Learning by Questions is an online learning platform that provides pupils with national curriculum aligned questions and immediate feedback to supercharge their learning. LbQ's SATs Springboard is here to help teachers make the most of the run up to the SATs examinations this Spring Term. Try out some of our resources below, or head to www.lbq.org/sats to read more.
Learning by Questions is an online learning platform that provides pupils with national curriculum aligned questions and immediate feedback to supercharge their learning. LbQ's SATs Springboard is here to help teachers make the most of the run up to the SATs examinations this Spring Term. Try out some of our resources below, or head to www.lbq.org/sats to read more.
Objective: I can rearrange a straight line equation to make y the subject.
The questions in this resource are suitable for all KS3 students.
Prerequisites: Students can rearrange equations.
Terminology: equation, inverse operations, subject, rearrange
Answers on slide 9.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
KS3 Geometry Angles in Triangles & Quadrilaterals
This KS3 Maths Derive and Use the Sum of Angles in a Triangle and Quadrilateral Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to use the sum of angles in triangles and quadrilaterals to find missing angles.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 6 Statistics Calculate the Mean
This Year 6 Maths Calculate the Mean Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to calculate and interpret the mean as an average.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 6 Statistics Interpret Pie Charts
This Year 6 Maths Interpret Pie Charts Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to interpret and represent data in a pie chart.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Objective: I can interpret and plot straight line graphs.
The questions in this resource are suitable for students meeting year 8 expectations.
Prerequisites: Students can identify coordinates in all four quadrants and substitute values into expressions and equations.
Terminology: axis, origin, x-coordinate, y-coordinate, equation
Answers on slide 9.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 6 Geometry Angles in Quadrilaterals
This Year 6 maths Use the Properties of Quadrilaterals to Find Missing Angles Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to identify different types of quadrilaterals and use their properties to find unknown angles.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 6 Measurement Convert Between Time Units
This Year 6 Solve Problems Involving Converting Between Units of Time Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to solve problems involving converting between units of time.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 5 Subtract up to 2 Decimal Places
This Year 5 Decimal Numbers Subtraction Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to subtract numbers with up to 2 decimal places using the written column method.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 6 Geometry: Recognise Opposite Angles
This Year 6 Maths Recognise Vertically Opposite Angles Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to recognise vertically opposite angles and find missing angles.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 5 Decimals Multiply & Divide Decimals
This Year 5 Decimals Multiply and Divide Decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to multiply and divide decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000 and give answers up to three decimal places.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 4 Measurement Convert Between Time Units
This Year 4 Measurement Convert Between Different Units of Time Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to convert between different units of time and compare units of time.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 5 Geometry Identify 3D Shapes
This Year 5 Geometry Identify 3D Shapes from 2D Representations Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to identify 3D shapes from 2D representations.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 4 Statistics Interpret and Present Bar Charts
This Year 4 Interpret and Present Discrete Data in Bar Charts Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to interpret and present data in a bar chart.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 5 Geometry Calculate Angles at Different Points
This Year 5 Geometry Calculate Angles at Different Points Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to calculate angles at a point, full turns, half turns and other multiples of 90 degrees.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 4 Measurement Money Estimate Total Amounts
This Year 4 Estimate the Total Amounts of Money Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to estimate, round and calculate amounts of money in pounds and pence.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 4 Decimals Compare & Order Decimals
This Year 4 Decimal Compare and Order Numbers Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to compare numbers with the same number of decimal places up to 2 decimal places.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 3 Measurement Find & Compare Event Duration
This Year 3 Find and Compare the Duration of Events Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to find and compare the time taken for events.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Objective: I can solve equations with one variable.
The questions in this resource are suitable for students meeting Y6 and Y7 expectations.
Prerequisites: Pupils can represent values with letters. Pupils can use inverse operations to find missing values.
Terminology: inverse, expression, value, multiplied by, square numbers
Answers on slide 9.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 7 Algebra Generate Sequences From the nth Term
This Year 7 Sequences Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to use the nth term rule to find missing terms and the position of terms.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 7 Algebra: Like Terms (Single Variable)
This Year Algebra Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to collect like terms in expressions with a single variable.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.