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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
WWII : a thematic approach

WWII : a thematic approach

A comprehensive set of teaching plans and interactive resources using a thematic approach to skills based learning. The unit is designed to be flexible to the teacher’s needs. Use the whole unit, following the plans or take individual activities to blend with your own existing World War 2 resources.
The Age of  Princes

The Age of Princes

A bank of resources that focus on the life of Owain Glyndwr using images as stimulus for many of the lessons. The units can be used for Art as well as history.
Clychau’r Cantre’r Gwaelod - WELSH DRAMA

Clychau’r Cantre’r Gwaelod - WELSH DRAMA

Prif nod yr uned yma yw ymarfer a datblygu sgiliau perfformio megis cymeriadu, llefaru, corff a symudiadau, cydweithio, meim, datblygu hyder ac arbrofi i gyfarwyddo gwaith ei hunain. Defnyddir chwedl enwog Gymraeg fel sbardun i’r gwaith, a bydd y disgyblion yn dysgu am y chwedl drwy gofnodi yn ysgrifenedig a chymryd rhan yn y gweithgareddau ymarferol. Byddant yn cael y cyfle i gyfrannu a thrafod syniadau mewn grwp ac fel dosbarth, ymarfer a datblygu’r sgiliau a feistrolwyd ganddynt hyd yn hyn ym mlwyddyn saith.
Primary Music Resources Ensembles Series 1

Primary Music Resources Ensembles Series 1

This is a series of 10 popular Classroom Ensembles, which can be used in Key Stage 2. Each ensemble contains at least 4 differentiated parts * a Piano part (two hands), * Glockenspiel (treble clef) * untuned Percussion There are also words for singing as a class or while playing the instruments. Instrumental resources in each school vary and the teacher is given complete freedom to modify which instrument plays the various parts e.g. Glockenspiel – change to Keyboard or Violin, tambourine – change to Wood Block or Side Drum.
La Salud : Unidad 2 – ¿Haces ejercicio? Welsh

La Salud : Unidad 2 – ¿Haces ejercicio? Welsh

Yn yr uned hon, anogir disgyblion i estyn brawddegau, ffurfio cwestiynau a defnyddio brawddegau negyddol, o fewn thema chwaraeon ac ymarfer. Mae hon yn un o bedair uned sy’n cynnwys amrywiaeth o weithgareddau darllen, gwrando ac ysgrifennu rhyngweithiol, lle mae’r prif ffocws ar ddatblygu sgiliau a strategaethau dysgu iaith. Anogir disgyblion i chwilio am ac adnabod patrymau mewn iaith, defnyddio cytrasau i ddeall testun, trafod eu dysg o’r iaith a chaffael technegau dysgu ar gof.
Ymchwilio i Newid Hinsawdd

Ymchwilio i Newid Hinsawdd

Cyfres o weithgareddau bwrdd gwyn, ymchwiliadau ac astudiaethau achos yn ymwneud a newid hinsawdd. Mae’r adnodd yn gymorth i ddeall gofynion y Cwestiynau Allweddol yn Uned G1 Amgylcheddau Ffisegol Newidiol, thema 1, Ymchwilio i Newid Hinsawdd sydd yn rhan o fanyleb UG Daearyddiaeth CBAC. Nid bwriad y gweithgareddau yma yw darparu ar gyfer holl agweddau'r thema ond gellir eu plethu yn hawdd gydag adnoddau, a dulliau addysgu a dysgu eraill.
Geography of Fashion

Geography of Fashion

A series of group activities to develop thinking covering the geography of fashion. Using a video depicting the manufacture of a pair of jeans as stimulus, the activities then go on to consider the jobs and countries involved in their manufacture.
Chwedl Llyn y Fan- KS2

Chwedl Llyn y Fan- KS2

Dyma adnodd cynhwysfawr a deniadol sydd yn cyflwyno Chwedl Llyn y Fan drwy gyfrwng llyfr llafar, gweithgareddau rhyngweithiol, a gweithgareddau papur ychwanegol sydd yn cyfateb â’r 5 rhan neilltuol o fewn y pecyn hwn.
Gilbert the Star fish

Gilbert the Star fish

A range of themed resources based on Gilbert the starfish and his adventures in a seaside town. The resources include opportunity for group work, collaboration and discussion along with activities that can be used on an individual basis.
La Santé : Unité 2 - Tu fais de l'exercice?

La Santé : Unité 2 - Tu fais de l'exercice?

In this unit, pupils are encouraged to extend sentences, form questions and use negative sentences, within the theme of sport and exercise. This is one of four units consisting of a variety of interactive reading, listening and writing activities, where the main focus is on the development of skills and language learning strategies. Pupils are encouraged to seek and identify patterns in language, to use cognates to understand text, to discuss their language learning and to acquire memorising techniques.
Gweithwyr a gweithdai yn ystod Oes Fictoria

Gweithwyr a gweithdai yn ystod Oes Fictoria

Pwrpas yr adnodd yw datblygu gwybodaeth y disgyblion am arlunwyr Cymru ac i ddatblygu sgiliau meddwl trwy roi cyfleoedd i drafod, gwneud penderfyniadau ac i werthuso eu cynnyrch. Mae’r adnodd yn seiliedig ar y thema poblogaidd mewn ysgolion cynradd, sef Oes Fictoria.
Investigating Climate Change

Investigating Climate Change

A series of whiteboard activities, investigations and up to date case studies that support the teaching of climate change. This resource adds to the understanding of the Key Questions in UNIT G1, Changing Physical Environments, Investigating Climate Change section of the WJEC AS GCE in Geography. These activities do not attempt to cover the whole theme and can easily be incorporated into other resources and teaching and learning approaches.
Thinking skills for ESDGC

Thinking skills for ESDGC

There are many opportunities within ESDGC to develop thinking skills. This resource contains backgrounds on a number of teaching and learning ideas with accompanying files for use in the classroom. These can be adapted for use in a number of settings and with a variety of age groups.
Workers and the workhouse during Victorian Times

Workers and the workhouse during Victorian Times

A resource aimed at developing pupil’s knowledge regarding Welsh artists and to develop thinking skills by giving opportunities to discuss, make decisions and evaluate their produce. The resource is based on the popular theme within primary schools, that being Victorians Times.
Thinking skills for ESDGC KS3

Thinking skills for ESDGC KS3

There are many opportunities within ESDGC to develop thinking skills. This resource contains backgrounds on a number of teaching and learning ideas with accompanying files for use in the classroom. These can be adapted for use in a number of settings and with a variety of age groups.
Nepal - A thematic approach

Nepal - A thematic approach

A thematic approach to delivering the skills of the new curriculum through the topic of Nepal. The unit includes comprehensive teacher guidance with links to the skills framework, interactive and printable resources, videos and soundfiles.
La Santé : Unité 4 - Manger sainement

La Santé : Unité 4 - Manger sainement

In this unit, pupils are able to revise food and drink, decide what is healthy or unhealthy and then describe their own eating habits. One of four units consisting of a variety of interactive reading, listening and writing activities, including a ‘Medical Test’ and an interactive ‘Aerobics Class’, the main focus is on the development of skills and language learning strategies. Pupils are encouraged to seek and identify patterns in language, to discuss their language learning and to use the language creatively.