Topic: Halloween
This pack will introduce children to some Halloween vocabulary. It is aimed for children aged 3-8 years.
This pack comprises:
17x A4 PDF Colour Flashcards
12x A4 PDF Colouring in pages
7x A4 PDF Worksheets
1x PDF Poster
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If you enjoy this resource, please leave a review and any other feedback is welcome.
Terms of Use
Reselling or copying this work is not permitted. All rights reserved by Lulu Maria Fun Spanish. This grants permission for single use at home, nursery or in the classroom only.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
Topic: Fruit - La Fruta
This Spanish fruits pack will introduce children to some fruits in Spanish. It is aimed for children aged 3-8 years.
This pack comprises:
13x A4 PDF Colour Flashcards
13x A4 PDF Colouring in worksheets
2 x A3/A4 PDF Posters (one with phonetic transcription)
Downloadable Bingo game with instructions on how to print and play
Downloadable Pairs game
We recommend printing the games on card or laminate.
There is also a video link for children to practice fruits in Spanish.
Colours included in download:
La Fruta - Fruit
La manzana - Apple
El plátano - Banana
Las uvas - Grapes
La ciruela - Plum
El melocotón - Peach
La sandía - Watermelon
La pera - Pear
Las cerezas - Cherries
La fresa - Strawberry
La naranja - orange
El limón - lemon
La piña - Pineapple
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If you enjoy this resource, please leave a review and any other feedback is welcome.
Terms of Use
Reselling or copying this work is not permitted. All rights reserved by Lulu Maria Fun Spanish. This grants permission for single use at home, nursery or in the classroom only.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
This Spanish Spring pack will introduce children to some ‘Verano’ vocabulary in Spanish. It is aimed for children aged 7-11 years.
This pack comprises:
1 x A3/A4 PDF Poster
24x A5 PDF Colour Flashcards. There is a set with the option to cut words off. We have provided suggested games
24x PDF A4 Colour Flashcards
1x A4 PDF Colouring in sheet
Vocabulary included in download:
el sol - the sun
el sombrero para el sol - sun hat
las gafas de sol - sun glasses
la crema solar - sun cream
el zumo - the juice
la tumbona - the deckchair
el helado - the ice cream
la pala - the spade
el cubo - the bucket
la sombrilla - the sun umbrella
la pelota de playa - the beach ball
el avión - the aeroplane
la cámara - the camera
la playa - the beach
el hotel - the hotel
las chanclas - the flipflops
el castillo de arena - the sand castle
la autocaravana - the caravan
la maleta - the suitcase
el pasaporte - the passport
el coco - the coconut
la piña - the pineapple
la sandía - the watermelon
las fresas - the strawberries
Terms of Use
Reselling or copying this work is not permitted. All rights reserved by Lulu Maria Fun Spanish. This grants permission for single use at home, nursery or in the classroom only.
The Lulu Maria Fun Spanish watermark will not appear in your downloaded products.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
Topic: Autumn - Otoño
This Spanish autumn pack will introduce children to some words and phrases in Spanish. It is aimed for children aged 3-8 years.
This pack comprises:
10x A4 PDF Colour Flashcards
10x A4 PDF Colouring in pages
6x A4 PDF Worksheets
1x PDF Poster
Words included in download:
the leaves - las hojas
the jumper - el suéter
the pumpkin - la calabaza
the witch - la bruja
the bonfire - la hoguera
the rain - la lluvia
the wind - el viento
the bat - el murciélago
the squirrel -la ardilla
the spider - la araña
the haunted house - la casa encantada
the cauldron - la caldera
the hedgehog - el erizo
the moon - la luna
the hot chocolate - el chocolate caliente
the fireworks - los fuegos artificiales
el halloween - halloween
Phrases included in download:
¡Es otoño! - It’s autumn!
¡En otoño hay muchas hojas! - In autumn there are many leaves!
¡En otoño hace viento! - In autumn it’s windy!
¡En otoño llueve mucho! - In autumn it rains a lot!
¡En otoño hay calabazas! - In autumn there are pumpkins!
¡En otoño hay ardillas! - In autumn there are squirrels!
¡En otoño hay erizos! - In autumn there are hedgehogs!
¡En otoño se celebra el Halloween! - In autumn Halloween is celebrated!
¡En otoño hay hogueras! - In autumn there are bonfires!
¡En otoño hay fuegos artificiales! - In autumn there are fireworks!
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If you enjoy this resource, please leave a review and any other feedback is welcome.
Terms of Use
Reselling or copying this work is not permitted. All rights reserved by Lulu Maria Fun Spanish. This grants permission for single use at home, nursery or in the classroom only.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
Halloween - ‘What do you prefer?’ - Game
This PDF document contains 15x A4 pages each with a heading asking ‘What do you prefer?’ in Spanish.
This game can be used in a number of ways: a starter activity, a conversation between students, guess what the teacher prefers or children can line up and jump to the side of the option they prefer, this is a fun way to see what is the most popular choice in the class.
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If you enjoy this resource, please leave a review.
Terms of Use
Reselling or copying this work is not permitted. All rights reserved by Lulu Maria Fun Spanish. This grants permission for single use at home, nursery or in the classroom only.
Please download this PDF file within 30 days to recieve your download.
Muchas gracias,
Luisa & Maria.
A fun colouring activity for ‘Valentine’s day’. Suitable for 5-8 years
This PDF document contains 1 x A4 colouring in worksheet to print.
Topic: Día de San Valentín
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If you enjoy this free resource, please leave a review.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
A fun colouring activity reinforcing Spanish colours. Suitable for 5-8 years depending on the ability of your students.
This PDF document contains 3x A4 colouring in worksheets to print.
Topic: Spanish Colours.
Vocabulary including:
Rojo - Red
Naranja - Orange
Amarillo - Yellow
Verde - Green
Azul - Blue
Rosa - Pink
Morado - Purple
Blanco - White
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If you enjoy this free resource, please leave a review.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
Product Description
Spanish ‘What do you prefer?’ Game
This PDF document contains 25x A4 pages each with a heading asking ‘What do you prefer?’ in Spanish.
This game can be used in a number of ways: a starter activity, a conversation between students, guess what the teacher prefers or children can line up and jump to the side of the option they prefer, this is a fun way to see what is the most popular choice in the class.
Aimed for 7-11 years.
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If you enjoy this resource, please leave a review.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
Topic: The Colours - Los Colores
This Spanish colours pack will introduce children to the colours in Spanish. It is aimed for children aged 3-8 years.
This pack comprises:
11x A4 PDF Colour Flashcards
11x A4 PDF Colouring in worksheets
2 x A3/A4 PDF Posters (one with phonetic transcription)
Downloadable Bingo game with instructions on how to print and play
Downloadable Pairs game
We recommend printing the games on card or laminate.
There is also a video link for children to practice colours in Spanish.
Colours included in download:
Rojo - Red
Naranja - Orange
Amarillo - Yellow
Verde - Green
Azul - Blue
Rosa - Pink
Morado - Purple
Negro - Black
Blanco - White
Gris - Grey
Marrón - Brown
The Lulu Maria Fun Spanish watermark will not appear in your downloaded products.
If you enjoy this resource, please leave a review and any other feedback is welcome.
Terms of Use
Reselling or copying this work is not permitted. All rights reserved by Lulu Maria Fun Spanish. This grants permission for single use at home, nursery or in the classroom only.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
Topic: Jungle Animals - Animales Salvajes
This package is the perfect resource for introducing children to wild animals in Spanish. It will enable pupils to develop their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and is aimed for KS2, children aged 7-11 years.
This pack comprises:
7x A4 PDF Colour Flashcards – 2 animals per page. These flashcards are printable in 4 different ways:
the image with the word
the image with the word and phonetic pronunciation.
the image with the word and a dotted line with the option of cutting it off (good for matching games)
the image with the word and phonetic pronunciation with the option of cutting it off (good for matching games)
12x A4 PDF Activity Sheets
1x A3/A4 PDF Poster
Printable Bingo game with instructions on how to print and play
PowerPoint images with audio support to introduce each animal
PowerPoint - ‘What animal is missing?’ game
PowerPoint - ‘Word scramble’ game
PowerPoint – How to say your favourite animal in Spanish
There is also a YouTube video link for children to practice jungle animals in Spanish.
Animals included in all activities:
El tigre - The tiger
El león - The lion
El elefante - The elephant
El mono - The monkey
El cocodrilo - The crocodile
La cebra - The zebra
La serpiente - The snake
La jirafa - The giraffe
El loro - The parrot
El búfalo - The buffalo
El rinoceronte - The rhinoceros
El leopardo - The leopard
El gorila - The gorilla
El hipopótamo - The hippopotamus
The Lulu Maria Fun Spanish watermark will not appear in your downloaded products.
If you enjoy this resource, please leave a review and any other feedback is welcome.
Terms of Use
Reselling or copying this work is not permitted. All rights reserved by Lulu Maria Fun Spanish. This grants permission for single use at home, nursery or in the classroom only.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
This Package is perfect for consolidating ‘School’ vocabulary.
For ages 7-11 years.
This PDF document contains 1x A3 poster & 5x A4 downloadable worksheets.
Topic: In School/Classroom Objects
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If you enjoy this resource, please leave a review.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
What’s your favourite … ? - ¿Cuál es tu … favorito/a?
This Spanish starter activity is a great way to get your class chatting. It is aimed at children of 7-11 years that have some knowledge of Spanish.
This PDF document contains 10x A4 pages with 18 '¿Cuál es tu … favorito/a? questions. The last page will help children answer the question.
Terms of Use**
Reselling or copying this work is not permitted. All rights reserved by Lulu Maria Fun Spanish. This grants permission for single use at home, nursery or in the classroom only.
Please download this PDF file within 30 days to recieve your download.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
Topic: La Tomatina
A fun colouring worksheet to introduce ‘La tomatina’ festival.
This PDF document contains 2x A4 documents. 1x A4 with Spanish words and 1x A4 document without the Spanish words.
We hope you enjoy this free resource.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
This Package is perfect for consolidating ‘¿Cómo estás?/Sentimientos ’ vocabulary.
This download contains 1x A3 poster & 7x A4 downloadable worksheets.
Topic: ¿Cómo estás?/¿Qúe tal & Sentimientos
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If you enjoy this free resource, please leave a review.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
Topic: The Colours - Los Colores
This Spanish pack will introduce children to the spring vocabulary in Spanish. It is aimed for children aged 3-8 years.
This pack comprises:
16x A4 PDF Colour Flashcards
16x A4 PDF Colouring in worksheets
1 x A3/A4 PDF Posters
Downloadable Bingo game with instructions on how to print and play
Downloadable Pairs game
We recommend printing the games on card or laminate.
Vocabulary included in download:
Primavera - Spring
El sol - The sun
La lluvia - The rain
El arcoíris - The rainbow
La mariquita - The ladybird
La mariposa - The butterfly
El caracol - The snail
La abeja - The bee
El cordero - The lamb
El potro - The foal
Los pájaritos cantan - The birds sing
Los pollitos nacen - The chicks hatch
Las flores crecen - The flowers grow
Feliz Pascua - Happy Easter
Conejito de Pascua - Easter Bunny
Huevos de Pascua - Easter eggs
The Lulu Maria Fun Spanish watermark will not appear in your downloaded products.
If you enjoy this resource, please leave a review and any other feedback is welcome.
Terms of Use
Reselling or copying this work is not permitted. All rights reserved by Lulu Maria Fun Spanish. This grants permission for single use at home, nursery or in the classroom only.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
Topic: Primavera - Spring
This Spanish Spring pack will introduce children to some ‘Primavera’ vocabulary in Spanish. It is aimed for children aged 7-11 years.
This pack comprises:
1 x A3/A4 PDF Poster
16x A5 PDF Colour Flashcards. There is a set with the option to cut words off. We have provided suggested games
7x A4 PDF Colouring in worksheets
Downloadable Bingo game with instructions on how to print and play
We recommend printing the flashcards & bingo game on card or laminate.
Vocabulary included in download:
es la primavera - it is spring
hace sol - it is sunny
hay arcoíris - there are rainbows
llueve mucho - it rains a lot
las flores crecen - the flowers grow
hay abejas - there are bees
hay mariposas - there are butterflies
hay caracoles - there are snails
hay mariquitas - there are ladybirds
nacen los pollitos - chicks are born
nacen los potros - foals are born
nacen los corderos - lambs are born
los pájaritos cantan - the birds sing
Feliz Pascua - Happy Easter
hay muchos huevos de Pascua - there are lots of easter eggs
hay un conejito de Pascua - there is an Easter bunny
The Lulu Maria Fun Spanish watermark will not appear in your downloaded products.
If you enjoy this resource, please leave a review and any other feedback is welcome.
Terms of Use
Reselling or copying this work is not permitted. All rights reserved by Lulu Maria Fun Spanish. This grants permission for single use at home, nursery or in the classroom only.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
Product Description
Spanish words and phrases matching game.
This PDF document contains 16x A4 pages with 8 Spanish/English cards on each page. There are 3 blanks if you wish to add your own phrases.
This matching game is a fun way for children to familiarise themselves with some basic everyday words and phrases they would hear in Spain.
Aimed for 7-11 years.
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If you enjoy this resource, please leave a review.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
Topic: Jungle Animals - Animales Salvajes
This Spanish jungle animals pack will introduce children to some wild animals in Spanish. It is aimed for children aged 3-8 years.
This pack comprises:
14x A4 PDF Colour Flashcards
14x A4 PDF Colouring in worksheets
1 x A3/A4 PDF Posters
Downloadable Bingo game with instructions on how to print and play
Downloadable Pairs game
We recommend printing the games on card or laminate.
There is also a video link for children to practice jungle animals in Spanish.
Animals included in download:
El tigre - The tiger
El león - The lion
El elefante - The elephant
El mono - The monkey
El cocodrilo - The crocodile
La cebra - The zebra
La serpiente - The snake
La jirafa - The giraffe
El loro - The parrot
El búfalo - The buffalo
El rinoceronte - The rhinoceros
El leopardo - The leopard
El gorila - The gorilla
El hipopótamo - The hippopotamus
The Lulu Maria Fun Spanish watermark will not appear in your downloaded products.
If you enjoy this resource, please leave a review and any other feedback is welcome.
Terms of Use
Reselling or copying this work is not permitted. All rights reserved by Lulu Maria Fun Spanish. This grants permission for single use at home, nursery or in the classroom only.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.
This worksheet is perfect for consolidatiing jungle animals vocabulary.
For ages 7-11 years.
This PDF document contains 11x A4 downloadable worksheets.
Topic: Jungle Animals - Animales Salvajes
Animals included in download:
El tigre - The tiger
El león - The lion
El elefante - The elephant
El mono - The monkey
El cocodrilo - The crocodile
La cebra - The zebra
La serpiente - The snake
La jirafa - The giraffe
El loro - The parrot
El búfalo - The buffalo
El rinoceronte - The rhinoceros
El leopardo - The leopard
El gorila - The gorilla
El hipopótamo - The hippopotamus
The Lulu Maria Fun Spanish watermark will not appear in your downloaded products.
If you enjoy this resource, please leave a review and any other feedback is welcome.
Terms of Use
Reselling or copying this work is not permitted. All rights reserved by Lulu Maria Fun Spanish. This grants permission for single use at home, nursery or in the classroom only.
Thank you,
Luisa & Maria
Topic: The Colours - Los Colores
This Spanish colours pack will introduce children to the colours in Spanish. It is aimed for children aged 5-11 years.
This pack comprises:
5x PowerPoint audio supported Presentations: intro to colours, what colour do you prefer?, what colour is it?, what colour is missing?, match the colours.
12x A5 PDF Colour Flashcards
7x A4 PDF worksheets
1 x A3/A4 PDF Poster
1x PDF Bingo game with instructions on how to print and play
We recommend printing the games on card or laminate.
Colours included in download:
Rojo - Red
Naranja - Orange
Amarillo - Yellow
Verde - Green
Azul - Blue
Rosa - Pink
Morado - Purple
Negro - Black
Blanco - White
Gris - Grey
Marrón - Brown
The Lulu Maria Fun Spanish watermark will not appear in your downloaded products.
If you enjoy this resource, please leave a review and any other feedback is welcome.
Terms of Use
Reselling or copying this work is not permitted. All rights reserved by Lulu Maria Fun Spanish. This grants permission for single use at home, nursery or in the classroom only.
Many thanks for your support,
Luisa & Maria.