A Christmas Carol - Speaking & Listening
This powerpoint provides slides that feature talking points and questions linked to Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Students are encouraged to verbally use Point, Evidence Explain and offer their opinions on different features of the story.
A Christmas Carol - Skim and Scan
Printable booklet featuring 5 Skim and Scan activities based on Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Each activity requires students to locate specific words to aid speed reading. There are also additional vocab questions for extension.
Christmas Reading Activities
Ten Christmas-themed reading activities that use fiction, non-fiction, film, poetry and visual literacy examples. Challenges involve inference, vocabulary, P.E.E. & comprehension skills. Challenges are presented on a PowerPoint presentation and also as worksheets in a word document so this could be used in whole class guided reading or as independent work. A range of different texts are included such as Harry Potter, Little Women, and Hans Christian Anderson.
Skim & Scan - Christmas Carol Lyrics
Ten Skim and Scan activities to aid speed reading using lyrics from traditional Christmas Carols such as Away in a Manger, Good King Wenceslas, O Holy Night etc. Additional vocabulary challenges included. All formatted on word document for easy editing.
Fantastic Beasts - Skim & Scan
Six differentiated Skim & Scan activities to aid speedy retrieval skills in preparation for KS2 reading SAT. My class enjoyed having an IWB timer and trying to beat the clock.
Halloween Speaking & Listening
10 Halloween themed Speaking and Listening activities. Includes visual prompts, debate questions, would you rather & more.
Halloween Reading Activities
Includes 4 x Skim and Scan Worksheets, 1 x Non-Fiction Comprehension (SATS style) with marking guidance, Monster Match Up Vocab worksheet.
Ideal for use in Guided Reading or as English Starters.
Fictional Worlds: Reading Comprehensions
Included are 3 x Reading Comprehensions using the Diagon Alley chapter from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Questions are linked to reading objectives from KS2 and include vocabulary, inference, explanation etc. Answer guides included.
Creative Writing Booklet
This booklet features 10 writing prompts to encourage imagination and free writing. Activities include non-fiction, speech, description and much more. They could be used as starters for English lessons, tutoring, homework or as extensions.
Fantastic Beasts - Speaking & Listening
PowerPoint with different Sp&L activities based around Fantastic Beasts. Encourages children to explain their opinions and range from simple ‘Would you rather…?’ questions to more detailed challenges. Ideal for use as starters or as part of Guided Reading.
Fictional Worlds: Reading Comprehensions
Included are 3 x Reading Comprehensions using The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Questions are linked to reading objectives from KS2 and include vocabulary, inference, explanation etc. Answer guides included.
Fictional Worlds: Creative Writing
This activity booklet supports writing a setting description in just SEVEN steps. Images are included as well as a word bank to support children who may need it.
All steps are modelled and students follow the format to produce their own description. Could be used in class, as homework, or for home schooling. Suitable for KS2+.
Pride and Prejudice - Walking to Netherfield
Includes extract from Chapter 7 of Pride & Prejudice featuring Elizabeth’s walk to Netherfield. Questions are included that address the extract and the wider novel. A word document is included for editing purposes if required.
KS2 SPaG Bundle
Included here is a powerpoint presentation with a range of whole class SPaG activities covering: punctuation, modal verbs, adverbs, speech, clauses, word classes, sentence function and synonyms. The accompanying word document includes optional independent, differentiated activities. This has been themed around The Railway Children but is easily edited.
Fairy Tales: Creative Writing
A range of writing opportunities linked to fairy tales. Each prompt includes: Key Questions, Vocabulary, Grammar advice and other support. Writing texts include: Fiction, Report, Persuasion & Discussion. This resource could be used in whole class writing, extension for greater depth, homework, homeschooling and/or group writing.
Halloween Writing Activities
10 x Short Writing Activities to encourage creative horror writing. Activities involve writing blurbs, using figurative language, creating characters and experimenting with tense for a spooky effect. This could be used as a standalone literacy lesson for Halloween, as a homework booklet, for Greater Depth extension work or used individually as lesson starters. Also suitable for tutoring and home learning.
Christmas at Hogwarts - Reading Comprehensions
Included are three reading comprehensions based on Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, specifically, Harry’s first Christmas at Hogwarts. The comprehensions are differentiated: Part 1 - accessible, Part 2 - challenging, Part 3 - extension. Students are required to answer a series of questions in a similar style to KS2 Reading SATs. An answer guide is also provided.
How to write an info text in 10 steps
In this workbook, students follow 10 steps to produce an information text on mountains. Students are guided through research, planning, organisation and editing. Opportunities to explore new vocabulary and topic sentences are also included. Throughout the work book, models are provided to aid understanding.
Christmas Around the World
Five simple reading comprehensions focused on recall and vocabulary. Countries include: The Netherlands, Lithuania, Japan, Cuba and Ethiopia. 12 extension activities included.
Charles Dickens Skim and Scam
Introduce your class to a range of classic Charles Dickens’ literature with these skim and scan activities. Designed to improve quick recall and retrieval skills, children must locate words - like a literary word search! Included here are 10x extracts from classic fiction such as Oliver Twist, Great Expectations & many more. My class really enjoy using a timer to try and improve their speed.
This is aimed at Uks2/3 although it would suit a range of abilities.