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Viva 1 Module 2 Unit 2 Cantas Karaoke
Worksheet practising saying what you do in your free time
This is to support students studying Viva 1 Module 4 Unit 2
Activity 1: Reading - who? Students read statements and chose if they are relate to Ana or José
Activity 2: Reading comprehension questions
Activity 3: Translation English to Spanish
Activity 4: Writing task (scaffolded with prompts if needed)

Viva 1 Module 3 Unit 4 Durante el recreo
Saying what I do at break time
This is to support students studying Viva 1 Module 3 Unit 4
Task 1: Match up key activity phrases in Spanish to English
Task 2: Sentence building with structured chunking. Pupils to translate sentence into Spanish.
Task 3: Writing task. Students write about their break time as well as recapping prior units (name and age, what they study, likes and dislikes of subjects with opinions)

Viva 1 Module 1 Unit 5 ¿Tienes mascotas?
Saying what pets you have with colour agreements
This is to support students studying Viva 1 Module 1 Unit 5
Worksheet 1: Sentence builder to scaffold word order and adjectival agreement (please note this can also be used to support pair work prior to task) and then sentences to translate into English
Worksheet 2: Writing practice. Students practise writing sentences about the pet (colour next to pet for the students to translate) in the picture. Extra challenge on worksheet guides students to invent a name and age for each of the animals. Pictures of pets on worksheet have been left in black and white, so always a nice opportunity should you wish for students to colour in!

Qué tipo de música te gusta
Worksheet practising talking about different types of music. Designed to help students who are studying Viva 2 Module 2.
Activity 1: Match up of key verbs and nouns
Activity 2: Back to back translations
Activity 3: A crossword with clues in English. Pupils fill in the correct Spanish
Activity 4: Matching up the pairs (Spanish and English vocabulary)

Llevas una dieta sana
Talking about what you eat/drink and how often.
Worksheet designed for students who have started this topic from Viva 3.
Activity 1: Categorising foods/drinks as healthy or unhealthy
Activity 2: Matching key verbs and foods/drinks
Activity 3: A sentence builder (can be used by class teachers to do different activities using the EPI appoach or as a support for students with their writing and translations
Activity 4: Translations into English and Spanish

Qué haces en la ciudad
Worksheet practising saying what you do in your city.
This is to support students studying Viva 1 Module 5
Activity 1: Match up key phrases in Spanish and English
Activity 2: Back to back translations
Activity 3: Crossword with key clue/phrases in English. Students have to write in the correct Spanish
Activity 4: Writing task
Activity 5: Matching pairs of vocabulary.

Mis asignaturas y opiniones (subjects and opinions with intensifiers)
Using adjectives and intensifiers to give opinions about school subjects
This is to support students studying Viva 1 Module 3 or Mira 1 Module 2
Task 1: Match up adjectives in Spanish to English
Task 2: Translations into English using intensifiers with adjectives
Task 3: Translations into Spanish using intensifiers with adjectives
Editable resource in word so you edit to fit more specific adjectives.

Viva 1 Module 3 Unit 3 ¿Qué hay en tu insti?
Talking about school facilities
2 worksheets
Worksheet 1: Paired speaking activity
Worksheet 2: Reading comprehension about school facilities. Note: this also contains prior learning material such as likes and dislikes of subjects with opinions.
Additional writing activity which asks pupils to write about their school facilities as well as their likes and dislikes of subjects. Students can use the reading comprehension task as a model to help scaffold their own writing.

Viva 2 Module 1 (Unit 2 ¿Qué hiciste?)
Worksheet practising saying what they did on holiday. Designed to help students who are studying Viva 2 Module 1 (Unit 2 ¿Qué hiciste?)
Activity 1:Put the verbs and activities back together
Activity 2: Translations into Spanish (activity 1 scaffolds students to translate the main points but additional challenge such as describing the weather, higher level phrases such as the good thing/bad thing was and referring to others for example she went are highlighter in bold to challenge more-able linguists)

Viva 2 Module 1 Unit 2 ¿Qué hiciste?
Worksheet practising saying what they did on holiday. Designed to help students who are studying Viva 2 Module 1 (Unit 2 ¿Qué hiciste?)
Activity 1: Match up of key phrases
Activity 2: Back to back translations. Students fill in missing Spanish and English
Activity 3: Translations into Spanish (activity 1 and 2 scaffolds students to be able to translate with greater confidence)

Viva 2 Module 1 (Unit 3 El último día)
Worksheets practising saying what they did on the last day of the holiday. Designed to help students who are studying Viva 2 Module 1 (Unit 3 El último día)
Activity 1: Label the activities
Activity 2: back translations. Students fill in missing Spanish and English.
Activity 3: Scaffolded translations. Translations into Spanish. Spanish chunks (tiles) are provided to help scaffold. These can easily be removed for some higher ability students - which would be easy differentiation.
Activity 4: See separate worksheet: Crossword of key language/phrases with clues in English.

Viva 1 Module 4 Unit 2 ¿De qué color tienes los ojos y el pelo?
This is to support students studying Viva 1 Module 4
3 worksheets
Worksheet 1: Paired speaking activity
Worksheet 2: Sentence builder to scaffold word order and adjectival agreement (please note this can also be used to support pair work prior to task) and then sentences to translate into English and Spanish.
Worksheet 3: Students read the descriptions of hair and eyes for each person and then draw and colour the heads to match.

Viva 3 Module 2 Hotel Desastre
2 Worksheets practising the content of Viva 3 Module 2 Hotel Desastre .
Worksheet 1: Practising the verb SER with jobs
Activity 1: Label the jobs in Spanish
Activity 2: Fill in the missing parts of the verb SER
Activity 3: Back to back translations - Translate the missing parts of the Spanish or English
Worksheet 2: Practising using tengo que + infintive
Translation activity with a thinking quilt to scaffold translations. Clue given next to each sentence to help less able identify how many chunks/tiles they need to use.