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Camille Gautier's Shop

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I am a native speaker of French, currently based in India. I am an IGCSE and IB French teacher and I have been teaching for 15 years. I am also Head of Secondary at my school and a former IBDP Coordinator. I am a co-author of the IBDP Kognity French B textbook and a senior IBDP examiner.




I am a native speaker of French, currently based in India. I am an IGCSE and IB French teacher and I have been teaching for 15 years. I am also Head of Secondary at my school and a former IBDP Coordinator. I am a co-author of the IBDP Kognity French B textbook and a senior IBDP examiner.
L'image de marque de la cigarette

L'image de marque de la cigarette

This activity was created for IB French B HL for the topic ‘health’ and specifically smoking. The aim of this resource is look at how the tobacco industry build up brand images through advertising, cigarette packets, and other means. This activity contains some discussion points as well as resources, a reading comprehension (in the style of Paper 1) and a writing activity that encourages students to look at connectives and ways to express goal, consequence, cause, etc. in preparation for section B of Paper 2. This resource represents 2-3 lessons and contains a markscheme.
Stéréotypes de genre: les jouets genrés

Stéréotypes de genre: les jouets genrés

This pack contains 2 differentiated activities based on an article from December 2016 on gendered toys in toy magazines. These are aimed at IB French B classes, but could also be used for A/AS-levels. The first one is at Standard Level, the second is at Higher Level Standard level: Reading comprehension based on Paper 1 + vocabulary building tasks + translation (English to French and French to English) Higher level: Reading comprehension based on Paper 1 + vocabulary building tasks + translation (English to French and French to English) + introduction to/revision of the passive voice + practice exercises (within the context of the text) Both these activities can be completed by a class discussion on the issues raised by the text, and by watching the ad for gender-neutral toys by the Magasins U (available on YouTube). The whole activity should take 60 to 90 minutes.
Les catastrophes naturelles

Les catastrophes naturelles

Activity based on an article published in Le Monde in Sept 17 which explores the relationship between the rise in natural catastrophes and climate change in the aftermath of the series of deadly hurricanes which have hit the US and the Caribbean in the Summer of 2017. This resource is an IB-style (Paper 1) reading comprehension for French B Higher Level students. It can also be used for A2 students, or students wanting to take the DELF B2/C1 exam.
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain - Booklet + guide to writing a film review

Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain - Booklet + guide to writing a film review

Here's a guided worksheet to complete as you watch the movie. It focuses mainly on developing vocabulary and enhancing comprehension but can be supported by class discussion. The second worksheet is a follow-on from the booklet and gives students the opportunity to read a film review for 'Amélie', look at how to write a film review, and plan their own review. The level of difficulty is A2/B1, accessible for students who have been learning French for 2-3 years at least. It is a great opportunity for students to gain an insight into French culture. Watching the movie and completing the booklet would take up to 5-6 hours. The film review worksheet would take about an hour to complete and the review can be set as an assessed task or a homework
Le meilleur système scolaire

Le meilleur système scolaire

I created this resource as part of a unit on education. It explores the strengths and weaknesses of different school systems around the world and gets students to think about how they learn and how different school systems attempt to provide the best answer to today's challenges around education. All sources are authentic (1 radio programme and 3 videos) and the links are on the worksheet. It is also an opportunity for students to learn and practise new vocabulary, as well as revise/learn about conjunctions that call for the subjunctive (bien que, pour que, sans que, etc.). This activity represents 1200 minutes of class work. This activity is ideal for A2 students, IB Higher level students or B2 level students.
The world of work - (I)GCSE Extended Booklet

The world of work - (I)GCSE Extended Booklet

This booklet covers: - Jobs (masculine/feminine) - Useful vocabulary to describe what you do - The conditional past - Summer jobs - Advantages and inconvenients of different jobs - Verbs followed by the prepositions 'à' and 'de' - Talking about work experience (mon stage) - Understanding when to use the imperfect and when to use the perfect tense - Understanding the different uses of past participles (advanced) - 2 listening activities (about summer jobs - B1 level) - 1 reading comprehension (true or false - my work experience) - 1 scaffolded writing comprehension (modeled on section 2 from paper 4 - my work experience) I have created this booklets for 3 of my year 10 students who are working at an advanced level. It covers advanced vocabulary and grammar and includes reading and writing exercises. It is designed so that students can work independently, with limited teacher support. It can also be used for IB/AS level or as cover work. There is a markscheme for all the exercises at the end of the document.
Les programmes télé - Understanding a TV guide

Les programmes télé - Understanding a TV guide

This activity is based on an authentic French TV guide and contains 4 tasks aimed at developing students' vocabulary (types of TV programmes), practising the telling the time in French and checking understanding. The last task tests the students' thinking skills and logic in French. I have included corrections for each of the activities. I created this activity for my Year 12 ab initio when we covered the unit on leisure and pastimes, but it could easily be used with a GCSE group, or even KS3 with more able students.
Midi 20,  Grand Corps Malade - Practising understanding the time with a song.

Midi 20, Grand Corps Malade - Practising understanding the time with a song.

I created this resource for my Year 12 ab initio class, after we learnt to tell the time in French. The purpose of this activity is to get students used to recognising simple sentences/words in a text spoken at normal speed, as well as revising key vocabulary linked to activities and daily life. The video clip also helps students associate words with visuals. At the end, there is a creative activity aimed at getting students to use the time in French, as well as what they learnt in the song, to produce a piece of creative writing. Grand Corps Malade is a famous French slammer (slam is spoken poetry with music) and his diction is very clear, making his songs ideal to work on with students. My students really loved this song and went on to downloading it for themselves later on. It could also be used with a GCSE/MYP group.
Google Street View treasure hunt to practise directions!

Google Street View treasure hunt to practise directions!

This is a fantastic way to get kids to practise directions and places in town in a foreign language. Find a town where Google street is operational and make a list of instructions for kids to navigate, as if they were actually navigating in that town. It's a little time consuming to make, but kids really enjoy it and it's the next best thing to actually visiting the place in person! The follow-up activity is to get kids to plan one of their own in a town of their choice, to get them to practise places in town, using directions, and using the imperative. I have used it with my Year 8 group, as well as my Year 12 ab initio group, but it can be adapted to any year group by changing the level of difficulty of the questions.
L'amitié à travers les chansons

L'amitié à travers les chansons

This worksheet looks at 2 very different songs, both on the topic of Friendship: Les copains d'abord (Georges Brassens) and L'Itinéraire (Bénabar). It is an excellent opportunity to develop the use of French slang (argot) and colloquialism, while looking at two different approaches to the concept of friendship. The first song may require some level of explanation as there are many cultural references that can be quite obscure to students but it is an absolute classic. Originally created for my year 12 French B Standard and Higher Level class, but can be adapted to AS/A levels, possibly even advanced (I)GCSE. I have included a suggested markscheme for the questions at the end of the document.
Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint Exupéry - Feuilles de travail

Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint Exupéry - Feuilles de travail

This is a series of activities to guide the reading of Le Petit Prince. Each worksheet goes in pairs: the students' sheet and the teacher's notes. The focus of these worksheets is to help students understand the book, but also to develop their vocabulary and ability to write creatively in French. There is some literary analysis of the text to give students the opportunity to transfer the skills developed in English. There are also a few grammar exercises, based on the text (irregular plural of nouns and adjectives, adjective agreements and pronouns). This represents 3 - 4 weeks worth of work with students. At the end, I chose to show them the animation movie which came out in July 2015. I created this resource for my Year 12 French B Higher Level group, but I have also used it (with modifications) with my Year 11 advanced IGCSE group.
L'Étranger, Albert Camus - Workbook

L'Étranger, Albert Camus - Workbook

I created this workbook when I studied L'Étranger with my Year 13 French B Higher Level class. The aim of this workbook is to provide a variety of activities to help students understand the novel, the style and philosophy of its author. There are comprehension exercises, writing tasks, grammar activities (use of tenses in the novel) and one interactive oral activity. It is geared towards French B Higher Level students, but could easily be used for A-level students. Working through this workbook would take 3 to 4 weeks.
IGCSE revision booklets

IGCSE revision booklets

4 Resources
These revision booklets cover the following IGCSE topics: - Myself and my family - Hobbies and free time - My life at school - My home and my area They contain vocabulary and grammar revision exercises, as well as IGCSE paper practice exercises, modelled on the exam papers. I have also created listening exercises (link is on the documents) using authentic recordings. Each booklet should take 2 - 3 hours to complete and can be used as homework, directed revision or cover work.
IGCSE Revision booklet - At school

IGCSE Revision booklet - At school

This resource booklet is perfect for students to conduct revision just before the exam. This booklet is designed for students to be able to work independently, but could also be used as cover work or directed revisions. It contains: - vocabulary exercises (School subjects, equipement, school system, clothes, daily routine and revision of the time) - 1 grammar reminder and task (Adjective agreements) - 1 listening exercise, modelled, as far as possible, on the IGCSE listening paper, but with authentic recordings (link to the recordings is on the sheet itself) - 1 reading exercise, modelled exactly on Paper 2 (Section 2 - first text) - 2 writing task, modelled exactly on Paper 4 (one from Section 1 and 2 from Section 2) - a series of questions with model answers for students to practise the speaking exam.
IGCSE revision booklet - At home

IGCSE revision booklet - At home

This resource booklet is perfect for students to conduct revision just before the exam. This booklet is designed for students to be able to work independently, but could also be used as cover work or directed revisions. It contains: - vocabulary exercises (furniture, rooms in the house, places in town and directions) - 2 grammar reminders and tasks (prepositions & the preposition 'à') - 1 listening exercise, modelled, as far as possible, on the IGCSE listening paper, but with authentic recordings (link to the recordings is on the sheet itself) - 2 reading exercise, modelled exactly on Paper 2 (Section 1 - vocabulary tasks) - 2 writing task, modelled exactly on Paper 4 (one from Section 1 and 2 from Section 2) - a series of questions with model answers for students to practise the speaking exam.
IGCSE revision booklet - Myself and my family

IGCSE revision booklet - Myself and my family

This resource booklet is perfect for students to conduct revision just before the exam. This booklet is designed for students to be able to work independently, but could also be used as cover work or directed revisions. It contains: - vocabulary exercises (physical descriptions, character descriptions, pets, nationalities & chores) - 2 grammar reminders and tasks (possessive adjectives and modal verbs 'pouvoir', 'devoir' and 'vouloir') - 1 listening exercises, modelled, as far as possible, on the IGCSE listening paper, but with authentic recordings (link to the recordings is on the sheet itself) - 1 reading exercise, modelled exactly on Paper 2 (Section 2 - easier text) - 1 writing task, modelled exactly on Paper 4 (short one) - a series of questions with model answers for students to practise the speaking exam.
IGCSE revision booklet - Hobbies and Free-time

IGCSE revision booklet - Hobbies and Free-time

This resource booklet is perfect for students to conduct revision just before the exam. This booklet is designed for students to be able to work independently, but could also be used as cover work or directed revisions. It contains: - 2 vocabulary exercises (types of movies and hobbies) - 3 grammar reminders and tasks (direct object pronouns & the pronoun 'y'; the imperfect; and the perfect tense) - 2 listening exercises, modelled, as far as possible, on the IGCSE listening paper, but with authentic recordings (links to the recordings are on the sheet itself) - 1 reading exercise, modelled exactly on Paper 2 (last 2 texts) - 2 writing tasks, modelled exactly on Paper 4 (one short and one long) - a series of questions with model answers for students to practise the speaking exam.
The pronoun 'en' - grammar worksheet linked to the theme of French gastronomy

The pronoun 'en' - grammar worksheet linked to the theme of French gastronomy

This worksheet contains a detailed explanation of how to use the pronoun 'en'. It looks at how to differentiate the pronoun 'en' from the direct object pronoun and gives a useful mind map for students to follow when they are trying to decide whether to use 'en' of the direct object pronoun. There are scaffolded tasks meant to build up students' confidence in their use of both the direct object pronoun and the pronoun 'en'. I created this resources for my Year 12 students who are doing IB French B at Standard Level. It can also be used with Higher Level students as a revision task or as a starting point for a more in-depth lesson on the use of pronouns.