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Meltzerr's Shop

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A high-school History teacher who is currently travelling and updating resources to share. Please leave some feedback so I can know if you liked the worksheet or resource or if there is something I can change to make it more accessible for all. My resources are generally scaffolded, offer a range of tasks that students from varying abilities can understand and the instruction is clear. The layouts and formatting between my worksheets are consistent and designed for clarity.




A high-school History teacher who is currently travelling and updating resources to share. Please leave some feedback so I can know if you liked the worksheet or resource or if there is something I can change to make it more accessible for all. My resources are generally scaffolded, offer a range of tasks that students from varying abilities can understand and the instruction is clear. The layouts and formatting between my worksheets are consistent and designed for clarity.
WW1 Artefact Discovery - Skill Development

WW1 Artefact Discovery - Skill Development

This Source-based activity designed to get students thinking about SIX items found from WW1. Specifics: - Highly scaffolded worksheet - Enough work for 1-2 x 40 minute lesson/s - Offers the ability for students to work individually or in a group. - FOUR activities are included in this resource which build on the previous activities. The second activity is an extension activity of the first which provides students with the opportunity to easily construct a paragraph based on the sources with evidence gathered from the previous activity. The third activity asks a question focused on the usefulness of the sources to a specific example. The fourth activity offers an extension activity of a creative nature. - An example is provided for students for activity 1. - Answers are provided for the teacher for the whole of activity 1 which is specific information about the sources provided. - Advice to teachers would be to print in colour if possible to help students see the items more clearly so they engage in the activity more. - Very suited to a mixed ability year 9 class as there are varying levels of sources to discover (some are easier to identify than others). - Can also be used for the HSC course as a quick activity to get students thinking and identifying the usefulness of sources... etc
WW1 Crossword Puzzle on Terms and Concepts

WW1 Crossword Puzzle on Terms and Concepts

Fun activity designed to match the WW1 terms and concept worksheet also posted here, this activity is to check student understanding on their terms and concepts. Can also be used for fast finishers/homework! Should take students 10-20 minutes depending on the level of understanding/previous knowledge of terms. Features some black and white cartoons to keep their level of interest up, as well as a guess who which students should be able to guess if they have successfully completed the puzzle.
French Revolution Source Activity

French Revolution Source Activity

French Revolution Source Analysis Activity Using primary sources of images from the French Revolution of various Social groups, political drawings and themes of the period, students can imagine what it might have been like to live in the chaotic time! Resource is a 30 minute [approx] Jigsaw activity where students operate in groups. Instructions are included on how to scaffold this activity.
Geography of Ancient China Activity

Geography of Ancient China Activity

Introduction to the Geography of Ancient China which includes a cloze passage activity and a question relating to how the environment impacts border development. Should take students 5-20 minutes depending on ability.
PIP Central Material Chapter Planning template

PIP Central Material Chapter Planning template

This A4 Personal Interest Project Central Material Chapter Planning template can be adjusted to turn into an A3 poster and printed so that students can begin workshopping their chapters for their PIPs. This scaffold is designed to help students organise their information into themes, plan out which methodologies work best while planning out their links to the syllabus concepts and continuity and change as required to meet the needs of the PIP as outlined in the Syllabus. My own students have found this very useful to organise their ideas, findings and data into chapters which become the starting point from which to turn their ideas into written chapters.
History Essay Planner

History Essay Planner

This essay planner is designed to guide students through building their history essays by mapping out their ideas on an A3 print out size. The boxes are all digital text-boxes so it can be filled in or adapted digitally but works as a great hands-on task too. It is designed for senior levels are it pushes for students to write out their argument and judgment in the introduction, in their paragraph topic sentences, throughout the body paragraph, in their linking paragraph sentences and to finally conclude with a final judgment).