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Mr Watkins Resources

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A place to share some of the resources I have made for Computer Science and Maths. Primarily focused on assessment and curriculum resources for GCSE Computer Science where I feel there is a shortage of good quality material available.




A place to share some of the resources I have made for Computer Science and Maths. Primarily focused on assessment and curriculum resources for GCSE Computer Science where I feel there is a shortage of good quality material available.
GCSE Computer Science Knowledge Organiser Bundle - 10 Topics - NEW Spec - FULL SET - Revision

GCSE Computer Science Knowledge Organiser Bundle - 10 Topics - NEW Spec - FULL SET - Revision

10 Resources
A collection of 10 full page knowledge organisers designed to summarise key modules of computer science to help students learn topics and revise. The topics cover: Computational Thinking Basic Programming Data Representation Computer System Basic Python Programming Advanced Python Programming Networks Binary Calculations Ethical, Legal and Environmental Impact Each organiser includes key words, key skills and key knowledge in an easy to digest format. These took hours to make and refine, so save yourself the time for the equivalent of £1.60 a sheet! NOTE: If you do not use python for programming, I have uploaded all of the non python specific organisers in a separate file. This may be better for you if you don't want to pay for resources that may not be as useful. Thanks Toby Watkins
GCSE Computer Science Paper 2 Revision Work Booklet - Topic Quizzes and Model Answers - AQA 8520

GCSE Computer Science Paper 2 Revision Work Booklet - Topic Quizzes and Model Answers - AQA 8520

This is a collection of module quizzes covering key content that is assessed in paper 2 of the new specification GCSE. I will be using these as a final push for my current year 11s in the run up to the final exam. They are specifically designed for AQA 8520 spec, but content is also suitable for OCR and other boards. In total there are 5 double page module quizzes, along with answers to each. The key topics are: Data Representation, Computer System (hardware/software), Networks, Binary Shifts/Arithmetic and Ethical, legal and Environmental impact. There are questions covering the vast majority of the specification, but these are in no way intended to be exhaustive. The question style features exam style questions, along with question types designed to prompt recall and understanding. Full answers are provided for each quiz. Note: These module quizzes can be obtained individually, or as a complete package, in my TES shop. If you have already purchased any module quizzes, or if you want topics spanning both paper 1 and 2, it may be better to buy the others instead. Hope these help. Thanks, Toby Watkins
Computer Systems Target Topic Workbooklet - Mini Knowledge Organiser, Exam Questions + MS

Computer Systems Target Topic Workbooklet - Mini Knowledge Organiser, Exam Questions + MS

For the Computer System topic, the 2 identified target topics are: Memory and Storage The CPU Other topics available in alternative resource listings. Here is another painstakingly put together resource which I use for revision of key topics, but could also be used for an accessible homework task or even first teaching. For each of the key topics, I picked out the 2 main areas students find difficult. I then created a focused revision page (essentially a knowledge organiser for the target topic), along with a set of questions covering key facts and knowledge + exam style questions. I also included the answers and mark scheme where appropriate. I have done them in powerpoint format so that they can be displayed to the class, share with students digitally or print out as booklets (I tend to duplicate each slide and print 2 to a page to get A5 booklets, but A4 would also work and give more room for writing). The main purpose is to boost understanding of some of the most difficult topics with a well designed revision page and set of questions to consolidate. I will also be printing out all of the question pages separately and issuing nearer exam time to make sure everything has stuck. Hope this is a helpful resource and let me know if you have any questions or comments.
GCSE Computer Science Theory Revision - Last Minute Paper 2 Practice Covering All Key Theory

GCSE Computer Science Theory Revision - Last Minute Paper 2 Practice Covering All Key Theory

This is a document designed as late revision for paper 2 of the GCSE Computer Science (AQA specification, but applicable to edexcel and other boards too). The revision booklet covers the following topics/questions, and should take students around 2 hours to complete the filling in blanks, with longer needed if they redraft the responses : Section 1 – Data Representation a) How do character sets work? b) How do bitmap images work? c) How do sound files work? Section 2 – Computer System a) How do hard disk drives work? b) How do solid state drives work? c) How does a CD work? d) What are the different types of memory? e) What are the main components of a CPU? f) What affects the performance of the CPU? g) What are the different types of software? Section 3 – Networks a) What are protocols? b) What is the TCP/IP model? c) What does the application layer do? d) What are the different considerations when setting up a network? e) What are the different cyber security threats, and how do you defend against them? Section 4 – Ethical, Legal and Environmental Impact a) What is meant by ethical issues in computing? b) What is meant by legal issues in computing? c) What is meant by environmental issues in computing? d) Give an example of a Computing issue that has ethical, legal and environmental impacts: For each of the main theory topics students need to know, a concise but in-depth explanation is given - but missing key information. Students must use the word bank provided to fill in the gaps and complete a full explanation of each topic. The idea would be that students then rewrite the explanation in their own words to ensure they understand it, but this is obviously optional and may not be right for your group. In designing this task, I wanted to be able to provide my students with high quality explanations, but with enough interaction and challenge to make sure students’ brains are engaged as they complete it. The filling in the blanks nature of the work means that all students can access the material, and the extension to rewrite using the bold terms enables a way to stretch even the most able of students. I think this is particularly useful as a last minute task as it will hopefully not cause cognitive overload in the same way that doing exam style questions or equivalent would in last minute revision slots. I will be using these as revision for my GCSE cohort in the sessions before their exam, but could also be used longer term or as homework tasks. It could also separated by section and used during first teaching or many other ways.
Binary and Hexadecimal - Enhanced Learning Worksheet + Answers

Binary and Hexadecimal - Enhanced Learning Worksheet + Answers

This Enhanced Learning Worksheet focuses on understanding the binary and hexadecimal number systems, as well as converting between binary, denary and hexadecimal. NOTE: A free version of my Computational Thinking Enhanced Learning Worksheet is available if you would like to see the structure or how your classes get on with them first. These new Enhanced Learning Worksheet are designed to give students more opportunity to consolidate and extend their understanding of all the key topics in GCSE Computer Science. They feature a series of scaffolded questions, followed by a page of extend / challenge questions where the scaffold has been removed and/or the difficulty level ramped up. I developed these worksheets not to be another test, quiz or assessment (please see my module quizzes if you are interested in this), but instead are platforms for students to practice key skills during lessons. As such, answers are provided but not individual mark allocation. I will be using these worksheets 3 times each in the delivery of my AQA Computer Science course - first as an in-lesson worksheet, second as a spaced retrieval task a month or two later and finally as an end of year 11 revision resource.
Computational Thinking - Enhanced Learning Worksheet + Answers

Computational Thinking - Enhanced Learning Worksheet + Answers

NOTE: I currently have a full, free version of this resource available (including the answers) I would recommend getting that for free then seeing if you like enough to buy the others in the series! This Enhanced Learning Worksheet focuses on Computational Thinking, specifically Computational Thinking Concepts and representing algorithms using Flowcharts. These new Enhanced Learning Worksheet are designed to give students more opportunity to consolidate and extend their understanding of all the key topics in GCSE Computer Science. They feature a series of scaffolded questions, followed by a page of extend / challenge questions where the scaffold has been removed and/or the difficulty level ramped up. I developed these worksheets not to be another test, quiz or assessment (please see my module quizzes if you are interested in this), but instead are platforms for students to practice key skills during lessons. As such, answers are provided but not individual mark allocation. I will be using these worksheets 3 times each in the delivery of my AQA Computer Science course - first as an in-lesson worksheet, second as a spaced retrieval task a month or two later and finally as an end of year 11 revision resource.
Boolean Logic (Gates, circuits, searching, sorting) - Enhanced Learning Worksheet + Answers

Boolean Logic (Gates, circuits, searching, sorting) - Enhanced Learning Worksheet + Answers

This Enhanced Learning Worksheet focuses on Boolean Logic, with questions on logic gates, logic circuits, sorting algorithms and searching algorithms. These new Enhanced Learning Worksheet are designed to give students more opportunity to consolidate and extend their understanding of all the key topics in GCSE Computer Science. They feature a series of scaffolded questions, followed by a page of extend / challenge questions where the scaffold has been removed and/or the difficulty level ramped up. I developed these worksheets not to be another test, quiz or assessment (please see my module quizzes if you are interested in this), but instead are platforms for students to practice key skills during lessons. As such, answers are provided but not individual mark allocation. I will be using these worksheets 3 times each in the delivery of my AQA Computer Science course - first as an in-lesson worksheet, second as a spaced retrieval task a month or two later and finally as an end of year 11 revision resource.
Programming Basics (Pseudocode) - Enhanced Learning Worksheet + Answers

Programming Basics (Pseudocode) - Enhanced Learning Worksheet + Answers

This Enhanced Learning Worksheet focuses on Programming Basics, specifically fundamentals of programming and basic pseudocode. NOTE: A free version of my Computational Thinking Enhanced Learning Worksheet is available if you would like to see the structure or how your classes get on with them first. These new Enhanced Learning Worksheet are designed to give students more opportunity to consolidate and extend their understanding of all the key topics in GCSE Computer Science. They feature a series of scaffolded questions, followed by a page of extend / challenge questions where the scaffold has been removed and/or the difficulty level ramped up. I developed these worksheets not to be another test, quiz or assessment (please see my module quizzes if you are interested in this), but instead are platforms for students to practice key skills during lessons. As such, answers are provided but not individual mark allocation. I will be using these worksheets 3 times each in the delivery of my AQA Computer Science course - first as an in-lesson worksheet, second as a spaced retrieval task a month or two later and finally as an end of year 11 revision resource.
GCSE Computer Science - Programming Fundamentals Worksheet and Quiz

GCSE Computer Science - Programming Fundamentals Worksheet and Quiz

This is a combination of 2 resources to create a rich revision or summary lesson on Python programming. The worksheet "Python Fundamentals" contains explanations of key programming concepts and selected questions to help students practice the skills. The document entitled "Main Techniques Quiz" is a multiple choice quiz designed to assess students' understanding of main programming techniques. Thanks, Toby Watkins
GCSE Computer Science Knowledge Organiser - Computational Thinking

GCSE Computer Science Knowledge Organiser - Computational Thinking

A knowledge organiser on the GCSE Computer Science topic Computational Thinking. Includes algorithm concepts, searching and sorting algorithms, flowcharts and basic pseudocode. Each organiser contains key words, key skills and key knowledge. These are great for student revision, or as teaching aids for staff to be aware of the breadth of the module. Thanks, Toby Watkins
GCSE Computer Science Knowledge Organiser - Networks

GCSE Computer Science Knowledge Organiser - Networks

A knowledge organiser for the GCSE Computer Science topic of networks. Each organiser contains key words, key skills and key knowledge. These are great for student revision, or as teaching aids for staff to be aware of the breadth of the module. Thanks, Toby Watkins
GCSE Computer Science Paper 2 Mock Exam in style of AQA New Spec Grade 9 - 1 8520

GCSE Computer Science Paper 2 Mock Exam in style of AQA New Spec Grade 9 - 1 8520

This is a full mock/practice paper 2 for the new specification GCSE Computer Science. It is based on the AQA 8520 style of exams and heavily influenced by the AQA specimen and includes a full exam board level mark scheme. It would also be suitable for assessing OCR and other exam boards. Currently, there are very few full practices papers online so I decided to make this one. A huge amount of time was invested to make sure it covers the full specification of the new GCSE, so you can actually assess what is necessary. It uses the same proportions of topics and assessment points at the AQA specimen paper so you can accurately attain what your students know or need to work on. Paper 1 is also available. Hope it helps! Toby Watkins
GCSE Computer Science Paper 1 and 2 Mock Exam Bundle in style of AQA New Spec Grade 9 - 1 8520

GCSE Computer Science Paper 1 and 2 Mock Exam Bundle in style of AQA New Spec Grade 9 - 1 8520

3 Resources
This bundle contains paper 1 and paper 2 of my painstakingly created custom exam papers for GCSE Computer Science. Both come with an exam board level mark scheme to ensure accurate assessment. Designed in the style and proportions of the AQA 8520 Spec but also suitable for OCR and other boards. Also contains a mock NEA assessment which is useful for developing programming skills and which I use to get a full picture of a student's current understanding of the syllabus.
GCSE Computer Science - Computational Thinking and Boolean Logic Quiz Assessments

GCSE Computer Science - Computational Thinking and Boolean Logic Quiz Assessments

These are 2 quizzes on the topics of Computational Thinking and Boolean Logic. They were designed as low stakes quizzes - to be delivered in lessons and used to help inform planning, but could also be used as homework, worksheets or more formal assessments. Mixture of question and answer styles to allow all students access to the material. Answers provided. Thanks, Toby Watkins
QLA / Covey Chart Datasheet for Mr Watkins' Custom GCSE Computer Science Mock Exam Set

QLA / Covey Chart Datasheet for Mr Watkins' Custom GCSE Computer Science Mock Exam Set

This is a spreadsheet to be used for question level analysis of my custom GCSE Computer Science Paper (also available on TES). The Spreadsheet allows entry of marks for each question, and will automatically fill in personalised student reports containing question by question feedback, along with grade and percentage in each paper. I have password protected the sheet to prevent changes as the intended use is for this exam series. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
GCSE Computer Science Assessment Exam Paper Bundle AQA NEW Spec Grades 9 - 1 including mark schemes

GCSE Computer Science Assessment Exam Paper Bundle AQA NEW Spec Grades 9 - 1 including mark schemes

3 Resources
This bundle contains 3 assessments. The first is an early assessment, designed to be used part way though year 10 covering early learning only. The second is an end of year 10 assessment covering most main topics. The third is a full AQA exam board style exam covering the same proportions and assessment points as the formal examinations. All come complete with mark scheme, with the full exam being an exam board level scheme. Thanks, Toby Watkins
GCSE Computer Science Knowledge Organiser - Computer System

GCSE Computer Science Knowledge Organiser - Computer System

A knowledge organiser for the GCSE Computer Science topic of the Computer System. Includes hardware and software, memory and storage and the CPU. Each organiser contains key words, key skills and key knowledge. These are great for student revision, or as teaching aids for staff to be aware of the breadth of the module. Thanks, Toby Watkins
GCSE Computer Science Knowledge Organiser - Binary Calculations

GCSE Computer Science Knowledge Organiser - Binary Calculations

A knowledge organiser for the GCSE Computer Science topic of Binary Calculations, including binary addition, shifts and background information. Each organiser contains key words, key skills and key knowledge. These are great for student revision, or as teaching aids for staff to be aware of the breadth of the module. Thanks, Toby Watkins
Computational Thinking - Enhanced Learning Worksheet + Answers

Computational Thinking - Enhanced Learning Worksheet + Answers

NOTE: This is a free version of the first of a new set of worksheets I have developed. These worksheets take a long time to develop, and I feel they offer a really good opportunity for students to consolidate and extend their learning of a topic. Try this one for free, then see if you like them enough to buy the rest in the series at £3 each for an unlimited use teacher license. This Enhanced Learning Worksheet focuses on Computational Thinking, specifically Computational Thinking Concepts and representing algorithms using Flowcharts. These new Enhanced Learning Worksheet are designed to give students more opportunity to consolidate and extend their understanding of all the key topics in GCSE Computer Science. They feature a series of scaffolded questions, followed by a page of extend / challenge questions where the scaffold has been removed and/or the difficulty level ramped up. I developed these worksheets not to be another test, quiz or assessment (please see my module quizzes if you are interested in this), but instead are platforms for students to practice key skills during lessons. As such, answers are provided but not individual mark allocation. I will be using these worksheets 3 times each in the delivery of my AQA Computer Science course - first as an in-lesson worksheet, second as a spaced retrieval task a month or two later and finally as an end of year 11 revision resource.
Festive Programming Challenges

Festive Programming Challenges

A selection of Christmas themed programming challenges aimed at students of varying ability. Tasks were designed with Python in mind, although other programming languages would work.