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Mr L's Online English Shop

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I have been teaching English for over 15 years in grammar and secondary schools. I now teach part time supply and online. My resources are suitable for students age 11 to adult.




I have been teaching English for over 15 years in grammar and secondary schools. I now teach part time supply and online. My resources are suitable for students age 11 to adult.
AQA Worlds & Lives Essay Practice Questions

AQA Worlds & Lives Essay Practice Questions

Improve exam performance and success with our 25 practice exam questions on the AQA Worlds & Lives poetry anthology. Mr L has composed a list of realistic practice exam questions which will reduce the student’s anxiety of exam writing.
EDEXCEL Time & Place GCSE Poetry Study Guide

EDEXCEL Time & Place GCSE Poetry Study Guide

Mr L’s 198-page study guide contains all of the poems in the EDEXCEL Time and Place Anthology. There are explanatory notes on poetic devices and effects, the poem’s meaning and biographical notes. In addition there is advice on the Assessment Objectives matrix and how to maximise points, 20 practice GCSE exam questions, a 50 question multiple choice quiz and a colour aide memoire for GCSE exam revision. Mr L’s GCSE study guide is packed with information to maximise the student’s exam performance. Updated for 2024-2025.
About A Boy GCSE study guide

About A Boy GCSE study guide

Included in the GCSE 20th century novel pack are all the tools and tips to answer the GCSE English literature exam question on About A Boy. There are - handouts and exercises on plot, character and themes how to structure your essays the use of P.E.E. rhetorical devices chart revision tests a connectives chart (discursive markers) 20 GCSE questions model exam answers links to instructional YouTube videos form, structure and context 40 quotes the exam board assessment objectives writer biography
Themes in A Christmas Carol PowerPoint Slides

Themes in A Christmas Carol PowerPoint Slides

This Christmas Carol PowerPoint consists 31 slides on the themes within the text. Each theme is supported with 5 exercises for students to consolidate their understanding of the themes of the text. There are 2 hours of lessons in this PowerPoint.
Poetic Devices for the GCSE Poetry Anthologies PowerPoint

Poetic Devices for the GCSE Poetry Anthologies PowerPoint

Poetic devices are tools that poets use to create rhythm, enhance meaning, evoke emotions and add musical and visual beauty to their poems. It is essential that GCSE students are familiar with poetic devices and how they are used. The exam requires that students are able to identify and comment on the effect of poetic devices. As well as showing examples of poetic devices, this PowerPoint includes a quiz and answer sheet.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time

Included in the GCSE novel pack are all the tools and tips to answer the exam question on The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. There are - handouts and exercises on plot, character and themes how to structure your essays the use of P.E.E. rhetorical devices chart revision tests a connectives chart (discursive markers) 20 GCSE questions model exam answers links to instructional YouTube videos form, structure and context 40 quotes the exam board assessment objectives writer biography Your study guide will be sent via email.
EDEXCEL Conflict GCSE Poetry Study Guide

EDEXCEL Conflict GCSE Poetry Study Guide

Mr L’s 159 page EDEXCEL Conflict GCSE Poetry Study Guide contains all of the poems in the EDEXCEL Conflict Poetry cluster. There are explanatory notes on poetic devices and effects, the poem’s meaning and biographical notes. In addition, there is advice on the Assessment Objectives matrix and how to maximise points, 25 practice GCSE exam questions, a 50 question multiple choice quiz with answers and an A4 aide memoire poster. Mr L’s GCSE study guide is packed with information to maximise the student’s exam performance. Updated for 2024-2025,
EDEXCEL Relationships Anthology Poetic Devices Handbook

EDEXCEL Relationships Anthology Poetic Devices Handbook

This 14 page handbook is for students keen to achieve high levels in their GCSE Poetry Exams. This resource will help students identify and comment upon poetic devices within the EDEXCEL Relationships Anthology. Included in the handbook are exercises and explanations. “It’s challenging, but not impossible” Mother of year 10 student.
AQA Power & Conflict Poetry Anthology PowerPoint

AQA Power & Conflict Poetry Anthology PowerPoint

This PowerPoint contains 149 slides on the poets in the AQA Power & Conflict cluster and are accompanied with notes on poetic devices used by the artist and the effects on the reader; there are explanatory notes on each poem and biographical details on each poet. There are handouts on the Assessment Objectives with advice on how to maximise point scoring. As well the PPT contains practice GCSE exam questions, compare & contrast chart, essay structure advice, mind mapping, essay structure tips and discursive markers advice and tasks for better essay writing results. In addition there are handouts on poetic and rhetorical devices and poetry styles to help students identify techniques and comment on effects. This PPT is intended to focus the student on relevance to the exam. We have worked hard to make it simple for the student. The PPT contains 13-15hours of teaching time.
To Kill a Mockingbird GCSE study guide

To Kill a Mockingbird GCSE study guide

Included in the GCSE 20th century novel pack are all the tools and tips to answer the exam question on To Kill a Mockingbird. There are - handouts and exercises on plot, character and themes how to structure your essays the use of P.E.E. rhetorical devices chart revision tests a connectives chart (discursive markers) 20 GCSE questions model exam answers links to instructional YouTube videos form, structure and context 40 quotes the exam board assessment objectives writer biography
Never Let Me Go GCSE study guide

Never Let Me Go GCSE study guide

Included in the GCSE 20th century novel pack are all the tools and tips to answer the exam question on Never Let Me Go. There are - handouts and exercises on plot, character and themes how to structure your essays the use of P.E.E. rhetorical devices chart revision tests a connectives chart (discursive markers) 20 GCSE questions model exam answers links to instructional YouTube videos form, structure and context 40 quotes the exam board assessment objectives writer biography
Much Ado About Nothing - GCSE study guide

Much Ado About Nothing - GCSE study guide

For AQA, OCR, Edexcel, SQAN5 The revision notes addresses the exam board’s Assessment Objectives with handouts that focus on text in context, form, narrative structure, language, textual references and inference. The pack also contains tips on structuring answers, how to use evidence and paragraphing. Also added to the package are handouts on rhetoric and literary devices and how they are used by the writer. In addition there is a plot synopsis, character profiles, key quotes and three example exam papers for the student to practice on.
Overcoming Language In Shakespeare

Overcoming Language In Shakespeare

This learning package (sequenced 7 x 1 hour lessons) is focused on language, especially difficult poetic devices such as Iambic Pentameter, Shakespearean grammar, classical allusions, blank verse, idioms, metaphors, similes and Shakespearean rhetoric. These are usually the obstacles to students not understanding or appreciating Shakespeare’s works.
Conjugating Verbs PowerPoint Slides

Conjugating Verbs PowerPoint Slides

14 slides PowerPoint presentation. This presentation covers conjugating verbs. If you want to know the time, you look at the clock. In grammar, if you want to know when something happened, you look at the verb. The student will learn about verb conjugation and the different verb tenses to be aware of when writing and speaking. Lessons and exercises included. Suitable for age 11 and upwards.
Past, Present & Future Continuous Verbs PowerPoint

Past, Present & Future Continuous Verbs PowerPoint

13 slides PowerPoint presentation. This presentation covers past continuous, present continuous and future continuous. How to identify, understand and use past continuous, present continuous and future continuous verbs correctly in your communication. Lessons and exercises included. Suitable for age 11 and upwards.
Noun Clauses (PDF)

Noun Clauses (PDF)

This booklet will help students in constructing grammatically correct sentences. A better understanding of Noun Clauses will enable more sophisticated sentences, making student’s writing and speech more engaging and informative. 15 pages, including exercises and answers.
Non-fiction Writing to Discuss PowerPoint

Non-fiction Writing to Discuss PowerPoint

This resource is perfect for the classroom or home learning, and will teach students to explore different perspectives on a issue or topic, then present their arguments for and against, to come to a reasoned conclusion. Writing to discuss encourages students to think critically about the subject matter and to become clear and effective communicators which is essential in both academic and professional settings. This 22 slide PowerPoint includes explanation, exercises, quiz and answers. This non-fiction resource is estimated to last for 2 x 1 hour lessons.
Past & Present Participles Workbook

Past & Present Participles Workbook

Past and present participles. Verbs Workbook 15. On completion of this workbook you will be able to identify and use past and present participles correctly in sentences. Lessons and exercises included. Suitable for age 11 and upwards