This differentiated pack of literary essay bingo sheets can be used with any text and for any essay focus or question. Each page offers individual bingo grids for an introduction, four paragraphs for close analysis, and a conclusion.
Not only is there differentiation within the individual grids - with some students aiming to complete rows or columns, and others aiming for a full house - but there are three different versions of grid provided. One includes single word prompts for more able students, another features more detailed prompts, and the third uses questioning within the grids for those students in need of more support.
The resource is provided with…
US letter size and UK A4 size documents
US and UK spellings and terminology
Black and white versions
Colour versions
Editable Google Docs versions
Looking for an engaging activity for high schoolers at the end of the year? Use this as a full lesson exploring several examples of current slang with your class, or set as a bellringer or collaborative starter to a lesson with one word or phrase. Either choose the slang words yourself, or if you are feeling brave, give total creative control to your students!
Students are prompted to think about and discuss: a choice of word or phrase, how it is used in a sentence, what is means, how long it has been in use, where it is used and by whom, how controversial the slang is, how existing words have changed meaning, and to predict how long they thing the slang will be popular.
This product includes:
Slang Diagram one-page graphic organizer PDF with fancy font
Slang Diagram one-page graphic organizer PDF with simple font
UK and US document sizes for both of the above
Slang Diagram PowerPoint including one-slide graphic organizer version and a version split across three slides
Interactive model within PowerPoint
This comprehension task focuses on Cath Palug from Welsh mythology. It also includes a short extract about a supernatural cat from Catherine Fisher’s The Candle Man, and includes a question for cross-referencing the details.
There are five questions that cover search and locate, synonym use, understanding word roots, and comparison.
Kickstart or end your lessons with some creative thinking. Use as bellringers or brain breaks - reveal comparative images for the picture in the center of the slide, and ask your students to use the comparisons to write or share interesting similes.
Google Slides version included!
An editable venn diagram for comparing the key characters of any novel, play or poem. Editable Word documents and Google Docs versions are included, allowing you to add precise examples to model the task to your students.
US and UK document sizes and spellings included.
Explore some sophisticated vocabulary with a back to school theme through these word search and definition matching tasks. Aimed at KS3, or MAT younger students, these sheets make a great starting task or brain break before moving on to an extended writing task linked to a return to school.
These tasks come with full answer keys and in both US letter and UK A4 size for easy printing, as well as US and UK spellings.
A single page writing frame or scaffold to guide KS3 or KS4 pupils through writing a five-paragraph exposition piece of writing. The page features five sections for planning five paragraphs, and there are three columns for each paragraph: what to include, useful sentence starters, and space to plan or make notes for the written content. Matching writing paper included for those who like a theme!
There are prompts for appropriate punctuation at the bottom of the page, and this can be used as a worksheet, handout or poster.
This resource comes in both UK A4 and US letter document sizes.
A challenging but differentiated grid-style frame to guide and support pupils in planning 5 paragraphs for a sophisticated close study of any literary character.
Each row represents a paragraph, and each column represents a layer of understanding which boosts their understanding of a quotation or point. Simply use the pre-populated guide questions, or insert your own to tailor the essay focus to your needs. Fully editable Google App included. This resource is provided in both US letter and UK A4 size documents.
Students use the stages of the planning grid to analyse:
Precise quotations
Character impressions
Impactful words
Sentence structure
Punctuation effects
Both aspirational and differentiated - make achieving easy!
Take a trip to an imaginary remote island! Students start by selecting one island from four descriptions and explaining their choice before going on to select seven items to take with them.
Students will have different choices and reasoning depending on their island choice…
Wrap the activity up with a piece of narrative, imaginative writing for their first night on the island.
Encourage students to target punctuation and grammar skills in their work with the Accuracy Passport. These can be printed as A4 or A5 booklets and glued inside folders, exercise books, or kept in a file with the teacher.
When you grade work, simply sign off when the skills have been demonstrated and stamp the skill once your student shows consistency in each area.
Tiny ‘growing plant’ graphics encourage your students to move along to the next stage and indicate progress.
Three sets of five eye-catching double-sided bookmarks for Romeo, Juliet, and an overview of the play. A great introduction, discussion starter and ice-breaker for the play, or even to give as rewards!
Romeo and Juliet’s bookmarks feature the symbols, themes and a selection of quotations associated with each character.
The overview features the themes, characters, symbols and location of the play as well as a selection of quotations.
If you found this helpful, you might also like:
Guided Practice | Literature Essay Frame
Romeo & Juliet Essay | Guided Practice | Commitment
Romeo and Juliet | The Prologue
Literature Analysis | Sentence Starters | PEEL Structure
Marking and Feedback Stickers | Punctuation and Grammar | 23 Common Errors
Printable sticker labels to help you give fast, individualised feedback based on the needs of each student. Save time and give higher-quality feedback in one go!
Each sticker explains the punctuation or grammar error, outlines the rules for use, models the correct usage and suggests an improvement task. The stickers are laid out in printable sheets of 8, with colourful headings and dyslexia-friendly font. Four sets included to give a choice of colour backgrounds to meet your school’s marking policy or your marking style. Choose from pink, blue, green or yellow!
This pack now includes feedback sticker sheets for:
Possessive apostrophes
Omissive apostrophes
Capitalisation of the word I
Capital letters
Single commas
Parenthetic commas
Full stops
Semi colons
Speech marks
Question marks
Improving vocabulary choices
If you found this helpful, you might also like:
Question Cards | Promote Independence and Problem Solving
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Accuracy Passport | Improve Punctuation and Grammar | Literacy
Marking and Feedback Stickers | Punctuation and Grammar | 23 Common Errors
Literature Analysis | Sentence Starters | PEEL Structure
Guided Practice | Literature Essay Frame
Extension Tasks | Early Finisher Choice Board | All Subjects
Aimed at Secondary level, this resource includes six grammar mats for general writing support. They come in both colour and black and white PDFs. Best stuck in exercise books or to desks as tools for improving students’ written work!
Each mat covers…
Capital letters
Improving vocabulary
This bundle includes all of my To Kill a Mockingbird resources to date. This pack includes:
9 character sketch worksheets for Atticus Finch
9 character sketch worksheets for Boo Radley
9 character sketch worksheets for Calpurnia
9 character sketch worksheets for Miss Maudie
7 sheets for Atticus Finch’s closing speech
Guided practice frame for literature essays
PEEL structure guide and sentence starters for literature essays
4 posters with vocabulary for English lessons
Encourage your students to write persuasively with this Easter-themed task.
The writing task asks students to consider whether chocolate should be banned at Easter or not, and to express their viewpoint in the form of a speech, letter or essay.
The bingo grids feature 25 prompts; from details to consider to techniques to include. Prep some rewards for full rows and columns, and let your students aim for a Full House! The shopping lists feature the same 25 prompts reformatted, with space for your class to check them off as they use them. I have also included a printable themed sheet of writing paper for extra festivity.
Both the bingo grid and the shopping list come in US and UK sizes, and with dyslexia-friendly font versions.
If you found this helpful, you might also like:
Easter Traditions | Correct the Errors | Accuracy | SPaG
Easter | Figurative Language Activity | Differentiated
Go Outside | Active Learning | Description Scavenger Hunt
Easter Language Scavenger Hunt | Literacy | English Language
Encourage your older Primary level students or younger Secondary students in need of support to develop their persuasive writing skills using these bingo grids, which feature 25 devices, techniques and features to spice up their argument.
This pack includes the grid in five different formats for differentiation. Choose from:
Simple grid with 25 prompts
Support grids with 25 prompts and 51 sentence starters
Planning grid with 25 empty spaces for drafting features
Create some rewards or merits for ‘House’ and ‘Full House’, and away you go! Great for competitive students!
If you found this helpful, you might also like:
Primary Persuasive Writing Bingo | Any Topic | Differentiated Layouts
Accuracy Passport | Improve Punctuation and Grammar | Literacy
Primary Grammar Mat | Supporting Writing | Literacy
Primary Punctuation Mat | Supporting Writing | Literacy
Ambitious Sentence Structures Mat | Literacy Stretch | Challenge MAT
Ambitious Punctuation Mat | Literacy Stretch | Challenge MAT
Student Newsbites | Introduction Activity | Back to School
Encourage your KS3 students (or KS4 in needs of support) to develop their persuasive writing skills using these bingo grids, which feature 25 devices, techniques and features to spice up their argument.
This pack includes the grid in five different formats for differentiation. Choose from:
Simple grid with 25 prompts
Support grid with 25 prompts and sentence starters
Support grid with 25 prompts and sentence starters in dyslexia-friendly font
Planning grid with 25 prompts and note space
Planning grid with 25 empty spaces for drafting features, plus simple list of the 25 prompts, designed to be printed back to back
Create some rewards or merits for ‘House’ and ‘Full House’, and away you go! Great for competitive students!
If you found this helpful, you might also like:
Primary Persuasive Writing Bingo | Any Topic | Differentiated Layouts
Accuracy Passport | Improve Punctuation and Grammar | Literacy
Secondary Grammar Mat | Supporting Writing | Literacy
Secondary Punctuation Mat | Supporting Writing | Literacy
Ambitious Sentence Structures Mat | Literacy Stretch | Challenge MAT
Ambitious Punctuation Mat | Literacy Stretch | Challenge MAT
Student Newsbites | Introduction Activity | Back to School
This slideshow and planning pack allows students to think about their own interests and knowledge before they structure it into a presentation.
A great sneaky way to get them preparing their ideas before they are told that they’re giving a talk to the class. No more will you hear “I don’t know what to talk about!”
Printable planning sheet
If you found this helpful, you might also like:
Oracy Mats | Speaking and Listening | Prompts and Sentence Starters
Accuracy Passport | Improve Punctuation and Grammar | Literacy
Secondary Grammar Mat | Supporting Writing | Literacy
Secondary Punctuation Mat | Supporting Writing | Literacy
Ambitious Sentence Structures Mat | Literacy Stretch | Challenge MAT
Ambitious Punctuation Mat | Literacy Stretch | Challenge MAT
Enjoy using these differentiated figurative language worksheets as a starter, main, fast finisher or homework task. Use the Easter theme to build your students’ understanding of alliteration, similes, personification, onomatopoeia and hyperbole.
This resource includes two activities and four levels of difficulty for both, so you can mix and match as needed for your students.
The three sheets at each level can be used together or separately.
If you found this helpful, you might also like:
Easter Traditions | Correct the Errors | Accuracy | SPaG
Easter Exposition | Persuasive Writing | Should Chocolate be Banned?
Go Outside | Active Learning | Description Scavenger Hunt
Easter Language Scavenger Hunt | Literacy | English Language
A reflective alternative to the ice-breakers and ‘getting to know you’ worksheets. This simple single-sheeter encourages students to think about the impression they want to make, whilst also helping to create a buddy system environment. This is suitable for a range of ages and all subject areas.
The pack includes:
US and UK terminology versions
black and white and rainbow colour versions in PDF
FREE simplified editable Word version to help you differentiate or personalise for your class
If you found this helpful, you might also like:
Accuracy Passport | Improve Punctuation and Grammar | Literacy
Secondary Grammar Mat | Supporting Writing | Literacy
Secondary Punctuation Mat | Supporting Writing | Literacy
Ambitious Sentence Structures Mat | Literacy Stretch | Challenge MAT
Ambitious Punctuation Mat | Literacy Stretch | Challenge MAT
Secondary Persuasive Writing Bingo | Any Topic | Differentiated Layouts