Created with Year 3 and 4 in mind.
This unit comes with a Powerpoint for each lesson and attached resources. I have provided SEN/EAL word banks within this unit if work too. Many of the lessons have simplified and differentiated worksheets and tasks for significant SEN and EAL pupils.
There are 13 lessons provided but this can be extended to 19 lessons if you follow my notes below.
Week 1:
Lesson 1: Illustrate the opening of Iron Man.
Lesson 2: Use conjunctions
Lesson 3: Use similes
Lesson 4: Write from Hogarth’s point of view (when he first sees Iron Man)
Lesson 5: Write a diary entry from Hogarth’s point of view
Week 2:
(structured writing cycle)
Lesson 6: Plan a diary entry (More structure for the next diary entry which is about when Hogarth traps Iron Man in a deep hole)
Lesson 7: Write a diary entry
I then used the rest of this week to finish writing, edit writing and publish writing which took this to a whole week)
Week 3:
Lesson 8: Collect impressive adjectives to describe the scrapyard
Lesson 9: Create a piece of art inspired by the scrapyard
‘Extra SPAG lesson expanded noun phrases’ taught here.
Week 4:
Lesson 10: Identify and use similes and metaphors
Lesson 11:Plan a suspenseful horror poem (WAGOLL provided)
Lesson 12: Write a suspenseful horror poem
I then used the rest of week 4 to finish writing, edit and improve, and publish.
The following plan will go through these lessons:
I can understand what a myth is and identify their themes and features.
I can compare and contrast different versions of a Roman Myth
I can use drama to empathise with characters in a story
I can explain when to use possessive apostrophes in character descriptions
I can understand the general structure of a myth.
I can plan the characters and setting for my own myth.
I can use adverbials to open my myth.
I can use conjunctions in my myth.
Lots of fun to introduce the topic of Romans. Made for year 4 but can easily be adapted. Includes smart notes, differentiated resources and activities.
Each lesson follows the same maths lesson structure of:
Address Misconceptions
Guided Practice
Talk Task
Independent Task
The ‘Independent Task’ slide has a ‘Now, Next, Last’ visual to promote children’s independence in completing their tasks.
The Powepoint is infused with STEM sentences, different representations, practical activities, fluency, and reasoning tasks.
The overall structure of the unit is inspired by the NCETM for Year 4 and some questions and representations are taken from White Rose. There is a real mixture of resources used and combined to create a comprehensive unit that can be delivered straight from this download.
The lesson objectives are as follows:
Identify place value
Use column addition with regrouping
Use column addition with regrouping twice
Use column addition with regrouping twice
Decide on mental or written strategies
Solve addition problems
Identify the minuend and subtrahend
Use column subtraction
Use column subtraction
Use column subtraction with one exchange
Use column subtraction with one exchange
Use column subtraction with one exchange
Use column subtraction with one exchange
Use column subtraction with two exchanges
There are multiple lessons on subtraction with one exchange as this is where I have found children struggle the most within the unit. There are multiple lessons with multiple representations and a variety of challenging questions which extend those who do grasp this concept quickly.
#mastery #year4 #addition #subtraction #writtenmethod #columnmethod #exchange ##regroup #NCETM #Whiterose #placevalue
Here is 4 weeks worth of lessons based on The Pebble in My Pocket.
Some lessons are inspired by the planning sequence from The Power of Reading scheme of work which then builds up comprehension and understanding of the text to lead into writing.
Two high quality pieces of writing are planned, modelled, drafted, edited and published including a newspaper report and a persuasive speech on the environment.
Learning objectives for each lesson are:
1 - write a poem about a pebble
(examining and exploring real pebbles)
2 - create an image based on the text
(art inspired by the illustrations)
3 - use rich vocabulary
4 - create a storyboard
5 - identify and use formal language
6 - plan a newspaper report
7 - write a newspaper report
8 - edit and improve (no slides for this as children complete this independently through a checklist)
9 - publishing (no slides provided as this is children publishing their work in their neatest handwriting for display)
10 - respond to illustrations
11 - understand the impact of climate change
12 - explain the impact of climate change
13 - explain the impact of climate change
14 - identify and use emotive language
15 - plan a persuasive speech
16 - write a persuasive speech
17 - edit and improve (no slides for this as children complete this independently through a checklist)
18 - publishing (no slides provided as this is children publishing their work in their neatest handwriting for display)
This is a unit of work I have planned, resourced and used from the Understanding Christianity scheme of work. This is ‘Gospel’ and it is aimed at Years 3 and 4.
This is a Powerpoint download of the following lessons:
Lesson 1: Engage with the idea of Gospel through parables
A focus on understanding what a parable is and this looks at The Thankful Leper and The Good Samaritan. This has a fill in the gaps task about The Good Samaritan.
Lesson 2: Enquire into the idea of Gospel
This focuses on understanding why Jesus told the story of The Good Samaritan and what it means to Christians to be a good samaritan. This has a diary entry writing task about The Good Samaritan.
Lesson 3: Explore ways in which Christians practice Gospel
This focuses on what Christians might do to be a good samaritan and live life how God and Jesus wanted. This looks directly into the charity Christian Aid and what some Christians dedicate their life to. This contains a drawing task.
Lesson 4: Evaluate how Christians can share God’s message
This lesson focuses on rich discussion and writing to answer questions about what kind of world God wants and what kind of world the children want and why. This then goes into an art focus of creating a piece of artwork to encourage others to be kind.
The last slide of this Powerpoint contains ways in which children can express their learning about kindness by suggesting activities they can do to show kindness.
This unit of work includes a PowerPoint and accompanying worksheets, challenges and activities.
Lessons LO’s include:
Write mixed numbers
Add and subtract mixed numbers from a part-whole model
Add and subtract mixed numbers
Label fractions on a number line
Identify how many fractional parts make a whole
Compare and order fractions on a number line
Compare ans order fractions
Compare and order fractions with the same numerator
Add fractions with the same denominator
Subtract fractions with the same denominator
Add and subtract fractions
Identify equivalent fractions
Identify equivalent fractions
All lessons state whether they are ‘practical’ or ‘in book’ lessons with most being in books. All in book lessons come with ‘Next steps’ which can be printed and glued into books for children to take on an extra challenge or answer in feedback marking.
All lessons come with a ‘Now, next, last’ slide included in the PowerPoint for the encouragement on independent learning and SEN learners.
All lessons follow the slide structure of:
Address Miconceptions
Key vocabulary
Guided Practice
Independent Practice
Next steps (for ‘in book’ lessons)
Some tasks, activities and planning is taken from a mixture of and inspired by White Rose, NCETM and various other planning sites and resources.
8 Lessons based on Sweden, all with activities.
Most of these lessons comes with PowerPoints to accompany. There are some lessons where a PowerPoint is necessarily needed so there are teacher comments on the activity sheet on what to do - some require using atlases or Google Maps.
The lesson learning objectives are as follows:
Design my own Swedish Darla Horse (art based - can be turned into a sequence of lessons easily and an art final product)
Compare England and Sweden on a map of the world.
Compare Swedish to English houses
Locate key landmarks on a map of Sweden
Identify Human or Physical Geographical features of Sweden
Why do 90% of Sweden live in the south?
Answer questions about Sweden
Compete in a quiz about Sweden.
2 of the resources are taken and adapted from Twinkl but the rest are my own created for my Year 4 class when we did a Geography unit on Sweden.
This unit of work is inspired by and based off of the planning from the Emmanuel Project which is attached in these downloads.
There are 5 lessons in this unit of work. There is a range of activites such as: Art, creating posters, debates and writing.
This unit of work has been taught for two years and has been successful each time.
Here are 28 Guided Reading lessons. Each lesson comes with a set of questions based on the reading VIPERS.
Questions are to be stuck in books for children to answer.
This was originally made for a Year 4 class so could easily be adapted up to Year 5 or down to Year 3.
Most lessons have two sets of differentiated questions.
Tasks in this unit include:
Diary writing
sequencing the story
book review
Answering questions
Created for Year 4 but easily adaptable.
Included are the worksheets/questions for the whole book.
2 per page - easy to print and trim.
All objectives based on the reading VIPERS
This unit of work is inspired by the planning of Power of Reading. Some lessons are the same but I have adapted it to include a writing cycle. The writing cycle supports students by including a grammar lesson, a planning lesson and then the writing lesson.
Power of reading week 1
Writing cycle structure (outcome: Eagle poems)
Power of reading week 2
Writing cycle structure (outcome: Letters)
When referring to the names Amari and Nala, my class gave the characters name so we knew who we were referring to throughout the story. Amari is the farmer’s friend who comes to visit the farmer and is shocked by the eagle. Nala Amari’s wife.
Lessons included are:
Lesson 1: Read and respond to the story ‘Fly Eagle Fly’
Lesson 2: Identify effective vocabulary
Lesson 3: Create a storyboard for Fly Eagle Fly
Lesson 4: Visualise and draw a setting
Lesson 5: Build a bank of vocabulary to describe an eagle
Lesson 6: Identify and use expanded noun phrases
Lesson 7: Gather information about eagles
Lesson 8: Create a plan for a poem
Lesson 9: Write a poem about an eagle (this can be extended to edit and publish)
Lesson 10: Understand a character’s feelings
Lesson 11: Understand a character’s perspective
Lesson 12: Identify powerful vocabulary
Lesson 13: Answer questions about a text
Lesson 14: Write a book review for Fly Eagle Fly
Lesson 15: Identify and use prepositions
Lesson 16: Gather information about South Africa
Lesson 17: Create a plan for a letter
Lesson 18: Write a letter (this can be extended to edit and publish)
Clear planning leading up to an independent write on a non-chronological report on Ancient Maya. This can easily be adapted to another topic for the non-chronological report.
It includes:
Differentiated worksheets
Extra information word document where needed
Links to videos to use
Lesson 1 - Features of a WAGOLL (what a good one looks like)
2: Nouns and pronouns
3: Applying knowledge of nouns and pronouns
4: Using paragraphs
5: Shared write
6: Edit and improve a WABOLL (what a bad one looks like)
7: Planning a non-chronological report on Maya
8: Independent Write
Step 9 would be to publish.
The SPAG this includes:
title, subheadings, glossary, paragraphs, fronted adverbials, nouns/pronouns for clarity, subject-specific vocabulary.
Suitable for Year 3 and 4.
This took 2 weeks to complete with my class.
This unit will last me two weeks with a year 3/4 class.
Can be easily adapted.
It contains absolutely everything you need including personally made word mats and sentence starters.
Lesson 1: Explore a WAGOLL non-chronological report (2 differentiated WAGOLL’s to work on - one on polar bears and one on pigs)
Lesson 2: Use paragraphs
Lesson 3: Use paragraphs (progressing from lesson 2)
Lesson 4: Create a shared plan
Lesson 5: Create a shared write
Lesson 6: Create an independent plan
Lesson 7: Create an independent write (3 differentiated success criterias)
Lesson 8: Edit and improve my work
Lesson 9: Publish my work (with appropriate template provided)
This unit of work is based off the the NCETM Prioritisation and is created to be Y4 Unit 5 which is called ‘7 times tables and patterns’. This is a clear mastery approach to teaching maths.
This contains 7 lessons on this unit, plus an extra addition and subtraction revision lesson at the beginning. The objectives for each lesson are:
Revise column method for addition and subtraction
Count in and multiply by 7
Solve 7 times table problems
Identify patterns of odd and even numbers in times tables
Identify square numbers
Identify square numbers
Find divisibility rules
Find divisibility rules
Each lessons follows a structure which will support children’s understanding. There is at least one slide on each of the following:
-Revisit slide (prerequisite skills needed or revision of another previously taught skill)
-Address misconception (a slide that is put here to purposely address misconceptions through discussion, solving a problem)
-Vocabulary slide
-Focus (the teaching of the new skill)
Guided practice
Talk task (a problem to discuss)
Deepen (an opportunity to apply the skill to a deeper question or problem)
Independent practice (3 tasks)
Deepen/next steps (these can be used as feedback marking or trickier problems to give the children to deepen their understanding)