Maths MagicianAverage Rating3.71(based on 168 reviews)Providing high quality Maths resources for the primary classroom. Edit shopAdd a resource
Bundle SaleMissJG133Huge Year 3 Multiplication Bundle Linked to The White Rose Small Steps Guidance9 Resources
SaleMissJG133Year 6 Problem Solving Involving Measures Using Bar Models(0)A complete lesson bundle, including teaching presentation and a range of pupil tasks.
SaleMissJG133Adding Fractions Balance Scales(0)Complete lesson pack linked to adding fractions with common denominators.
Bundle SaleMissJG133Year 3 Arrays Bundle5 ResourcesA bundle of lesson packs suitable for Year 3 arrays.
Bundle SaleMissJG133Year 1 Adding and Subtracting Bundle9 ResourcesA selection of resources to support teaching addition and subtraction in Year 1 in a very practical way.
Bundle SaleMissJG133Huge Shape, Area and Perimeter, and Measure Bundle18 ResourcesA huge KS2 bundle linked to shape, space and measure. Excellent Value.
SaleMissJG133Year 3 Representing Numbers Stone Age Place Value(0)Year 3, representing numbers in different ways, looking at representing numbers on a place value abacus and recording in different ways, including an investigation into making different numbers, and how many possible numbers can be made.