching to the test'. I really value your feedback on my resources. Happy browsing!
I have worked in both KS2 and KS1 as class teacher and am also English Leader in KS1. For the last 5 years, I have been teaching in Y2, which gave me plenty of ‘SATs experience’. However, I have been trying to ensure that the skills children need to apply in their SATs are linked to everyday life experiences and have applied them as much as I could to our topics, in order to avoid 'teaching to the test'. I really value your feedback on my resources. Happy browsing!
This is a great resource for children to use for maths when we celebrate the Royal Wedding 2018. The teacher simply needs to add the prices depending on the year group’s needs (and differentiate it for different groups) and then children work on word problems (mostly multiplication) about party planning with Royal Wedding Merchandise…
There are also two group tasks if you would like a more open ended activity; one where children decide what to buy for how many people and find the total and one where children plan on a budget that you set and have to figure out what they can get for the amount they have. AGain the teacher will have to add prices.
I hope that works - feedback very welcome, have already acted upon feedback and improved the resource.
I also included a powerpoint about Buckingham Palace - interior and exterior - to show children what it looks like and to get an idea of Royal life. There is a pictures of the castle and a very quick one slided introduction to problem-solving - again prices written on there but can be adjusted.
Attached as word doc and pdf.
This resource consists of the following six mostly differentiated activities related to the World Cup:
Problem-solving lesson with notebook and 3 differentiated sheets. Children design new football kit for their favourite national team consisting of tshirts, shorts (and socks) and find all possibilities of combining them when using 2 (3) colours.
Bar chart lesson. Children use data from a Workd Cup table and put it into a bar chart. Differentiated. First bar chart in ones up to 6 and children enter amount of world cups won by different nations. Second bar chart in twos up to 6 and children enter amount of world cups won by different nations. Third bar chart in tens up to 230 where children enter amount of goals scored in world cups for several nations.
All bar charts have at least 5 follow-up questions. First two probably more suited to KS1, last one to KS2.
Symmetry activity. Children use pictures of flags of all participating teams which are included and sort them into symmetrical and not symmetrical. Included is another sheet on explaining our reasoning - choose two non-symmetrical flags - what would need to be changed so they are symmetrical, explain.
Sorting Activity: Children use pictures of flags of all participating teams which are included and sort them using their own criteria into a Venn or Carroll diagram.
A quick activity on comparing two flags - how are they the same and how are they different.
One activity where children use information on who won the world cup when and put the countries in chronological order by year. One scaffolded sheet and one not scaffolded.
All activities attached as word and pdf files in case the word files don’t open properly.
For just £1 more, you can get this as well as a comprehension. Search my shop for
’FIFA World Cup 2018 - Comprehension & Maths Activities’
This is a comprehension I made for my year 4 class. There are three different sets:
one that can be used like a booklet, where the text and questions are on the same page with mostly retrieval questions
one where the text is separate to the questions and questions are a mix of retrieval and more higher order including vocabulary
one where the text is separate to the questions and questions are varied from giving evidence from the text to vocabulary questions etc.
I think it can be used with high year 2 as well as KS2.
The actual information text is attached as reading sheet. Both in word and PDF
This resource consists of the following five mostly differentiated activities related to the World Cup:
Problem-solving lesson with notebook and 3 differentiated sheets. Children design new football kit for their favourite national team consisting of tshirts, shorts (and socks) and find all possibilities of combining them when using 2 (3) colours.
Bar chart lesson. Children use data from a Workd Cup table and put it into a bar chart. Differentiated. First bar chart in ones up to 6 and children enter amount of world cups won by different nations. Second bar chart in twos up to 6 and children enter amount of world cups won by different nations. Third bar chart in tens up to 230 where children enter amount of goals scored in world cups for several nations.
All bar charts have at least 5 follow-up questions. First two probably more suited to KS1, last one to KS2.
Symmetry activity. Children use pictures of flags of all participating teams which are included and sort them into symmetrical and not symmetrical. Included is another sheet on explaining our reasoning - choose two non-symmetrical flags - what would need to be changed so they are symmetrical, explain.
Sorting Activity: Children use pictures of flags of all participating teams which are included and sort them using their own criteria into a Venn or Carroll diagram.
A quick activity on comparing two flags - how are they the same and how are they different.
One activity where children use information on who won the world cup when and put the countries in chronological order by year. One scaffolded sheet and one not scaffolded.
All activities attached as word and pdf files in case the word files don’t open properly.
Maths sheet on bar charts: Children read the table of who was in the final in the past and what their results were and make a bar chart of how many goals were scored in each final throughout the years and answer some questions about it. Differentiated - one is more scaffolded and the bar chart has been prepared, the other needs children to label their own bar chart. 6 sheets - counting in 1s, 2s, 5s always with chart labelled and without.
There is also another sheet where children choose 5 countries and represent in a bar chart how many times each country has participated in the final.
This is a brilliant comprehension to use in English when talking about harvest as it links to RE. I would recommend it for year 2 and up. It is based on the song Cauliflowers Fluffy which you can find here on youtube:
Here are four differentiated sheets with the lyrics of the songs and questions underneath.
Extended level: Retrieval and higher order thinking questions (Why, What does it mean..., Which word tells you that...)
Core: Focused more on simple retrieval from the text.
Lower Core: Simple retrieval from the text but scaffolded multiple choice for half of the questions.
Nurture, SEN, EAL: Using the song and text children read for mening and find colour and adjective used to describe the fruit/veg and draw the harvest basket.
These differentiated maths sheets are about on bar charts: Children read the table of how many children like which fruit and make a bar chart of it plus they answer questions about it. It is differentiated into bar charts that go up in 1s, 2s and 5s. It is further differentiated for each (1s, 2s or 5s) - one is more scaffolded and the bar chart has been prepared, the other needs children to label their own bar chart.
Furthermore the same activity again but with a blank table for children to investigate in their own class and create a car chart from there.
Here are 6 differentiated worksheets (2 pages each) that I made for my class to relate maths learning to Harvest.
On each sheet, the letters of the alphabet are printed at the top and each letter has a value. Children then have to work out the total of several harvest words printed on the sheet.
1. There are three sheets designed for applying mental strategies to work out name scores:
-WALT add using mental strategies: Adding single-digit numbers using basic number bonds.
- WALT add using mental strategies: Adding several multiples of 10.
- WALT add using mental strategies: Adding several multiples of 100.
2. There are three more differentiated sheets, where children can apply the column method or a calculator for addition to work out the score of each name:
- WALT add several two-digit numbers (each individual number below 30).
- WALT add several two-digit numbers (each individual number below 50).
- WALT add several two-digit numbers (each individual number below 100).
The children then work out their own word's score and compare them to the other words :) Can easily be edited for your own classes.
I made these worksheets for my year 2 class. It teaches them the skills of using partitioning with Dienes Cubes/ Base 10 in order to help them double numbers. It is very visual and they really understood it well.
They drew the number that needed to be doubled twice and counted ones and tens to get the answer for its double.
BYG - Below year group - see separate worksheet using Numicon for doubling
WT - Working towards (2 digit numbers)
E - Expected (choice of 2 and 3 digit numbers)
WAGD - Working at greater depth (3 digit numbers)
This is a 4x4 bingo game which I did for my yr 1 and they really loved it. Just stick pictures of 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and 50p coins on a dice and they can play.
Resource includes 6 different sheets (enough for a table group).