Key stage 1 teacher, year group leader and subject lead.
I'm on a quest to create engaging and useful resources to support educators in teaching vocabulary.
Key stage 1 teacher, year group leader and subject lead.
I'm on a quest to create engaging and useful resources to support educators in teaching vocabulary.
This pack contains all you need to teach an outstanding Y2 or 3 writing lesson that includes a SPAG focus and differentiation. The main lesson focus is applying the spelling patterns to add suffixes beginning with vowels- ed, ing, er, est.
I used this with my class and the outcomes were really lovely, The children could all achieve it since it’s a well scaffolded lesson and they finished with poems they were really proud of.
Resources included:
-A fully editable powerpoint presentation
-A detailed lesson plan with space for you to add your own teaching notes
-A fully editable word document learning objective sheet to stick into books or on to lined paper differentiated 2 ways
-A word bank to support children in the first task
-A beautiful publishing template with 4 different designs for children to choose from
-A supported publishing template for children working towards ARE
-A second word bank to support the main writing task
This comprehensive resource focuses on the teaching of specific science vocabulary relating to the study of space as well as practising SATs style reading comprehension questions.
It covers national curriculum science objectives:
-describe the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the sun in the solar system
-use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky
When you download it you will receive:
-Text about day and night differentiated 2 ways for developing readers and secure readers
-Questions differentiated 2 ways for developing readers and secure readers
-Black and white version to save printing
-Mark scheme including SATs style content domain coverage
-Topic words for pre teaching the topic and for a science display
This autumn topic word pack includes:
-Display topic words for autumn topic +editable version
-Word to picture matching activity +editable version
-Word banks
-Writing template +editable version
Useful for:
*pre-teaching vocabulary
*supporting spelling and writing
*word hunt activities
*supporting vocabulary acquisition
*teaching seasonal changes in science
There are ready to print PDF versions of each resource as well as versions in word that can be edited with your choice of word and picture.
This vocabulary and questions display pack for years 1-3 is designed to reinforce and support children’s understanding of language and concepts associated with multiplication and division in years 1-3.
The pack includes:
-6 pages of words ready to be printed and display in dyslexia friendly font on a coloured background to support reading alongside helfpul images
-3 pages of key questions and reasoning ideas to get children thinking more deeply about what they know about multiplication and division, this resource could also be used as a partner talk cue or the basis of an investigation lesson. The question resource comes in 2 fonts- letterjoin and open dyslexia
This word bank uses shades to indicate to the writer the intensity of a feeling.
Use the resource to support Key Stage 2 and 3 writes when writing character descriptions, narratives and persuasive writing.
The resource is a visual representation of the nuances of definitions when selecting synonyms.
This vocabulary and questions display pack for years 1-3 is designed to reinforce and support children’s understanding of language and concepts associated with addition and subtraction in years 1-3.
The pack includes:
-6 pages of words ready to be printed and display in dyslexia friendly font on a coloured background to support reading alongside helfpul images
-3 pages of key questions and reasoning ideas to get children thinking more deeply about what they know about addition and subtraction. This resource could also be used as a partner talk cue or the basis of an investigation lesson.
-Both resources come in 2 fonts- letterjoin and open dyslexia
Pack includes:
-Labels for book boxes in a botanical theme
-An independent activity for children to uncover what words mean
To Use “I don’t know what this word means yet” resource:
Demonstrate to children that when reading independently they can fill one of these out, put it into a jar or hand it to the teacher. At another time in the day go through the new words, add them to your word wall to maximise retention.
Word mat includes nouns, adjectives and verbs associated with bonfire night in order to create a scene description or senses poem.
This pack includes:
-A two page word mat
-3 writing templates
The word wall can be one of the most valuable tools in the classroom for teaching new vocabulary and cultivating word consciousness.
Use this pack to create an attractive and organised word wall.
This pack includes:
-“Word Wall” bunting with a version that’s editable by adding your own school’s font or your own text for the labels.
-Blank word cards with a version that’s editable for you to add your own labels or words you want to focus on in that unit.
-Word of the Week display with a blank version.
An appearance adjective word bank to support writing about an animal, object or setting. Using pictures to help children to remember the words and use and select them independently. The pack also includes a “create your own word bank” resource. In this children can work with a partner or using a thesaurus or as a homework task to collect new vocabulary to describe appearance. This resource also includes some pictures to support the children in thinking about the words they want to use.
Resource pack includes 3 resources:
-Full colour word bank with pictures
-Less colour, printer friendly word bank with pictures
-“Create your own word bank” resource with picture clues and a description of the task.
Use this resource in your classroom to expand children’s vocabulary as well as supporting them in making accurate word choices.
Pack includes:
-Labels for book boxes in an under the sea theme
-An independent activity for children to uncover what words mean
To Use “I don’t know what this word means yet” resource:
Demonstrate to children that when reading independently they can fill one of these out, put it into a jar or hand it to the teacher. At another time in the day go through the new words, add them to your word wall to maximise retention.
Pack includes:
-Labels for book boxes in a space theme
-An independent activity for children to uncover what words mean
To Use “I don’t know what this word means yet” resource:
Demonstrate to children that when reading independently they can fill one of these out, put it into a jar or hand it to the teacher. At another time in the day go through the new words, add them to your word wall to maximise retention.
Use this resource in a variety of ways- preteach vocablary relating to money, display words to support children’s understanding of the topic, ask and show key questions and statements, encourage partner talk between children.
The resource includes:
-8 words relating to the topic of money in year 2 ready for display in open dyslexic font
-4 statements/questions for children to magpie ready for display.
This full lesson resource is designed to teach Year 3/4 national curriculum spelling rules for adding -ous as well as expanding children’s knowledge and understanding of these words.
It is a fun and active lesson whereby children find synonyms for their -ous words.
There are decodable synonyms for children who may struggle to read the -ous words with the definitions and model sentences.
Resources Included are:
-Teacher notes
-Templates for adding post it notes in 2 sizes
-Words to print on to post it notes in 2 sizes
-Lesson presentation
-Link for editing the presentation
The lesson could be used to introduce the spelling rules for adding the -ous suffix or as a way to reteach and recap.
Use this trivia quiz to check your class’ knowledge before or after teaching about materials and their properties. This resource can also be used as a filler activity.
The presentation includes 2 types - video presentation with animations or powerpoint without animations.
There are three rounds to the quiz with increasing levels of difficulty.
Use this SATs style reading comprehension on crustaceans to teach reading compehension skills and aid vocabulary acquisition.
Download includes:
-One page of text including a glossary
-A question page
-An answer key
-A black and white and full colour version
Editable question types for Key Stage 1 reading SATs
This Powerpoint details the content domain coverage for the Key Stage 1 reading SATs as well as consulting the Teacher Assessment Framework for end of Key Stage 1 expectations.
The Powerpoint then has templates for all types of question sorted according to the content domains.
You can ten tailor the questions to go alongside your class text or create questions according to what your class need to work on most.
The Powerpoint is fully editable.
Download this free resource which comes in three different versions to inspire the creativity of the children i your class.
Versions include:
-Blank narrow lined
-Blank wide lined
-Ornate antique style cover with musical note centre
Print as many pages of the lines as you like.
It prints landscape on A4.
You can hole punch near the edge at the centre and bind using ribbon or string.