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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
4. School problems

4. School problems

This lesson is part of a set of interactive activities detailing the work of a charity organisation in the Tsunami affected areas of Sri Lanka. The resource contains images, problem solving tasks and cross-curricular tasks and all files can be edited to suit the needs and ability of your children. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
14 Ffordd o fyw Diwrnod Thabiso

14 Ffordd o fyw Diwrnod Thabiso

Cyfres o wersi a gweithgareddau bwrdd gwyn ar gyfer CA2. Mae’r adnodd yn deillio o gysylltiadau rhwng ysgolion Cymru a Lesotho gan ddefnyddio adnoddau a gasglwyd wrth addysgu yn y wlad am flwyddyn. Mae’r gwersi yn cynnig dilyniant o weithgareddau thematig gan gychwyn gyda’r Cyfnod Sylfaen/CA1 a hefyd yn cynnwys gweithgareddau ymestynnol ar gyfer disgyblion mwy galluog.
Working with ICT: Mind Maps

Working with ICT: Mind Maps

Use these ICT Advanced Level Resources to support the teaching of Unit IT3 (part of the WJEC specification). The bilingual resources are structured according to the nine elements in the specification. Each element is introduced with a PowerPoint file which also includes animations to explain difficult concepts and to support the learning. Mind maps and a series of past exam questions are also included. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Working with ICT: Telecommuting

Working with ICT: Telecommuting

Use these ICT Advanced Level Resources to support the teaching of Unit IT3 (part of the WJEC specification). The bilingual resources are structured according to the nine elements in the specification. Each element is introduced with a PowerPoint file which also includes animations to explain difficult concepts and to support the learning. Mind maps and a series of past exam questions are also included. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.


A series of presentations covering aspects of the electrical trade within the construction curriculum. Presentations given here cover lighting applications and electrical works. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Posteri Llythrennedd Triphlyg

Posteri Llythrennedd Triphlyg

10 poster er mwyn helpu dysgwyr wneud cysylltiadau rhwng ieithoedd tramor modern, Cymraeg a Saesneg ac ennyn gwell dealltwriaeth o sut mae ieithoedd yn gweithio.
MIS: Mind Maps

MIS: Mind Maps

Use these ICT Advanced Level Resources to support the teaching of Unit IT3 (part of the WJEC specification). The bilingual resources are structured according to the nine elements in the specification. Each element is introduced with a PowerPoint file which also includes animations to explain difficult concepts and to support the learning. Mind maps and a series of past exam questions are also included. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Ymchwilio i newid poblogaeth

Ymchwilio i newid poblogaeth

Cyfres o weithgareddau bwrdd gwyn, ymchwiliadau ac astudiaethau achos yn ymwneud a newid poblogaeth. Mae’r uned yn cynnwys nifer o astudiaethau manwl ac adnoddau sy’n ysgogi trafodaeth y gellir eu defnyddio ar fwrdd gwyn. Mae’r astudiaeth yn cyfrannu at ddealltwriaeth o’r Cwestiynau Allweddol yn UNED G2, Ymchwilio i newid poblogaeth o fanyleb TAG UG Daearyddiaeth CBAC.
Tystysgrif Estynedig mewn Chwaraeon - Aseiniad 3.5

Tystysgrif Estynedig mewn Chwaraeon - Aseiniad 3.5

Mae’r Dystysgrif Estynedig BTEC Lefel 2 mewn Chwaraeon yn cynnig y wybodaeth allweddol a’r sgiliau ymarferol sydd eu hangen mewn chwaraeon a hamdden. Mae’r adnodd hwn yn darparu deunyddiau addysgu a dysgu ar gyfer unedau 1, 3, 4, 7 ac 18. Gall tystiolaeth ar gyfer asesu gael ei gynhyrchu trwy amrywiaeth o weithgareddau yn cynnwys sesiynau ymarferol, sesiynau hyfforddi, aseiniadau ysgrifenedig, a chyflwyniadau Power point. Mae’r dysgwyr yn cael eu hannog i gymryd cyfrifoldeb dros eu gwaith eu hunain ac fe fyddant yn cael adborth ar eu datblygiad trwy gydol y cwrs.
Tai a Chartrefi - Oes Fictoria

Tai a Chartrefi - Oes Fictoria

Bydd yr adnodd yn rhoi cyfle i’r disgybl sgwrsio a trafod sut mae tai a chartrefi wedi newid dros y canrifoedd. Mae’r disgyblion yn cael cyfle i ofyn cwestiynau a rhoi rhesymau pam mae’n nhw’n dewis ‘y dyn od’. Mae’r adnodd wedi cael eu creu yn powerpoint ac yn cynnwys: Yr Ugeinfd Ganrif, Oes Fictoria, Y Tuduriaid a’r Stiwartiaid, Oes y Tywysogion ac hefyd Y Celtiaid.
Houses and Homes - 20th Century

Houses and Homes - 20th Century

The resource is aimed at developing thinking by asking questions about different time periods and how houses and homes changed over long time periods. Pupils are encouraged to offer reasons as to why they think one of the images is the odd one out. The resource is split into five separate powerpoints and includes – The Twentieth Century, The Victorians, Tudors and Stuarts, Age of the Princes and The Celts. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Houses and Homes - The Victorians

Houses and Homes - The Victorians

The resource is aimed at developing thinking by asking questions about different time periods and how houses and homes changed over long time periods. Pupils are encouraged to offer reasons as to why they think one of the images is the odd one out. The resource is split into five separate powerpoints and includes – The Twentieth Century, The Victorians, Tudors and Stuarts, Age of the Princes and The Celts. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Crwban Bach - Pam Oherwydd

Crwban Bach - Pam Oherwydd

Cyfres o storÏau llun electronig i’w defnyddio gyda phlant ifanc. Ceir hefyd fframiau stori ar gyfer yr athrawon. Gyda’r storÏau ceir pedwar gweithgaredd lle mae angen cymorth ar y Crwban Bach i ddatrys sawl problem. Mae’r gweithgareddau hyn ar gael yn Flash a PowerPoint. Cyfres o storÏau llun electronig am y Crwban Bach ynghyd a gweithgareddau a fframiau stori.
Entry Level Literacy 14-19 Unit 1

Entry Level Literacy 14-19 Unit 1

Literacy units which use Fuse Creator software, creating interactive activities, including animations and sound. The units within the course are designed for entry level learners (1-3) within 14-19. Within the tasks there are questions, an opportunity for corrections and help sheets. Once completed, each unit is scored which may be printed and used within a portfolio. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Entry Level Literacy 14-19 Unit  2

Entry Level Literacy 14-19 Unit 2

Literacy units which use Fuse Creator software, creating interactive activities, including animations and sound. The units within the course are designed for entry level learners (1-3) within 14-19. Within the tasks there are questions, an opportunity for corrections and help sheets. Once completed, each unit is scored which may be printed and used within a portfolio. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Entry Level Literacy 14-19 Guide

Entry Level Literacy 14-19 Guide

Literacy units which use Fuse Creator software, creating interactive activities, including animations and sound. The units within the course are designed for entry level learners (1-3) within 14-19. Within the tasks there are questions, an opportunity for corrections and help sheets. Once completed, each unit is scored which may be printed and used within a portfolio. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Tai a Chartrefi - Yr Ugeinfd Ganrif

Tai a Chartrefi - Yr Ugeinfd Ganrif

Bydd yr adnodd yn rhoi cyfle i’r disgybl sgwrsio a trafod sut mae tai a chartrefi wedi newid dros y canrifoedd. Mae’r disgyblion yn cael cyfle i ofyn cwestiynau a rhoi rhesymau pam mae’n nhw’n dewis ‘y dyn od’. Mae’r adnodd wedi cael eu creu yn powerpoint ac yn cynnwys: Yr Ugeinfd Ganrif, Oes Fictoria, Y Tuduriaid a’r Stiwartiaid, Oes y Tywysogion ac hefyd Y Celtiaid.
Textiles Technology - carrier bag worksheet

Textiles Technology - carrier bag worksheet

A comprehensive series of multimedia materials to support the teaching of the GCSE Design and Technology Textiles Technology course. The materials can be downloaded as a complete Moodle course or as individual elements. The bilingual resources include video clips, animations, text and quizzes within Moodle and can be used on an interactive whiteboard for whole class teaching or by students on individual computers. The images included in this work, to the best of our knowledge, are from sources that their use do not breach any copyright rules. Please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Henry VIII - Source Analysis

Henry VIII - Source Analysis

A comprehensive resource designed to take pupils through the process of historical enquiry. The exercise focuses on Henry VIII and asks pupils to consider whether he deserves to be called 'Great', a title bestowed upon him by the Elizabethans. The activity includes a number of interactive resources that can be delivered using whiteboards or VLEs.For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Henry VIII - Source Evaluation

Henry VIII - Source Evaluation

A comprehensive resource designed to take pupils through the process of historical enquiry. The exercise focuses on Henry VIII and asks pupils to consider whether he deserves to be called 'Great', a title bestowed upon him by the Elizabethans. The activity includes a number of interactive resources that can be delivered using whiteboards or VLEs.For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.