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A-Level Sociology and A-Level Economics complete lesson notes, exam preparation, model answers and revision resources




A-Level Sociology and A-Level Economics complete lesson notes, exam preparation, model answers and revision resources
Research Methods- Interviews

Research Methods- Interviews

Complete lesson notes aimed towards A-Level Sociology students studying Research Methods module. Includes: types of interviews interviewer bias strengths and weaknesses of structured formal interviews strengths and weaknesses of semi-structured interviews strengths and weaknesses of unstructured informal interviews strengths and weaknesses of group interviews the interview as a social interaction
Belief Systems- Gender and Religion

Belief Systems- Gender and Religion

Complete lesson notes aimed towards A-Level Sociology students studying Belief Systems module. Includes: Miller and Hoffman- why women are more religious than men Evidence of equality Davidman- different but equal For and Against- religion maintains patriarchy
Education- privatisation and globalisation

Education- privatisation and globalisation

Complete lesson notes aimed towards A-Level Sociology students Includes: Ball and Youdell (2007) Political parties supporting privatisation Ethnicity and educational policy Mirza, Gillborn, Gove and New Right Similarities and continuities between government policies since 1979
Research Methods- observations

Research Methods- observations

Complete lesson notes aimed towards A-Level Sociology students studying Research Methods module. Includes: participant observation covert and overt observation structured and unstructured observation Griffin- acceptance ‘staying in’ and ‘getting out’ of participant observations strengths and weaknesses of participant observations Lacey (subcultures) Wright (ethnicity) advantages and disadvantages of observations
Belief Systems- Interpretivist and Postmodernist Theories of Religion

Belief Systems- Interpretivist and Postmodernist Theories of Religion

Complete lesson notes aimed towards A-Level Sociology students studying Belief Systems module. Includes: Interpretivism and Religion The social construction of reality Link to postmodernism Criticisms of Berger and Luckman Postmodernism and Religion Decline in meta-narratives Increasing secularisation spiritual shoppers syncretic religion increase in religious fundamentalism criticisms of postmodernist views
Belief Systems- Social Class and Religion

Belief Systems- Social Class and Religion

Complete lesson notes aimed towards A-Level Sociology students studying Belief Systems module. Includes: Heelas- why NAMs appeal to the middle class Why sects and cults appeal to the working class Why the middle class join cults and world-affirming NRMs and NAMs Why the Church appeals to the middle class
Research Method- applying issues to research methods

Research Method- applying issues to research methods

Complete lesson notes aimed towards A-Level Sociology students studying Research Methods module. Includes: practical (time, access, skills, cost) ethical (informed consent, anonymity, confidentiality, protection from harm, social desirability) reliability validity examples representativeness theoretical- preferred by positivists or interpretivists
Education- Educational Policy 2

Education- Educational Policy 2

Complete lesson notes aimed towards A-Level Sociology students Includes: neoliberalism globalisation marketisation left wing views of education right wing views of education evaluating the impact of educational policies free schools
Education- Boys and Educational Achievement

Education- Boys and Educational Achievement

Complete lesson notes aimed towards A-Level Sociology students. Including: external factors: - boys and literacy (+evaluation) - leisture time (+evaluation) - decline in traditional male working class jobs (+evaluation) internal factors: - feminisation of education (Sewell) (Ringrose) (+evaluation) - male role models (Francis) (Read) (+evaluation) - masculinity and anti-school subcultures) - attitudes to school work (+evaluation) - teacher labelling (+evaulation) - moral panic about boys (+evaluation) - Social class evaluation points