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Stress A level psychology revision cards

Stress A level psychology revision cards

A Level Psychology Revision cards Topic: STRESS Content included in revision cards: The physiology of stress The role of stress in illness Sources of stress: life changes, daily hassles and workplace stress Measuring stress Individual differences in stress: Personality type and hardiness Managing and coping with stress: drug therapy, stress inoculation therapy and biofeedback Gender differences in coping with stress The role of social support in coping with stress Evaluation [Print 2/page on card]
Eating behaviour A Level psychology revision cards

Eating behaviour A Level psychology revision cards

A LEVEL PSYCHOLOGY REVISION CARDS TOPIC - EATING BEHAVIOUR Explanations for food preferences: Evolutionary + evaluation Explanations for food preferences: Social learning + evaluation Neuronal and hormonal mechanisms for controlling eating + evaluation Biological explanations for anorexia nervosa Psychological explanations for anorexia nervosa: Family systems theory/Social learning theory/Cognitive theory + evaluation Biological explanations for obesity + evaluation Psychological explanations for obesity + evaluation Explanations for the success and failures of dieting + evaluation [Print 2/page on card]
Forensic Psychology revision cards

Forensic Psychology revision cards

A Level Psychology - Forensic Psychology revision cards Topics: Offender profiling [top down and bottom up] + evaluation Biological explanations of offending - atavistic form, genetic and neural explanations + evaluation Psychological explanations - Eysenck’s theory + evaluation Psychological explanations - Cognitive explanations + evaluation Psychological explanations - Differential association theory + evaluation Psychological explanations - Psychodynamic explanations + evaluation Dealing with offender behaviour - Custodial sentencing + evaluation Dealing with offender behaviour - Behaviour modification + evaluation Dealing with offender behaviour - Anger management + evaluation Dealing with offender behaviour - Restorative Justice + evaluation [Print 2/page on card]
Psychology A level gender revision cards

Psychology A level gender revision cards

A LEVEL PSYCHOLOGY REVISION CARDS Topic - Gender Sex and gender Androgyny and the BSRI Chromosomes and hormones Atypical sex chromosome patterns Cognitive explanations - Kohlberg’s theory Cognitive explanations - Gender schema theory Psychodynamic explanations - Freud’s theory Social learning explanation Culture and media on gender roles Atypical gender development Evaluation [Print 2/page on card]
Psychology Social influence revision cards

Psychology Social influence revision cards

Precisely detailed yet concise revision cards for SOCIAL INFLUENCE A level Content and topics enclosed Types of conformity Asch’s study into conformity and evaluation Explanations for coformity Obedience and the two proces theory Milgram’s study into obedience, his variations and evaluation Explanations for obedience: socio-psychological/disposotional Zimardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment/evaluation Minority influence Social influence leading to social change A great resource designed to help students recall key points within the topic for the exam, each card is accompanied by images and aesthetics!
Psychology memory revision cards

Psychology memory revision cards

PSYCHOLOGY REVISION CARDS FOR MEMORY Topics included: The multi-store model of memory Coding, capacity and duration of memory Types of long term memory The Working memory model Explanations for forgetting- interference Explanations for forgetting- retrieval failure Misleading information/anxiety on eyewitness testimony The cognitive interview
Psychology psychopathology revision cards

Psychology psychopathology revision cards

REVISION CARDS FOR A LEVEL PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS FOR THE TOPIC PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Includes important information and evaluation on the following Statistical Deviation Deviation from Social Norms Deviation from Ideal Mental Health Failure to Function Adequately Phobias (Behaviourist explanation/treatment) Depression (Cognitive explanation/treatment) OCD (Biological explanation/treatment) All cards have images to help with remembering key points [Print 2/page on card]
Psychology biopsychology revision cards

Psychology biopsychology revision cards

REVISION CARDS for A LEVEL PSYCHOLOGY BIOPSYCHOLOGY TOPICS: The nervous system The endocrine system Fight or flight response Neurons and synaptic transmission localisation of brain function + Evaluation Plasticity and functional recovery of the brain after trauma + Evaluation Split brain research into hemispheric lateralisation + Evaluation Ways of investigating the brain Biological rhythms- circadian rhythm + Evaluation Infradian and ultradian rhythms + Evaluation Endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers + Evaluation Includes relevant diagrams [print 2/page on card]
Approaches in psychology revision cards

Approaches in psychology revision cards

A LEVEL PSYCHOLOGY REVISION CARDS- APPROACHES IN PSYCHOLOGY Topics: Origins of psychology Learning theory- behaviourism Learning theory- social learning theory The cognitive approach The biological approach The psychodynamic approach The humanistic approach Comparing approaches [print 2/page on card]
Constitutions Revision Cards

Constitutions Revision Cards

Revision Cards for topic on CONSTITUTIONS Relevant and key constitutional cases are provided to promote a well developed argument. Topics included: Outline of the British Constitution Types of constitutions: Monarchical/Republican/Federal/Unitary/Written/Unwritten The Constitution as a text Constitutions above and below the nation state (ECHR) Exploring British exceptionalism: Historical and philosophical reasoning Issues with the absence of a codified constitution The Constitution as a rulebook Political constitutionalism Legal constitutionalism Constitutional rules contained in common law Legal constitutionalism Conventions Concordats Should the UK adopt a codified constitution; arguments for and against. Print 2/page on card.
EU Institutions notes

EU Institutions notes

Topic: EU Institutions A detailed outline of the key executive institutions of the European Union: The European Council The Council of the European Union The Commission The European Parliament
Homicide Defences Revision Cards

Homicide Defences Revision Cards

‘Defences for Homicide’ Revision Cards. Topics covered: Rulings of older provisions in the ‘Loss of Self Control’ The Homicide Act, 2009 The modern law on the loss of self control Self Defence: The objective + Subjective test Key cases covered. [Print 2/page on card]
Criminal Law, 'Homicide' Revision Cards

Criminal Law, 'Homicide' Revision Cards

CRIMINAL LAW Revision Cards on topic: Homicide Content: Murder Rulings in older provisions Manslaughter: Gross negligence manslaughter Unlawful Act manslaughter [Includes key statutes and cases] [Print 2 per page/on card]
An Inspector Calls Analysis

An Inspector Calls Analysis

An Inspector Calls - J.B Priestley Detailed quotation analysis of key moments across Act 1 and 2 of the play. This resource contains relevant contextual information important in understanding the backdrop of the play and how it had been received.
The Laughter of Stafford Girls' High Feminine Gospels

The Laughter of Stafford Girls' High Feminine Gospels

Powerpoint for Carol Ann Duffy’s ‘The Laughter of Stafford Girls’ High’ from her collection Feminine Gospels. For A Level English Literature students Contains in-depth language analysis of quotations throughout the poem (AO2) / Along with contextual information (AO3)
Legal Personnel A Level Law Revision Cards

Legal Personnel A Level Law Revision Cards

Legal Personnel A Level Law Revision Cards Topics: Legal representatives: Barristers, Solicitors and Legal Executives The regulation of legal representatives The Judiciary The role of judges in civil and criminal courts The separation of powers The independence of the judiciary