King Lear- The Story - Reading Comprehension Worksheet
This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for upper intermediate to proficient ESL learners. The text narrates the story/ plot summary of King Lear based on William Shakespeare's famous play.
After carefully reading a text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including: multiple choise, True or False and character match exercises. The vocabulary used in the text is rather advanced and can also be used for IGSCE, TOEFL or IELTS vocabulary building purposes. The handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework.
The Dark Origins Of Valentine's Day - Reading Comprehension Worksheet / Text
This Reading Comprehension handout is best suited for intermediate to advanced ESL learners or native English speakers. Students are introduced to the history behind Saint Valentine's day from the ancient Roman rituals of Lupercalia to modern day St Valentine's traditions.
After carefully reading the text the students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including: questions, True or False and a word search exercise. The vocabulary used in the text can also be used for IGSCE or IELTS vocabulary building purposes. A full answer key is included.
The Legend behind Valentine’s Day - Reading Comprehension
This Reading Comprehension handout is best suited for advanced ESL learners. Students are introduced to the legend of Saint Valentine and the different versions/stories of his life and death during the reign of Claudius II. The text concludes with more contemporary traditions and customs associated with Saint Valentine’s day and gives some valuable advice about choosing the perfect Valentine’s gift.
After carefully reading the text the students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including: questions, True or False, gap filling exercises and engage in an in class discussion. The vocabulary used in the text is rather advanced and can also be used for IGSCE or IELTS vocabulary building purposes.
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde | Reading Comprehension
This Reading Comprehension / Informational Text summarizes Oscar Wilde’s moral fantasy novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray”.
This worksheet is suitable for advanced to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including:
a true or false exercise
comprehension questions
a multiple-choice exercise
a crossword
a definitions match
a word search
This resource can be used as a mini-lesson, assigned for homework, or used for vocabulary-building purposes.
Total number of pages: 10
Answer key: included
The Crucible - Summary Reading & Comprehension Exercises
The Crucible is a 1953 play by American playwright Arthur Miller. It is a dramatized and partially fictionalized story of the Salem witch trials that took place in the Massachusetts Bay Colony during the 1690s.
This play summary and Reading Comprehension is suitable for advanced to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including:
comprehension questions
a characters match
a multiple choice exercise
a crossword
a fill-in-the-gaps exercise
This resource can be used as a mini-lesson, assigned for homework, or used for vocabulary-building purposes.
Total number of pages: 8
Answer key included
Darwin, Evolution, and Natural Selection - Reading Comprehension
The basic idea of biological evolution is that populations and species of organisms change over time. Today, when we think of evolution, we are likely to link this idea with one specific person: the British naturalist Charles Darwin, who proposed the theory of biological evolution by natural selection.
This Reading Comprehension handout explores Darwin’s theory of evolution an natural selection.
This activity is suitable for advanced to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including:
comprehension questions
a multiple choice exercise
a crossword
This resource can be used as a mini-lesson, assigned for homework, or used for vocabulary-building purposes.
Total number of pages: 5
Answer key included
The Story of the WWI Christmas Truce - Informational Text / Reading Comprehension
This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text describes the events that led to WWI’s Christmas Truce and the personal recounts of WWI soldiers .
After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including a true or false exercise, comprehension questions, a definitions match, a fun crossword and a fill in the gaps text that gives Charles Brewer’s personal recount of the WWI Christmas Truce. The text can be used for IGCSE and TOEFL vocabulary building purposes. This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key included.
Total number of pages: 6
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Summary Reading & Comprehension Exercises
This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text is a summary/ short story based on Roald Dahl’s famous children’s story “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”.
After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including comprehension questions, a character match, True or False exercises and a fun word-search. The text can be used for vocabulary building purposes. This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. This worksheet can also be used for vocabulary building purposes. A crossword key is included.
Guy Fawkes Day - Reading Comprehension Text / Worksheet
This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text is recounts the incidents of the Gunpowder Consiracy and the origins of Guy Fawkes day.
After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including comprehension questions, gap filling and True or False exercises. The text can be used for vocabulary building purposes. This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. Ideally the worksheet can be completed on or near Thanksgiving / Guy Fawkes Day!
Is Time Travel Possible? - Reading Comprehension / Informational Text
This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for upper intermediate to proficient ESL learners. The text explores the concept of time travel and the possibility of building a time travel machine.
After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including: comprehension questions, True or False exercises and engage in an in-class discussion. The vocabulary used in the text is rather advanced and can also be used for IGSCE, TOEFL or IELTS vocabulary building purposes. The handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework.
Twelfth Night - The Story - Reading Comprehension Worksheet
This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for upper intermediate to proficient ESL learners. The text narrates the story of Twelfth Night based on William Shakespeare's famous comedy / love story.
After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including: questions, True or False, definitions match, character match and a cross word. The vocabulary used in the text is rather advanced and can also be used for IGSCE, TOEFL or IELTS vocabulary building purposes. The handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key is included.
A Brief History of The Industrial Revolution - Reading Comprehension Worksheet / Informational Text
This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for upper elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores the history of the Industrial Revolution in the early 17th century in Britain and the effects of industrialization on the living conditions for the upper and lower working class.
After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including: a match the headings exercise, comprehension questions, True or False exercises and a definitions match exercise. The vocabulary used in the text is rather advanced and can also be used for IGSCE, TOEFL or IELTS vocabulary building purposes. The handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A full answer key is included.
Holocaust – The horrifying story of the WWII death camps - Reading Comprehension Worksheet
This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text describes the major historical events which led up to the establishment of the Anti-Semitism movement in Germany and the mass murder of Jews during 1941-1945 which later came to be known as the Holocaust.
After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including a word search, comprehension questions, gap filling, definition match and True or False exercises. The text can be used for vocabulary building purposes. This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream - The Story - Reading Comprehension Worksheet
This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for upper intermediate to proficient ESL learners. The text narrates the story of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" based on William Shakespeare's famous comedy.
After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including: comprehension questions, a True or False exercise, a "fill in the gaps" text on Shakespeare's life and a character match exercise. The handout also includes some questions/ speaking prompts. The vocabulary used in the text is rather advanced and can also be used for IGSCE, TOEFL or IELTS vocabulary building purposes. The handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework.
Social Media, Influencer Culture, FOMO and Mental Health
This Reading Comprehension / Informational Text is suitable for advanced to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers.
The text focuses on the effect of social media on body image and mental health and explores ways of using social media responsibly.
After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including:
-comprehension questions
-multiple choice exercises
-a crossword
-a fill in the blanks exercise
The text can also be used for vocabulary building purposes.
Total number of pages: 8
Answer key included
What is Artificial Intelligence? - Reading Comprehension Text
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving.
This Reading Comprehension / Informational Text explores the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence.
This activity is suitable for advanced to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including:
comprehension questions
a multiple choice exercise
a crossword
a fill-in-the-gaps text
This resource can be used as a mini-lesson, assigned for homework or used for vocabulary building purposes.
Total number of pages: 8
Answer key included
Matilda - by Roald Dahl - Summary Reading & Comprehension Exercises
This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text is a summary/ short story based on Roald Dahl’s famous children’s story “Matilda”. Matilda recounts the story of a young bright girl who forms a beautiful relationship wiith her primary school teacher. Once Matilda discovers that she is telekinetic, there’s virtually nothing that can stop her from haunting the horrid Miss Trunchbull out of the school!
After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including comprehension questions, a character match, a crossword, and True or False exercises and a fun word-search. The text can be used for AQA vocabulary building purposes. This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework. A crossword key is included.
The Evolution of Computers - - Reading Comprehension Worksheet / Text
This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text is gives an account of the evolution of computers from the first to the fourth generation and the current speculations about what the future generations of computers will be like.
After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including comprehension questions and True or False exercises. The text can be used for vocabulary building purposes. This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework.
Charles Dickens Biography - Reading Comprehension Worksheet / Informational Text
This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for upper intermediate to proficient ESL learners. The text describes the life and work of the great novelist, journalist, editor, illustrator and social commentator, Charles Dickens.
After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including: questions, True or False exercises, a crossword and a definitions match. The vocabulary used in the text is rather advanced and can also be used for IGCSE and TOEFL vocabulary building purposes. A full Answer Key is included.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Reading Comprehension Text
This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for upper intermediate to proficient ESL learners. The text gives a summary of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K Rowling, the first novel in the Harry Potter series and Rowling's debut novel.
After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including: questions, True or False exercises and a characters match. The vocabulary used in the text is rather advanced and can also be used for vocabulary building purposes. A full Answer Key is included.