Cinderella simple colour semantics
Simple colourful semantics for the start of ordering a sentenc
Comprehension hat prompts
During guided reading or during a comprehension task these prompts are great to help children articulate their understanding.
I have printed and laminated the different comprehension roles onto different coloured hats
Introduction to nouns worksheet
Worksheet that introduces children to noun
Rhyming words activity
Year introduction to rhyming words.
The pack is split into HA,LA.
Writing reminder display
This writing reminder display can be adapted to meet the needs of every class.
It can be printed a3 or a4 size (Picture is A4)
Reminders include:
Full stops
Capital letters
Neat handwriting
Animal book review display sheets (Alien, cat and pig).
Humorous A4 worksheet for children of all ages to complete after reading a book to which they can ‘publish’ a book review. Depending on the children’s writing ability then can rate the book out of 5 stars and describe what happens in the book (blurb) or draw a picture of something that happens in the book to inspire their peers to read.
Although this document is originally A4 size, the sizing can easily be adjusted to A3 if more writing and drawing space is needed for younger children.