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KS1 history toy timeline activity
When teaching the subject ‘how toys have changed over time’, this visual time line makes it easy for children to group photos or drawings of toys based on their time period.
This document can be edited e.g L.O and the date can be changed. Photos of toys to be matched to the time periods are not included, so that it is inclusive to every classes understanding and learning.

Year one common exception words bingo
To help children with remembering and reading the year 1 ‘tricky words’, this bingo game is a fun and engaging activity for the whole class!
I usually use this website to randomise and shuffle which word is selected for bingo:

Meet the teacher leaflet
This editable document is great to be used when shared during the initial meet the teacher parents evening!
The colour scheme and personal details can be easily edited.

Request a photo of your work to be sent home display
My current school uses Weduc as a platform to share and communicate with parents and carers. As a result of my busy schedule I would often forget to share photos of children’s work weekly on the platform. By creating this resource it encourages your class to remind you of uploading whilst also giving children a sense of ownership! A great why to help develop perseverance and sense of achievement among your class.
I would recommend laminating everything to extend longevity as well as gluing the mini camera cards onto pegs, therefore children can independently peg it to their work if they feel proud.
Top Tip! Have the rule that children are only allowed to have 1 piece of work uploaded/ shared and this will prevent an overload of work needed to be shared with parents

Creating a simple game on scratch PowerPoint
Create a simple game on scratch PowerPoint instructions
PowerPoint includes:
What is an algorithm
How to add a backdrop
How to add a sprite
How to move a sprite
How to repeat an instruction
How to add another sprite
2 challenge tasks

Human cran algortim activity.
Human crane algorithm activity.
Includes instructions
And 3 cut and create resource

SEN read and draw what plants need to survive
An adapted activity sheet for children to complete who have SEN or are EAL.

Vicent Van Gogh powerpoint.
On the powerpoint it introduces primary and secondary colours, shading and tone.
Several photos are shared on the powerpoint for inspiration when creating artwork inspired by Vicent Van Gogh.