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Planning and resources that I have made :) currently planning and teaching in year 4 but previous work from year 2 has been uploaded as well.




Planning and resources that I have made :) currently planning and teaching in year 4 but previous work from year 2 has been uploaded as well.
Year 2 Instructions Lesson Plan

Year 2 Instructions Lesson Plan

2 weeks worth of planning for instructions - end piece is instructions on how to make a pizza for a class recipe book. Links with healthy eating. Differentiated, with success criteria and Big Writes planned for. Have uploaded some of the resources that I have used/made to go with this unit. Hope someone will find it useful!
Top Trumps Card Templates

Top Trumps Card Templates

A set of templates for Top Trumps - have included blank set, an extra large display set and my masters for our nocturnal animal top trumps game for revision prior to Y2 SATS. My class loved them and have requested extra blank ones during Golden Time! Could be use for any topic and have been useful for independent tasks during guided reading. Hope they are helpful.
Guided Reading Weekly timetable example

Guided Reading Weekly timetable example

This is an example of who I will read with and what the other groups of children will be doing - It ensures all children are heard each week and provides a focus/ questions to achieve the AF focuses for reading.
VCOP Working Wall Display

VCOP Working Wall Display

Just a simple display resource to be laminated and then children add their ideas using whiteboard pen. Have edited it match the highlighters we mark the children's work with and changed the yellow so its easier to read :)
Mr Men Literacy Planning

Mr Men Literacy Planning

This is 8 days worth of planning. It includes reference to the new National Curriculum and has grammar starters, differentiated success criteria and Big Write opportunities. It was planned for Year 2 focusing mainly on the Band 2 Learning objectives. Have also included some of the resources that I have made for these lessons.
Patterns on The Page Literacy Planning

Patterns on The Page Literacy Planning

2 weeks worth of planning with big write included, learning objectives, success criteria and differentiation. Have now included some of the resources which have been adapted from the Hamilton Trust and some I have made myself.
Story board for Katie Morag

Story board for Katie Morag

I am learning to identify the key events in a story - Simple story board with boxes and lines for children to sequence the events in the story. Second page has time connectives already added for the LAPs.
Staff Wellbeing Questionnaire

Staff Wellbeing Questionnaire

As part of our 'Wellbeing Team' at school I have created this questionnaire and excel sheet to get feedback from staff regarding their wellbeing and how they are feeling at work. I thought I would share it as I have found it useful.
Literacy Planning - The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith

Literacy Planning - The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith

This is 7 sessions worth of planning based on the story by Dick King Smith - The Hodgeheg. It includes reference to the new National Curriculum and has grammar starters, differentiated success criteria and Big Write opportunities. It was planned for Year 2 focusing mainly on the Band 2 Learning objectives. Have also included some of the resources that I have made for these lessons.
Year 4 RE Planning - Is Christmas a festival of light or love?

Year 4 RE Planning - Is Christmas a festival of light or love?

Six weeks of planning for Autumn 2 RE - which leads to a big write that answers the 'Big Question' Is Christmas is a festival of light or love? Planning and WALTS have been includes with some differentiation. I have uploaded the resources I have made. Session 1 - I am learning that events give structure to peoples lives. I am learning to reflect upon events and celebrations which are important to us and think about how they make us feel. Session 2 - I am learning to identify the feelings associated with anticipation. I am learning to understand that for Christians Advent is a time of waiting. Session 3 - I am learning that the story of the birth of Jesus is of central importance in Christianity. I am learning what Christmas tells us about Jesus. Session 4 - I am learning to know that the gifts brought by the Wise Men had special significance. I am learning to consider the significance of the story of the visit of the Wise Men. Session 5 - I am learning to know that Jesus is considered to be the “Light of the World” to Christians. I am learning to reflect on kind, caring people who work for the good of others today. I am learning to link the symbolism of light at Christmas with Jesus Session 6 - I am learning to share what have I learned. I am learning to explain if Christmas is a festival of light or love?
Literacy Learning Plan Year 4 - Romulus and Remus - Myths and Legends

Literacy Learning Plan Year 4 - Romulus and Remus - Myths and Legends

This is 6 lessons worth of planning based on the Roman legend of Romulus and Remus. It includes reference to the new National Curriculum and has grammar starters, differentiated success criteria and writing opportunities. It was planned for Year 4 focusing mainly on the Band 4 Learning objectives. Have also included some of the resources that I have made for these lessons. Some of the images have been taken from google and links are made to other websites on the plan that we used. I hope it is useful. My class really loved this unit and did some brilliant writing.
Literacy Planning - Fantastic Mr Fox

Literacy Planning - Fantastic Mr Fox

This is 1 week worth of planning based on Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr Fox. It includes reference to the new National Curriculum and has grammar starters, differentiated success criteria and Big Write opportunities. It was planned for Year 2 focusing mainly on the Band 2 Learning objectives. I have also included some of the resources that I made to support this unit including templates, example letters and WALTS. I have changed the font so that the 2 quotes are no longer corrupted!
Literacy Learning Plan - Traction Man

Literacy Learning Plan - Traction Man

This is 4 days worth of planning ( we did this as a last week of the year unit) based on Traction Man by Mini Grey. It includes reference to the new National Curriculum and has grammar starters, differentiated success criteria and writing opportunities. It was planned for Year 2 focusing mainly on the Band 2 Learning objectives. Have also included some of the resources that I have made for these lessons.