Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level History resources available for purchase and download.
New Focus Education offer resources from a teacher with 10 years teaching experience, a track record of excellent outcomes and experience of leadership at several levels.
The main focus is AQA 8145 and AQA A Level, with key stage three resources available with GCSE skills and requirements embedded throughout.
Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level History resources available for purchase and download.
New Focus Education offer resources from a teacher with 10 years teaching experience, a track record of excellent outcomes and experience of leadership at several levels.
The main focus is AQA 8145 and AQA A Level, with key stage three resources available with GCSE skills and requirements embedded throughout.
Lesson 3 in the scheme for Edexcel 1H10/B4 - Early Elizabethan England, 1558-1588.
This lesson begins by comparing Catholic and Protestant beliefs, and exploring why there would be conflict. Students then complete a guided reading article, gaining context on the English Reformation and the situation for Elizabeth by 1558. The lesson then moves to explore the three key problems facing Elizabeth, allowing students to explain why each was an issue, and potential solutions that could be found. The lesson culminates in a retrieval plenary, allowing a review of the past three lessons.
Lesson exploring how slaves resisted on plantations. Inference starter, two layers of inference sources linked to utility, card sort categorising passive and active resistance leading to an explanation judgement regarding the most successful forms of resistance.
Lessons focused around the 2020 Historic Environment on the Spanish Armada.
The first lesson focuses on why England and Spain went to war.
The lesson starts with a discussion around sources, using existing knowledge to draw out inferences, linking in knowledge of the wider Elizabethan period. The main activity is an information hunt, exploring the reasons for the causes of the conflict, leading to thematic coding of the causes into political, religious, economic and personal reasons. This culminates in a corners plenary, requiring all students to reach a judgement on the ‘most significant’ theme.
The fifth lesson in the AQA Historic Environment 2022 series on Burghley’s Almshouses. This lesson uses the sources provided by AQA to thematically assess the almshouses.
The lesson starts with a giant-post-it recap of the key reasons Burghley built his Almshouses, leading to exploration of the source booklet to assign the evidence/features of the almshouses to these key reasons in a table. The pupils then explore what we can learn about wider society from the almshouses, leading to a written judgement. The lesson culminates in a recap of the key learning using whiteboards.
Lesson 2 in the scheme for Edexcel 1H10/B4 - Early Elizabethan England, 1558-1588.
This lesson starts by exploring students existing knowledge of Elizabeth, linking this to the Tudor family tree and why she was an ‘unexpected queen’. Students then explore one interpretation to introduce the problems faced at the start of her reign. Students then are given one problem to teach the rest of the group, building on this later by ranking the six key problems (legitimacy, marriage, French threat, religion, financial weakness and Mary, Queen of Scots) and explaining which posed the more significant threat. Linking to the previous lesson students aim to ‘solve’ the problems, trying to link in the groups who held power in England at the time. The lesson ends with a judegment line plenary mirroring the ‘how far do you agree’ essay question.
Lesson exploring the different witch trials in England - starter identifying features of a witch, video hyperlinked showing a witch trial, freeze frame creation of the different trials with an explanation question linked in. Optional homework also included.
Lesson exploring the impact of Charles II's return to England and restoration. Focus on what the English would want after the death of Cromwell, reduction cartoon strip creation - only allowing 10 words per box to tell the story of the Restoration, exploration of Charles' reputation as 'the Merry Monarch' and finally hypothesising who would dislike the return of the monarchy.
Lessons focused around the 2020 Historic Environment on the Spanish Armada.
*Note - the AQA source booklet is required with this lesson - this can be found on
The fifth and sixth lessons focus on analysing the AQA source material to bring together all knowledge of the Armada.
Pupils start by recapping key learning through a video, making notes. Each pair or trio is then allocated a source and given 7 minutes to analyse it focusing on; what it tells them about the Armada and what knowledge links to the source. Pupils then present back to the group. Pupils then use the annotated sources to complete the knolwedge audit sheet (can be done as homework), bringing it together by identifying what the Armada study can tell us about Elizabethan England. Pupils then complete a taboo plenary to recap key terminology.
Lesson one in the series of lessons focusing on Kenilworth Castle - the historic environment study 2021
The lesson focuses on the role Dudley played in Elizabeth’s life, introducing Kenilworth.
The lesson starts with a recap of prior knowledge of Dudley from the ‘marriage’ lesson. Using the hand out students create a living graph showing how the relationship between Dudley and Elizabeth developed over time. Students then assess how their relationship would have been viewed by groups such as the royal court, privy council etc. leading to a ‘write an account’ question on the role Dudley played in Elizabeth’s life. The plenary assesses how far Dudley and Elizabeth came to marrying through a continuum.
Lesson two in the series of lessons focusing on Kenilworth Castle - the historic environment study 2021
The lesson focuses on the changes Dudley made to Kenilworth.
The lesson starts with a comparison of 14th and 16th century Kenilworth with students identifying the changes they can see, leading to consideration of why these changes would be made. Using the hand out students complete the table assessing what specific changes were made (e.g. the gardens, gatehouse), thinking about which aspect Dudley changed the most. Students then explain why Dudley made these changes, choosing which they think was the most significant and why. Finally a 3,2,1 plenary recaps key content from the historic environment site.
Starter drawing a witch to explore interpretations of witches, exploration of those who were accused of witchcraft, colour coding task examining reasons for an increase in accusations leading to a judgement plenary.
Revision resource focusing on how to answer the 16 mark essay questions on Paper 1. The resource models the structure and models examples of good practice, offering pupils then the chance to structure their own answers. Several question styles included.
AQA 8145 - rally-robin starter how the government could deal with the poor, two videos hyperlinked in to assess how poverty was tackled, table of laws included with assessment of how effective each law was, focus on poor law and impact, write an account question with mark scheme included as a summary.
AQA 8145 - two lesson series analysing the different Catholic threats in a carousel activity with focus on plots like the Ridolfi Plot, Campion's Mission etc. Opportunity to explore how Elizabeth successfully dealt with these threats.
Lesson exploring the impact of Thatcher's economic policies - information hunt carousel, leading to a card sort thematically categorising the impact of her policies, judgement regarding the overall economic legacy of Thatcher and homework assessment source on economic realignment.
Lesson four in the series of lessons focusing on Kenilworth Castle - the historic environment study 2021
The lesson focuses on what other factors were significant in the development of Kenilworth Castle.
The lesson starts with a brainstorming of why Dudley wanted to rebuild Kenilworth leading to two videos showing the different motivations (traitorous legacy and royal progresses). Students then complete the worksheet assessing the different factors and explaining why they would motivate Dudley to rebuild Kenilworth. The lesson culminates in a judgement on which factor would be most significant, finishing with a brain dump recapping the key factors involved in motivating Dudley.
Assessment focusing on factory conditions, the changes caused by the Industrial Revolution and the legacy of the British Empire. Assessment grid for marking and mark scheme included.
Revision resource focusing on how to answer the 8 mark ‘write an account’ question on Paper 1. The resource models the structure and models examples of good practice, offering pupils then the chance to structure their own answers. Several question styles included.