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DIRT (Direct Improvement and Reflection Time) Template
An incredibly effective AfL tool which empowers pupils to take ownership of their work and see visible progress through redrafting just a section of their writing. I highly recommend showing your pupils the 'Critique and Feedback - the Story of Ausitin's Butterfly' on YouTube to encourage them to be honest and specific when giving peer feedback.

'Of Mice and Men' Context Key Terms
An editable, ready to print set of key terms useful for the revision of the context of 'Of Mice and Men' by John Steinbeck.

Perfect Punctuation
An editable A3 worksheet which explains how all types of punctuation are used in clear and comprehensive terms, with space for pupils to practise the application of each one.

Home Learning: 90 Sophisticated Adjectives - Characters in 'An Inspector Calls' PLUS Activities
This worksheet provides pupils with a word bank of 90 sophisticated adjectives describing the characters of the play. The activities guide them through evaluating each character and the way that they evolve from on act to the next. Ideal as a whole lesson or as homework. Editable and easy-to-follow (ideal for a cover lesson, home learning or online - just add dictionaries!).
Extension activity: ask pupils to pair up and argue for the best three adjectives to describe their allocated character at a specific point in the play. Then, each pair joins another pair to argue about the most suitable adjectives. A fantastic way of getting pupils to use new vocabulary as soon as possible.

Comparative Conjunctions and Discursive Writing
A starter and main activity based upon identifying and using comparative conjunctions accurately. Also a useful model of discursive writing for Common Entrance or GCSE pupils.

Modal Verbs
An editable worksheet which facilitates the learning of the relationship between modal verbs and probability.

Poetry Key Terms PLUS Effects
An editable, A3 sized worksheet to help pupils learn poetry key words with examples and explanations of the possible effects that they create for the reader. Fantastic for EAL and SEN pupils, as well as those who simply need a reminder not to write, "The poet's use of alliteration/rhyme/metaphor (delete as appropriate) catches the reader's eye."

A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Analytical Paragraphs (Language or Media)
A colourful, editable step-by-step guide to writing analytical paragraphs suitable for higher attainers in Year 7 up to GCSE level. The model response is based upon analysing the use of typography on a book cover of the novel 'The Woman in Black' by Susan Hill.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Analytical Paragraphs (Literature)
A colourful, editable step-by-step guide to writing analytical paragraphs suitable for higher attainers in Year 7 up to GCSE level. Model response is based upon 'An Inspector Calls' by J.B Priestley.

Romeo and Juliet - Translating the Prologue
A handy, editable, ready-to-use worksheet which guides pupils through understanding the prologue of 'Romeo and Juliet'. Includes a glossary, extension task and super extension task!

Creative Writing AfL Worksheet for Self and Peer Assessment
A colourful and editable resource which guides pupils through mindful self and peer assessment. A great tool to help minimize marking and encourage your pupils to take ownership of their work!

Accessing Macbeth: A Glossary of Common Words and Phrases from the Play
A double sided, alphabetical A4 document with modern translations of the most frequently used old English/Shakespearean terms in ‘Macbeth’. Originally designed for GCSE pupils, but used successfully with KS3 classes too.

DIRT (Direct Improvement and Reflection Time) Template
An incredibly effective AfL tool which empowers pupils to take ownership of their work and see visible progress through redrafting just a section of their writing. I highly recommend showing your pupils the 'Critique and Feedback - the Story of Ausitin's Butterfly' on YouTube to encourage them to be honest and specific when giving peer feedback.

The Balcony Scene: Exploring Act 2 Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet through Images
A set of six key images from Act 2 Scene 2 of the play, plus a table which guides pupils through analysing those images using the See-Think-Wonder technique. For differentiation: allocate see/think/wonder columns according to ability.

Cecily & 'Earnest' (Algernon) meet - 'The Importance of Being Earnest'
An excerpt from TIofBE which focuses on the first meeting between Cecily & 'Earnest' (Algernon) with a handy glossary of key terms for archaic/unfamiliar language.

Chasuble & Miss Prism - Act Two of The Importance of Being Earnest
Two excerpts from Act Two which focus on the relationship between Chasuble & Miss Prism in TIofBE. Includes key words and a series of questions to developing pupils' understanding of character, gender and the presentation of marriage.

The Importance of Being Earnest: Tea & Cake with Gewndolene & Cecily
A series of questions exploring the 'tea and cake' scene with Gwendolene and Cecily, with a focus on class and gender. Includes key words.

SPaG: Conjunctions and Cohesive Devices Worksheet
A colourful and easy-to-follow worksheet that explains what cohesive devices are and how to use them.

The Sign of Four Context Booklet
A colourful booklet which introduces pupils to: Conan-Doyle's literary career; Victorian crime fiction; Crime in Victorian London; Victorian women; the Governess; Darwin; The Andaman Islands and Queen Victoria.
Suggested activity: share this booklet with pupils, divide them into groups and ask them to research their allocated topic in depth, ready to teach to the rest of the class in a 10-15 minute mini-lesson.

See, Think, Wonder: A Worksheet to Stimulate Deep Thinking, Opinion and Justification
A worksheet inspired by Visual or Artful Thinking Technique created as part of the Harvard University Project Zero. Fantastic for encouraging pupils to think deeper, more independently and more broadly, step-by-step!