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CC8d Core Practical Neutralisation

CC8d Core Practical Neutralisation

Follows Edexcel 9-1 Combined Science GCSE PowerPoint for the Core Practical investigating neutralisation. Includes instructions and results table together with formula and equation practice. Easily adapted for more able students. Includes simple worksheet.
EDEXCEL C1g CC7b Giant Covalent Structures

EDEXCEL C1g CC7b Giant Covalent Structures

Follows Edexcel 9-1 Combined Science, differentiated to include entry level and GCSE content. Includes:- PowerPoint about giant covalent substances. Two worksheets Activity about diamond and graphite, originally from TES at least 5 years ago but can no longer find to credit the author. Made for lower ability/foundation students but can be easily adapted for higher ability students.
C2b Chromatography ELC

C2b Chromatography ELC

Follows EDEXCEL Entry Level Certificate. Looks at Chromatography, how to carry it out and how to interpret a chromatogram Includes PowerPoint and Worksheet Could be used for lower ability GCSE students as well.