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Year 2 KS1 reading exempification - responding to reading tasks - reading evidence independent tasks

Year 2 KS1 reading exempification - responding to reading tasks - reading evidence independent tasks

This is a range of 16 different activities that I have used with my year 2 class to gain evidence of reading and understanding tasks, to take for reading moderations. These tasks have been planned with the Teacher Assessment Framework in mind for KS1. The tasks are all editable and can be adjusted to fit any other fiction / non fiction text or poem. **This will give you evidence of: ** word reading - suffixes and common exception words understanding characters answering questions about a text making predictions and inferences based on what is being said or done explaining what has happened so far in a text interpreting poetry writing their own versions of poetry using instructions to make their own information leaflet Some of these can also secure evidence for Greater Depth.
Year 2 Evidencing GD Reading - solve the Roald Dahl character descriptions - Greater Depth Inference

Year 2 Evidencing GD Reading - solve the Roald Dahl character descriptions - Greater Depth Inference

**I used this to evidence reading of suffix words and making inferences.^^ The children have to read the 2 pages of character descriptions from Roald Dahl books and work out whch character they are. There’s lines for them to explain how they know using examples from the text. There is also a potrait box for a sketch of the character that is being described. I laid out pictures of well known Roald Dahl characters on the table and the children completed this task as an independent guided reading activity. ** Good evidence against exemplification materials: The pupil can: • read accurately most words of two or more syllables • read most words containing common suffixes* • read most common exception words.* In age-appropriate books, the pupil can: • read words accurately and fluently without overt sounding and blending, e.g. at over 90 words per minute • sound out most unfamiliar words accurately, without undue hesitation. In a familiar book that they can already read accurately and fluently, the pupil can: • check it makes sense to them • answer questions and make some inferences on the basis of what is being said and done.
Year 2 writing exemplification  checklist - KS1 Expected and Greater Depth. moderation aids/ exemp

Year 2 writing exemplification checklist - KS1 Expected and Greater Depth. moderation aids/ exemp

UPDATED FOR 2018 TEACHER ASSESSMENT EXEMPLIFICATION These are margin sized checklists for children to include various Year 2 writing skills into any piece of writing. The children can tick off each one as they include them into letters, fact files, diary entries, etc. They can be suited to almost any type of writing and ensure that children evidence the essential skills needed to show Expected Standard or Greater Depth for end of KS1 assessment. I’ve represented each skill with a symbol or words such as ‘bright, spotty butterfly’ for adjectives / an expanded noun phrase. There are examples of coordination/ subordination to include, tricky words, contractions, etc. The Greater Depth margin is differentiated by including joins, Year 2 suffixes and all of the punctuation taught so far inc possessive apostrophes. This is a great resource that has pushed my class to show more skills within their writing and they really enjoy ticking each thing off with whiteboard pens. Just print, laminate, cut and enjoy!
KS1 Year 2 literacy Enchanted Woods topic. IWB Lesson starters and writing activities.

KS1 Year 2 literacy Enchanted Woods topic. IWB Lesson starters and writing activities.

This is my main IWB smartboard resource that I used to sequence my literacy lessons together during an 'Enchanted Woods' topic. I read the story to my class whilst I was using this resource and they produced some of their most imaginitive writing to date. I have included 2 IWB resources: Main Enchanted Woods- many lesson starters and plenary activities (28 pages) - Developing and describing enchanted story settings - Writing postcards from the settings - Story planning (magic objects, characters, settings and plots) - Writing a structured beginning, middle and end of story. - Writing a blurb for the books. - Writing a diary entry from the enchanted woods. - Writing a blurb for their own enchanted stories. It also contains a 'Instructional Writing' IWB resource to help children design their own enchanted creature trap, make their trap and write instructions to use their trap. I have included a few writing templates and success criteria strips that I used during the lessons also. This resource will definitely set you off to a great start in an Enchanted Stories type of topic, KS1 or lower KS2. Enjoy!
Bossy Verbs, adverbs and Commands Lessons - Gingerbread lessons KS1

Bossy Verbs, adverbs and Commands Lessons - Gingerbread lessons KS1

The gingerbread man lesson was to get the children to alter the types of verbs they use in their writing and encourage them to use more exciting verbs. This was a very fun lesson that I used for an observation and is well differentiated with fun activities. Includes; smart board lesson starter inc game, modelling sheet, text sheet to be printed on A3 for children to highlight the verbs, 4 x differentiated activities for Year 2 class, speech bubbles sheet for LA/SEN and instructions for TA to work alongside HA group. The presentation also includes an activity I did later that week to use bossy verbs to write school rules posters.
Phonics Football and Cups games

Phonics Football and Cups games

2 fun games that can be edited to suit the phonics sound or word type that you are currently teaching. 1st game has footballs with different words on that the children can flick (interactively) into the goals. 2nd game has 3 cups per page with different words on. The children must read the word on the cup to try and find where the toy bear is hiding. Can also be changed to suit your current sound.
Diamond Poems Planning Notebook KS1

Diamond Poems Planning Notebook KS1

A smartboard detailed activity to help children understand the format of a diamond poem, themes and vocabulary needed to create their own. This includes lot of pages to complete as a class using the smart board. It also included several examples of diamond poems for clas to discuss and highlight. Diamon poem template also included for children to create their own. We did ours about our favourite holidays and had some excellent writing from this.