This shop produces Functional Skills English resources, for both Reading & Writing. Resources are well-planned and top quality with a lot of attention to detail. Any questions, contact me via my Facebook page! (Link below).
Join our Functional Skills & GCSE English Language Discussion & Resources Group on Facebook!
This shop produces Functional Skills English resources, for both Reading & Writing. Resources are well-planned and top quality with a lot of attention to detail. Any questions, contact me via my Facebook page! (Link below).
Join our Functional Skills & GCSE English Language Discussion & Resources Group on Facebook!
This is a macro-enabled, interactive and fully animated powerpoint presentation, using a text from the assessment booklet in my shop on Stonehenge, as a summative assessment tool.
With a number of basic explanations and interactive formative tasks which can be completed independently or in pairs, groups, or as one whole group, this session is planned for 1.5 hours and has some fun elements. It uses images, colours and text, to determine Tone and Mood, some tasks with graphic emojis.
If used with the screen extended to a larger touch display, then macro tasks can be completed as a marketplace task, in pairs or small groups, or with individuals one-by-one.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! =-)
Join the discussion! Like our Facebook page and join our group…share your experiences and ask any questions:
This session is a macro-enabled powerpoint that’s been fully animated and covers the 4 main purposes of text:
With interactive formative tasks throughout, this is just one in a collection of E3 resources which are under development. A full set will be coming very soon!
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! =-)
Join the discussion! Like our Facebook page and join our group…share your experiences and ask any questions.
This Entry 3 session is fully animated and includes an interactive pairs slide, and some fun activities like crafting an origami box…this I did as a group and had to practise the night before! It’s great to challenge students and encourage some team work.
There are formative activities throughout and a Terry Practchett page extract to highlight word classes, on a two-sided A4 hand out.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! =-)
Join the discussion! Like our Facebook page and join our group…share your experiences and ask any questions.
This assessment booklet is fully editable and original.
It includes:
8 assessments covering both Reading, Writing and Accuracy.
2 initial assessments,
1 schedule table.
It will complement my upcoming E3 TLA paid pack. Coming January 2023!
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! =-)
Join the discussion! Like our Facebook page and join our group…share your experiences and ask any questions:
This is my first E3 session and so I thought I’d give this one away as a sample.
It is a fully animated, macro-enabled session, with slides that are interactive and can be used with a large touchscreen. Get students to take turns, leading the activities!
It covers both skimming and scanning, alphabetising word lists, identifying explicit ideas and some basic interpretation. Each topic has a couple of formative tasks.
Also includes a 2 page, A4 hand out.
These can be used as starters, bridges, or as part of formative assessment. They can be pasted into other marco-enabled files and they can be sent to students as a slide show which can be completed, saved and returned for assessment.
The text boxes can be moved in the live slideshow, just use the ‘Duplicate’ function and not the ‘Extend’ and they work really well on a touch screen, as well as with a mouse.
Students enjoy them because they can take responsibility, both On and Offline.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! =-)
Add the images to your own docs by copying and pasting them. Challenge groups with larger pages or just use as extension tasks. Answers are on separate slides so it can be delivered easily in a class.
A4 & A3 PDFs are also included.
Distribute On or Offline as a starter or extension task. These words can be very confusing, so the more you know - the better your accuracy will be!
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! =-)
Title says it all really - distribute On or Offline as a starter or extension task. These words can be very confusing, so the more you know - the better your accuracy will be!
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! =-)
Title says it all really - distribute On or Offline as a starter or extension task. These words can be very confusing, so the more you know - the better your accuracy will be!
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! =-)
A set of 3 macro-enabled slides to compliment the Neon Reading set and 1 Year Fully Planned Pack.
This has a 24 question answer-reveal quiz with general L1-2 questions.
A pair of macro, tile-moving, language features task.
A pair of 24 question quiz slides with unique questions and a catchphrase image beneath.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! =-)
If you like these - then check out my new 1 year pack which includes the Neon Reading pack and full scheme of work for each of the 17 individual sessions. It also has initial assessments, a full year assessment book, a homework book and a revision book. All based on the new specification and original.
I didn’t want to just upload this to certain files in my pack - when I’ve literally poured my soul into it and it’s worth sharing, just as an example of how someone approaches planning. It also acts as a detailed catalogue of my recent resources.
It’s a detailed scheme of work document with:
A Lessons Grid
A Mini Lesson Plans Grid with links to assessments and homeworks + images of Learning Outcome slides.
18 Individual, slide-by-slide session breakdowns, with slide screenshots, suggestions for delivery, approximate timings and links to every session in the pack. This is a document that will save me hours of future planning but it will save you more if you decide to purchase the fully planned pack:
Imagine being told that you’re being observed and having this to hand. Attach a group profile and that’s all you really need…
There are links to some free sessions wihtin the scheme - give one of them a go…if you like them - consider buying the pack. I absolutely promise value for money!
This took a couple of days to plan and put together, so I’m really proud of it. It covers every major skill and links to my Online Course Multipack - with a task designed to follow each session I planned, in order to make sure that learning continues, outside the classroom.
Tasks include:
Leaflets - Independent Task
Skimming and Scanning
Information Retrieval
I’ve also added a very basic Scheme of Work for my bundle - here…
This is a completely new course set, including my bright and colourful Neon Reading Collection. This will only be half price for a limited time…
There’s a very detailed and handy scheme of work included as a free item, which links all the assessments and homework tasks to the sessions and is meticulously planned. It constitutes almost 8,000 words of slide-by-slide planning, with slide screenshots, links to homeworks and assessments in the books provided.
This a COLOSSAL set!
There is an individual session covering all major topics, including:
Formal Letters
Blog Writing
Informal Emails
Narrative Accounts
Article Writing (Free)
Structural Layout (Free)
Skimming & Scanning (Free)
Comparisons Double Session
Purpose & Audience
Tone & Mood
Also includes:
A New Spec Qualification Overview PPT (Download for free, from my shop)!
1 x 30 page Reading & Writing Assessment Booklet - 12 assessments, 2 initial assessments and a tracking page. with its own set of PPT slides - including answers for the final Reading assessment.
1 x 30 page Revision Workbook and Matching PPT for delivery.
1 x 20+ page On/Offline Homework Book, covering all these topics!
All but 1 Powerpoint Presentation have at least 1 macro-enabled slide (most have 2-3) - for delivery Online. Let your students take control, in Teams (and other platforms) and let them take the lead with activities. That being the case, they would also be great on touch screens in classroooms, when we are back in them!
Every resource is carefully created with step-by-step animations, to aid delivery and questioning.
This would be ideal for a departmental purchase and share! You could literally provide the link to a brand new/supply teacher and they would be able to deliver on the day…
**Please be aware that these have been created in Microsoft Office 365 - they will work in older versions but the older it gets, the less advanced they will be - in terms of the visuals, transitions and animations. **
The new Functional Skills Reading, colourful Neon Collection, consists of 5 paid resources which match visually and have a number of matching Word document hand outs which can be used both on and offline.
All sessions have macro-enabled slides which can be altered during the presentation slide show and can be used with touch screens, in a classroom - when we go back.
It covers a range of topics:
Each also has both formative and summative assessments.
**Please be aware that these have been created in Microsoft Office 365 - they will work in older versions but the older it gets, the less advanced they will be - in terms of the visuals, transitions and animations. **
This session covers basic Interpretation and i meant for Online delivery. It has formative tasks, some of which need to be edited during a live presentation and one has macro-enabled images which can be moves in the slide show. It would also be great in a classroom and on a touch screen.
Part of my Neon Reading Collection, this one has been visually matched and carefully animated, step-by-step, to aid delivery and questioning. Session plan included.
There is a link to GCSE, here, so this is aimed more at L2, however, there’s nothing like a stretch and challenge.
**Please be aware that these have been created in Microsoft Office 365 - they will work in older versions but the older it gets, the less advanced they will be - in terms of the visuals, transitions and animations. **
This session covers Comparisons - it has two documents to work with and a number of formative tasks, some of which are macro-enabled slides which are interactive during the live presentation.
With the intent of using them Online, they are great for remote teaching, with step-by-step animations to aid delivery and questioning. Also great for use with a touch screen in classes.
It has a 2 page Word document hand out which has text boxes for Online use but which can also be printed. Session plan included.
Part of my upcoming Neon Reading set - two of which are already available in my shop.
**Please be aware that these have been created in Microsoft Office 365 - they will work in older versions but the older it gets, the less advanced they will be - in terms of the visuals, transitions and animations. **
This is a selection of 3 Writing and 3 Reading Resources from my colourful ‘Neon’ collection. There are a few free sessions, in my shop, which compliment this set and it covers a range of topics…
Formal Letters
Informal Emails (With Mark Scheme)
Purpose & Audience
Mood & Tone
Reading sessions have Word document hand outs which can be used both on and offline.
**Please be aware that these have been created in Microsoft Office 365 - they will work in older versions but the older it gets, the less advanced they will be - in terms of the visuals, transitions and animations. **
This session covers comprehension from the angle of basic understanding. It defines explicit and implicit information and ideas and has a number of formative assessment tasks - one of which is a marco-enabled slide with tiles which can be moved during the live presentation. Colourful and animated with step-by-step animations, in order to aid delivery and questioning.
This will be part a full set of ‘Neon’ Reading resources which have been created with intent of use Online but which would also be great in classrooms and on touch screens.
There is also a Word document hand out which can be printed but has text boxes for Online use. Session plan included.
**Please be aware that these have been created in Microsoft Office 365 - they will work in older versions but the older it gets, the less advanced they will be - in terms of the visuals, transitions and animations. **
Another session for FS Reading which links to some of the other sessions in my shop. It covers the basic structures of:
It has formative tasks and is intended as a quick overview/recap session Online. This would depend in which order you deliver Reading and Writing but it can be linked either way. Some tasks are on marco-enabled slides and can be moved on the slideshow - this is great online and would also be good on a touch screen in classrooms. Session plan included.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and, please, check out my other resources. =-)
**Please be aware that these have been created in Microsoft Office 365 - they will work in older versions but the older it gets, the less advanced they will be - in terms of the visuals, transitions and animations. **
This Reading session has been designed for Online delivery and has formative assessment tasks which are macro-enabled slides. Let your students take control in Teams and lead the tasks! There is also a summative Word document task which has text boxes for Online use but it can be written on, if printed.
Session plan included.
Carefully animated with step-by-step animations to aid delivery and will be part of my Neon Reading set - keep a look out for it!
**Please be aware that these have been created in Microsoft Office 365 - they will work in older versions but the older it gets, the less advanced they will be - in terms of the visuals, transitions and animations. **