I have brought 20 years classroom experience to these resources. They are structured in small steps to build skills and confidence, providing opportunities to practice and reinforce techniques at every stage.
Open ended challenges are incorporated to encourage development of creative skills and encourge independent thought.
Please use and enjoy.
I have brought 20 years classroom experience to these resources. They are structured in small steps to build skills and confidence, providing opportunities to practice and reinforce techniques at every stage.
Open ended challenges are incorporated to encourage development of creative skills and encourge independent thought.
Please use and enjoy.
- Time Zones Map and Universal Time
- Daylight Saving Time
- Setting the clocks forward for Summer Time.
- Time Zone Clocks
- Flight Times and arrival times
- Compare data on sunrise and sunset times .
- Construct a bar chart of hours of daylight each month.
-Make a line graph comparing hours of daylight and extract information.
-Blank Templates suitable for making further bar charts.
-Templates and instructions for making your own sundial.
- PDFs for printing
- A Powerpoint of the sheets for use in class
Three activities which can be used as fillers or as part of the mathematics curriculum.
Christmas Lights 1 Continue the sequence of shape and colour
Christmas Lights 2 Complete the odds and evens number sequences, match colours
St Nick's Navigation Use the map to identify addresses by coordinates. Use coordinates to identify addresses.
The first two sheets are suitable for KS1 & KS2.
The last two sheets are aimed at KS2.
This resource consists of a Time Zone map and a sheet for pupils to complete using the information provided.
Work out the time in different cities of the world.
This is a cross-curricular resource.
31 activities based on Christmas themes.
These activities will entertain your pupils with Christmas themed fun while practising their mathematical skills.
Simple activities for KS1. Sorting and counting 3D shapes, Sorting and counting stars to make a pictogram.
Sequencing activities for KS1 and KS2, ranging from simple colour and shape to numerical sequences involving odd, even, tables, square, prime, etc.
KS2 measurement calculating length and perimeter. Problem solving and work with coordinates.
Patterns and symmetry involving simple calculation.
12 engaging worksheets to challenge and entertain your students while they recognize and create patterns using reflective and rotational symmetry.
Especially useful in supporting the curriculum for Grades 4 and 8, also valuable for all grades from 3 through 10.
Reinforcing and developing key skills in an entertaining way.
Sneak in a little extra math when your pupils learn about Holidays around the World!
A set of activities following the Core Curriculum for Mathematics.
This pack contains 25 worksheets and a copy of the sheets as a Powerpoint for use in class.
1p,2p,5p. Identification
Addition of coins
Choosing coins to make amounts less than 10p
Choosing coins to make amounts between 10p and 15p.
Addition of up to seven coins
Introduce 10p.
Introduce 20p.
coins needed to make 20p from given coins.
coins needed to make different amounts from 15p to 20p
coins needed to make different amounts from 10p to 15p
coins needed to make different amounts from 5p to 10p
Identifying coins and notes
Cost of two articles
Cost of two or three articles, finding the change from 20p.
Change from 5p
Change from 6p
Change from 10p
Change from 15p
Change from 20p
This pack contains
- 14 worksheets
- A Powerpoint of the slides for use in class
- Encourage students to explore rotational and reflective symmetry using patterns based on Rangoli, traditional Indian patterns often seen at festivals such as Divali.
- Pupils can design their own patterns on both square and hexagonal grids.
They can be used individually, and are equally valuable to supplement existing teaching materials, for
• Homework • Reinforcement • Extension work • Mixed-age environments.
Covers times tables as introduced in the National Curriculum for Year 3 Mathematics. Includes sheets that can be handed out to parents explaining the techniques used.
3 x table
Multiplying by 3
Dividing by 3
Multiples of 2 and 4
4 x table
Multiplying by 4(i)
Multiplying by 4(ii)
Multiplying by 4(iii)
Multiples of 4 and 8
8 x table
Multiplying by 8(i)
Using the 4 x and 8 x tables
4 x and 8 x tables: Division
4 x and 8 x tables: Problem solving challenge
Year 3 Times Tables Test
Multiplication by 10 and 100
Division by 10 and 100
Multiplication and Division by 0, 1, 10, 100
Multiplication and Division to two decimal places
Multiplication 1
Multiplication 2
Quick-fire Multiplication!
Multiplication and Division: Problem solving
11 & 9 x table
6 & 12 x tables
7 x table
Dividing by 11 & 9
Dividing by 7
Dividing by 6 & 12
Times Tables Problem Solving
Times Tables Test (i)
Times Tables Test (ii)
Practical exercises using everyday items that can be found around the home.
- Write shortest and longest
- Longer & Longest, shorter & Shortest
- Comprehension, longer longest shorter shortest
- Comparing Heights
- Comprehension, tall taller tallest short shorter shortest
- Measurement exercise using hand spans (practical)
- Choose objects and measure using hand spans
- Comparing objects against a metre measure
- Choose objects to compare against metre measure
- Measure lines in centimetres
- Choose items to measure in centimetres
- Use and write “full, almost full, empty, almost empty”
- Compare capacity, “more than, less than, most, least, the same as”
- Comparison, “heavier, lighter, heaviest, lightest”
- Writing sentences using “lighter, heavier”
- supplement existing teaching materials, for
• Reinforcement
• Extension work
• Mixed-age environments
There are 20 sheets in this resource.
Problem Solving: Number
Designed to supplement work in mathematics and encourage a more creative approach from pupils in their solution.
The Coconut Shy
Toffee Apples
Star Sums
Kite Calculations
Tricky Targets
Creative Cards
Boxes of Balls
Feline Fish
The Blake Family
Activities: Measure
Open-ended activities constructed to encourage movement & conceptual awareness.
Designed to make use of everyday objects found around the home.
Shape Search 2D
Shape Search 3D
Lighter & Heavier
Capacity: More or Less
Capacity: Measuring in Cups
Just a minute!
Jump to it!
At the café
At the Supermarket
This pack contains 16 worksheets and a set of notes for Parents
Includes 3, 2, 4, 8 times tables as introduced in the National Curriculum for Year 3 Mathematics. With the Year 4 Tables Pack they provide complete coverage.
3 x table
Multiplying by 3
Dividing by 3
Multiples of 2 and 4
4 x table
Multiplying by 4(i)
Multiplying by 4(ii)
Multiplying by 4(iii)
Multiples of 4 and 8
8 x table
Multiplying by 8(i)
Using the 4 x and 8 x tables
4 x and 8 x tables: Division
4 x and 8 x tables: Problem solving challenge
Year 3 Times Tables Test
They form a structured sequence, and are recommended for
Extension work
Mixed-age environments.
21 worksheets plus a leaflet that can be given to parents explaining the approaches taken to multiplication and division at KS2.
Multiplication by 10 and 100
Division by 10 and 100
Multiplication and Division by 0, 1, 10, 100
Multiplication and Division to two decimal places
Multiplication 1
Multiplication 2
Quick-fire Multiplication!
Multiplication and Division: Problem solving
11 & 9 x table
6 & 12 x tables
7 x table
Dividing by 11 & 9
Dividing by 7
Dividing by 6 & 12
Times Tables Problem Solving
Times Tables Test (i)
Times Tables Test (ii)
With the Year 3 Pack this gives complete coverage of the National Curriculum requirements.
This pack contains 10 sheets.
Looking for worksheets to supplement your present scheme? Stretch quick pupils? Reinforce learning for slower pupils? Revision?
Counting in 2s (1)
Counting in 2s (2)
Counting in 2s (3)
Counting in 5s (1)
Counting in 5s (2)
Steps of 2 and 5 (1)
Steps of 2 and 5 (2)
Counting in 10s (1)
Counting in 10s (2)
Steps of 2, 5, and 10
They form a structured sequence, and can be used as a stand-alone resource to cover the requirements of the National Curriculum.
They can also be used individually, and are equally valuable to supplement existing teaching materials, for
• Homework
• Reinforcement
• Extension work
• Mixed-age environments.
Help your students develop their number skills, and also provide a cross curricular link with Geography.
This National Flags Activity Pack includes
- 3 activity sheets with answers,
- National Flags 1 (Multiplication facts)
- National Flags 2 (Division facts)
- Find the flags crossword
- information sheets about 15 different countries.
The data provided in the information sheets can be used to promote discussion on concepts such as population size, population density and measurement of physical features of the landscape.
Students can also be introduced to the variety of currency used, pictures of which are readily available online.
The pack is aimed at pupils in upper KS2 and lower KS3.
Percentages Pack D: Card Activities.
14 x card sheets. Each sheet has of 6 cards
Total, 84 cards
4 sheets of “per cent” cards. (Yellow)
4 sheets of ‘decimals” cards (Green)
5 sheets of “fractions” cards (Blue)
1 sheet of “symbols” cards (Pink)
The sheets may be laminated before the cards are cut to size.
The cards can be used for a variety of activities to reinforce pupils’ knowledge and understanding of percentages, fractions and decimals.
These activities work well if the children work with a partner:
1 Select cards which show percentages, fractions or decimals which the pupils have learnt. Shuffle the cards. Take three cards from the top of the pack. Pupils arrange in order of size. The activity may be extended by increasing the number of cards placed in order of size.
2. Using < > or =
Pupils are given the symbols cards.
They are dealt two of the number cards which they then arrange with the correct symbol card between them.
1. Print two sets of cards. Pupils can play “snap” with equivalent fractions and percentages.
2. Place cards face down on a table. Pupils turn over two cards; if they find a matching pair, they keep them. Otherwise, replace the cards face down on the table, trying to remember the position. Continue taking turns to turn over two cards until all matching pairs are found.
There are different combinations for playing this game.
Using blue (fraction) and green (decimal) cards
Using blue (fraction) and yellow (percentage) cards
Using green (decimal) and yellow (percentage) cards
3. For a real challenge, use all three colours. Pupils turn over and aim to match three cards!
This pack contains 18 sheets.
Supplement your present scheme.
Counting in steps (multiples)
Counting in steps (non-multiples)
Fill in the missing number (multiples of 2,3,10)
Fill in the missing number (non-multiples)
Find size of steps
Counting in steps of 10 (i)
Counting in steps of 10 (ii)
Counting in threes
Counting in threes (missing numbers)
Odds and evens under 30
Odds and evens under 100
Writing numbers less than 100 as figures
Writing numbers less than 100 as words
Tens and units
Abacus (i)
Abacus (ii)
Tens and units (ii)
Writing numbers up to 200 in words and figures
They form a structured sequence, and can be used as a stand-alone resource to cover the National Curriculum.
They are equally valuable to supplement existing teaching materials, for
• Homework • Reinforcement • Extension work • Mixed-age environments.
10 sheets. The first exercises lead pupils through steps to construct Pictograms and Bar Charts. Later sheets require pupils to construct Pictograms and Bar Charts from supplied data.
They form a structured sequence, and can be used as a stand-alone resource to cover the requirements of the National Curriculum.
They can also be used individually, and are equally valuable to supplement existing teaching materials, for
• Homework • Reinforcement • Extension work • Mixed-age environments.
This pack contains 10 worksheets.
- Addition of 3 and 4 digit numbers (i)
- Subtraction using 3 and 4 digit numbers (i)
- Addition of 3 and 4 digit numbers (ii)
- Subtraction using 3 and 4 digit numbers (ii)
- Money
- Measurement
- Word problems
- Rounding and Estimation
-Inverse calculations
-Using brackets
They form a structured sequence, and can be used as a stand-alone resource to cover the requirements of the National Curriculum.
They can also be used individually, and are equally valuable to supplement existing teaching materials, for
Extension work
Mixed-age environments
There are also a set of notes explaining how Addition and Subtraction are approached at KS1 & 2 which can be provided to parents.
The worksheets in this pack address the Core Curriculum for Kindergarten.
The Curriculum Domain and Standard is identified at the bottom of the sheet. The number at the top left is the catalog identification number of each sheet and does not denote its page number in the book.
Some sheets do not specify a particular standard. This is because they may provide extension or enrichment for pupils who are able to progress beyond the statutory material.
Number bonds of 5 (i) How many circles are hidden?
Number bonds of 5 (ii) How many stars of each color?
Number bonds of 5 (iii) Color the right number of stars
Addition to 5 (i) Add two numbers
Addition to 5 (ii) Fill in the correct number to make the answer
Addition to 5 (iii) Fill in the correct number to make the answer
Addition to 5 (iv) Write the answer to the sum
Addition to 5 (v) Write the answer to the sum
Addition to 5 (vi) Fill in the missing number
Addition to 5 (vii) Fill in the missing number
Addition to 5 in any order (i) Numbers which add to 5 in different orders
Addition to 5 in any order (ii) Fill in the missing numbers to make a total of 5
Number bonds of 6 and 7 (i) Fill in the missing numbers to make the answer
Number bonds of 6 and 7 (ii) Fill in the missing numbers to complete the sum
Number bonds of 8 Fill in the numbers and color the circles
Number bonds to 8 Fill in the numbers and color the circles to show the sum
Number bonds of 9 Put the counters in the boxes to show the sum