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Completely Kindergarten's Shop

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Where you will find all resources and materials aimed at Early Childhood and Primary/Elementary Education, covering ELA, Science, Math, ESL, Gifted and Talented, STEM Education, and much more!!!




Where you will find all resources and materials aimed at Early Childhood and Primary/Elementary Education, covering ELA, Science, Math, ESL, Gifted and Talented, STEM Education, and much more!!!
Weekly Spelling Practice

Weekly Spelling Practice

This is a simple and easy to use weekly spelling template for students to record 10 weekly spelling words and then write sentences for each. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
STEM: Building Amphibious Cars CCSS

STEM: Building Amphibious Cars CCSS

This is a great hands on unit for K-2 students that is aligned with ELA CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Students will complete a 2 part activity: 1. Students will test materials to see which ones float 2. Students will see a PPT on climate change and use the best materials from the previous testing to convert a toy car into an "amphibious car" that drives and floats on water. ***Please note additional materials are needed for this activity*** Clay or playdoh, foam, pool noodles, bubble wrap, newspaper, tin foil, duct tape, pieces of cardboard, toy cars (like Hot Wheels) containers for water. This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Objective Page 2 pages of ELA and Next Generation Science Standards for K-2 Lesson Procedure Teacher Prep Building Amphibious Cars Differentiated Self Assessment Building Amphibious Cars Design Sheets Building Amphibious Cars Float/Sink Recording Sheet Building Amphibious Cars Test Results Sheet Building Amphibious Cars Samples Building Amphibious Cars Explanation Sheet Building Amphibious Cars Basic Budget Sheet Building Amphibious Cars Advanced Budget Sheet Building Amphibious Cars Classroom Display Banner Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Math Activity: Gladiator M&M's CCSS

Math Activity: Gladiator M&M's CCSS

This is a great activity for covering a variety of Math outcomes while allowing students to get hands on. It allows students to "battle" M&M's against each other to determine which is the strongest color out of the 6. This packet includes: Teacher Instructions Student Packet Prediction Poster Informational text and response questions Students will test their M&M's independently, and then compare results with the rest of the class, using various data recording methods to plot the results. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
STEM: Island Survival CCSS

STEM: Island Survival CCSS

This is my brand new STEM packet for 5th grade, all about Island Survival. This packet is a 4 week long activity, designed around 3 different experiments that tie in the Common Core Standards. The experiments include: Designing and Building a Water Filtration System Growing Seeds in Soil and Water using Fresh Water and Salt Water Building a Raft Students will also be required to document their progress through photos and video, so that they can create a multimedia presentation at the end of the project. ***These activities also require additional materials which are easy to come by: Plastic water bottles (4 per group) Plastic soda bottles (1 per group) Plastic cups (16 per group) Small rocks (2-3 cups per group) Sand (2-3 cups per group) Old t-shirts (1 per group) Dirt (1 large Ziploc bag per group) Variety of edible plant seeds, at least 8 different kinds (tomato, lettuce, etc…) Salt (1 large container per group) Sticks (10 per group) String (1 roll per group) Roll of plastic trash bags (1 bag per group) Duct tape (1 roll per group) Foam pool noodles (1 per group) Poster board (1 per group) Rubber bands (5-10 per group) A container large enough to hold water for testing floatation (ideally 1 per group but can be just 1 for the class)*** Please make sure to rate and leave feedback.
STEM: Building Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Trees CCSS

STEM: Building Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Trees CCSS

This is a great hands on unit for K-2 students that is aligned with ELA & Math CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Students will read "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom", and discuss what happened to the letters. Then they will work in small groups to design and build a new "tree" structure that can keep the letters in without falling out or without the structure collapsing. ***Please note additional materials are needed for this activity*** Assorted pieces of cardboard, cardboard tubes, tin foil, magnetic letters, and white glue. Standards: K.CC.B.4, K.MD.A.1, 1.MD.A.2, 2.MD.A.1, W.K.2, W.K.3, W.K.8, W.1.2, W.1.3, W.1.8, W.2.2, SL.K.1, SL.K.3, SL.K.5, SL.K.6, SL.1.1, SL.1.5, SL.2.1 This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Objective Page 3 pages of ELA, Math and Next Generation Science Standards for K-2 Lesson Procedure Building Trees Differentiated Self Assessment Building Trees Differentiated Math Extension Building Trees Design page Building Trees Explanations Building Trees Rulers Building Trees Banner for classroom display Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
STEM: Balancing Apples CCSS

STEM: Balancing Apples CCSS

Balancing Apples This is a great hands on unit for K-2 students that is aligned with ELA CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Students will read "10 Apples Up On Top", and conduct an experiment to see how many apples they can balance on top of a cup with the use of toothpicks, and with toothpicks. ***Please note additional materials are needed for this activity*** Apples, toothpicks, plastic cups (Solo), ziploc bags. This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Objective Page 3 pages of ELA and Next Generation Science Standards for K-2 Lesson Procedure Balancing Apples Differentiated Self Assessment Balancing Apples Differentiated Writing Extension Balancing Apples Lesson Explanation Balancing Apples Experiment Predictions Balancing Apples Experiment Drawing Balancing Apples Measurement Balancing Apples Banner for classroom display
STEM: Building Sandcastles CCSS

STEM: Building Sandcastles CCSS

This is a great hands on unit for K-2 students that is aligned with ELA CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Perfect for an OCEAN UNIT or END OF THE YEAR celebration activity! Students will complete this 2 part activity to create and test different sand mixtures, then select the best one for building and then build the tallest sand structure they can, culminating with completing the ELA and Math activities. The idea is for students to see different combinations of sand, and to test the strength when building. ***Please note additional materials are needed for this activity*** Play sand, cornstarch, baby oil, shaving cream, flour, water, storage containers with lids. Standards Covered: K.MD.A.1, 1.MD.A.2, 2.MD.A.1, 2.MD.A.2, W.K.2, W.K.3, W.K.8, W.1.2, W.1.3, W.1.8, W.2.2, SL.K.1, SL.K.3, SL.K.5, SL.K.6, SL.1.1, SL.1.5, SL.2.1 This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Set up Page 3 pages of ELA, Math and Next Generation Science Standards for K-2 Lesson Procedure Building Sandcastles Differentiated Self Assessment Building Sandcastles Differentiated Writing Extension Building Sandcastles Sand Mixture Recipes Building Sandcastles DifferentiatedMath Extensions Building Sandcastles Differentiated ELA Extensions Building Sandcastles Real World Extension Building Sandcastles Banner for classroom display Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
STEM: Building Prosthetic Limbs CCSS

STEM: Building Prosthetic Limbs CCSS

This is a great hands on unit for 3-5 students that is aligned with ELA & Math CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Students will put themselves into the perspective of a Biomedical Engineer. For further details, sample photos, and examples of student work, please visit my blog: http://completelykindergarten.blogspot.com/2015/02/stem-building-prosthetic-limbs.html ***Please note additional materials are needed for this activity*** Duct tape, large popsicle sticks, cables, rope, foam, plungers, tin foil, toilet tubes, paper towel tubes, sponges, cardboard. There should be enough plungers (1 for each group, I got mine at the 99 cents store), and other materials can be donated by parents and should be replenished as needed. This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Objective Page 3 pages of ELA, Math and Next Generation Science Standards for 3-5 Lesson Procedures Client Information Cards (6) Price cards for materials Student Workbook Cover Page Table of Contents Page Client Information Page Measurements Page Design Page Decorations Page Materials & Cost Page Field Tests Page Commercial Instructions Page Discussing Design Page Written Reflection Page Banner Make one workbook for each group of students. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
STEM: Building Walls for Humpty Dumpty CCSS

STEM: Building Walls for Humpty Dumpty CCSS

This is a great hands on unit for K-2 students that is aligned with ELA & Math CCSS, and Next Generation Science Standards for Engineering & Design. Students will read the Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme, and be challenged to use specific materials to build a new wall for Humpty Dumpty so that he won't fall. ***Please note that additional materials are needed for this activity*** Plastic cups, sugar cubes, popsicle sticks, white glue, scissors, cardboard squares, and hard boiled eggs! This packet includes: Cover Page Introduction and Objective Page 3 pages of ELA, Math and Next Generation Science Standards for K-2 Lesson Procedure Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme student copy Humpty Dumpty Differentiated Self Assessment Humpty Dumpty Differentiated Math Extension Humpty Dumpty Wall Designs Humpty Dumpty Student Answers Labels Humpty Dumpty Wall Building Banner for classroom display Humpty Dumpty Poster Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
STEM: Coding the North Pole Packet CCSS/NGSS

STEM: Coding the North Pole Packet CCSS/NGSS

This STEM activity is designed for K-2nd grade students to gain some hands on experience through a themed un-plugged coding activity. Students will help guide Santa through different parts of the North Pole (getting from Point A to Point B) by giving coding directions. This packet includes: Cover Page 2 pages of ELA and NGSS standards Teacher Instructions Student Procedure/Checklist Writing Extension North Pole Map Coding Directions 16 Task Cards Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Multiple Intelligences Survey: How Do You Learn?

Multiple Intelligences Survey: How Do You Learn?

This is a visual survey based on aspects of Howard Gardener's Multiple Intelligences I made for my ESL students to be used at the beginning of the school year. Given a language barrier it was a great tool that gave me insight into how my students like to learn, what materials they like to use, and what their favorite part of school is. While I used this survey for ESL, I feel it can be used for any mainstream/ESL grade level in the primary grades Each student completes the survey by either circling or coloring (whatever is easier depending on your students' abilities), one or more answer for each question. Make sure they understand not to circle every answer, but to pick only the ones that pertain to them. Once the survey is complete, you can use the teacher answer key to understand what the data means and how to effectively use it. I used my surveys to help me differentiate my lessons, how to manage my guided reading and writing more effectively, as well as how to motivate my students to complete their work. It also gave me good ideas about how to set up my seating chart, which students might work well together, and which of my more chatty students might need to be separated. And one extra bonus, this is a GREAT tool when it comes to observations and professional development, and you get asked about why you have differentiated in a particular way! Thanks for checking out this new item and please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Human Body Systems Clipart

Human Body Systems Clipart

This is a pack of 9 clipart pieces in color and black and white for teaching the Human Body Systems. This pack includes: Digestive System Circulatory System Skeletal System Nervous System Respiratory System Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Telling Time Scavenger Hunt

Telling Time Scavenger Hunt

Simply laminate these cards, hide around your classroom, and allow students to search for them. Students must write the time in both digital and analog form. Aligned with Common Core for Grade 1 1.MD.B.3
Speaking and Listening Task Cards

Speaking and Listening Task Cards

This is a nice set of apple-themed task cards to support and encourage more speaking and listening in the classroom. Cards can be used during whole group, guided reading, or independent practice with fiction and some non-fiction texts. Each card contains a task that requires students to engage in some form of either speaking or listening. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback, and to check out some of my other great items on TPT! Task Cards include the following activities: *Peer Pair Share *Using Puppets *Tell Me Why *Who Am I? *Magic Mike *Swap a Scene *Be the Character *Teacher Questions *A Picture's Worth... *Four Words *Let's Take a Walk
Plant and Animal Life Cycle: Comparing and Contrasting

Plant and Animal Life Cycle: Comparing and Contrasting

This is a nice activity to reach those higher levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. This is a Venn Digram for comparing and contrasting elements of the plant and animal life cycles. This includes: 1 venn diagram 1 page out cut outs Students will color, cut, and paste all the pictures based into where they fit. If they belong to the animal life cycle, plant life cycle, or can apply to both. These pictures include different phases of the life cycles as well as notable parts, and things they need to survive. There should be 8 pictures for each life cycle, and 4 for both. The ones for both are: water, grow, change, and air. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Measurement Scavenger Hunt CCSS

Measurement Scavenger Hunt CCSS

This is an excellent hands on measurement activity that gets students up and moving around the classroom, using a variety of non-standard tools for measuring. Students can complete this activity in 3 different ways, so perfect for differentiating in your classroom. Perfect for hitting the common core as well as meeting the needs of your diverse learners. 1. Students will select one tool and measure all the items with only that tool. 2. Students will have the freedom to look at the tools and decide per item which one they think would be best to measure with. 3. Students make a measurement book, and measure all the items with all of the tools. ***Please note, additional materials are needed to complete this activity*** Items to be measured: Apple, book, box, lunchbox, backpack, shoe, window, desk, door, chair, ball, and computer. Measurement Tools: Teddy bear counters, paperclips, pencils, crayons, links, and unifix cubes. Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!
Living and Non-Living Scavenger Hunt

Living and Non-Living Scavenger Hunt

This is a pack of 12 cards featuring different Living and Non-Living things. Simply print, laminate, cut, and hide around the room. Students must walk around with their papers, and write the name of each thing they find, then determine if they are Living or Non-Living. This pack includes: 12 Living and Non-Living cards 1 recording sheet for lower-level students (they must just right either the name of the thing, OR if it is Living/Non-Living 1 recording sheet for on-level and above-level students (they must write the name of the thing, and circle if it is Living or Non-Living) Please make sure to rate and leave feedback!